1.From Solemn to Wateriness ——On the theme of Death in Zhang Yimou s Films;从悲壮到平淡——论张艺谋电影的死亡主题
2.Just for these tragic characters,Historical Records can be provided with a profound and solemn tragic conscientiousness.也正是有了他们,《史记》才显示出一种苍远而悲壮的悲剧意识。
3.There is always a gloomy and solemn passion mixed with difficult life and hard spirit course in his noves.他的创作中始终贯注着一种沉郁悲壮的激情,并交织着苦难的生活画面和苦难心灵历程。

1.speak in a buskined language以悲壮激昂的语言讲话
2.A Solemn and Stirring Epic of Power and Grandeur--Appraising The Sad Melody of Shui Xi一部气势磅礴的悲壮史诗——评《水西悲歌》
3.The Tragically Heroic Spirit of Chu A Trial Comment on Chu Culture′s Tragic Characteristic;悲壮的楚魂——试论楚文化的悲剧性特征
4.A large part of Su Shi's works contains a moving and tragic style which is of a school, and of a hero in dire straits.苏词大部分作品蕴籍出来的风格是悲壮,一种儒士的悲壮,一种近乎末路英雄的悲壮
5.Powerful and Heroic Song Chanted with Solemn Fervour--On the Influence of Yanzhao Culture on GAO Shi;雄浑悲壮,慷慨悲歌——兼论燕赵文化对高适的影响
6.One time of vicissitudes, a solemn and stirring story.一个沧桑的年代,一个悲壮的故事.
7.From near, then far, comes the solemn, tragic sound of a flute.由远而近传来悲壮的笛声。
8.A Solemn Martyr,ZHANG Tai-lei--A Trinity:Three Elitists of Ghangzhou;悲壮张太雷——常州三杰是一个整体
9.A Song of War: Noble, Solemn and Stirring--A Review of The Palpitation in the Spring by LIU Zhong-hua;崇高悲壮的战歌——读刘忠华的《春悸》
10.The Resistance for Man against Foul Disease--A Comment on the Death of Lu Zhao-lin;人与恶疾的悲壮抗争——卢照邻之死发微
11.Yu Dafu s Tragic Lifetime:Puritan in Nature;本质上的清教徒:郁达夫悲壮的一生
12.So ended the most tragic of these heroic but sordid adventures.英勇、悲惨的冒险活动中,最悲壮的一次远征就此结束。
13.On the Tragic Sense of Classical Mythologies of Chu Area;崇高与悲壮 理想与抗争——试论楚地古典神话的悲剧性
14.Wang Fuzhi emphasized very much on solemn and stirring concept in his poetics, which is not only theoretical but also creative.王夫之非常重视悲壮,他的诗学中的悲壮论,既有理论总结的形态,又富于创见。
15.Sophia was charmed with the contemplation of so heroic an action.想到这样一种悲壮的行为,苏菲亚不胜陶醉了。
16.The modernization is the primary theme in the modern historical process of China.现代化是中国近代历史进程中最悲壮的主题。
17.A hero fights for freedom, a beautiful, solemn and stirring epic.一个为自由而战的英雄,一段凄美悲壮的诗史。
18.A Tragic Song of Sadness and Complaint--Interpretation of Lu Zhao-lin s Poems;一曲悲壮的骚怨之歌——卢照邻诗歌内容解读

solemn and stirring悲壮
1.In the first half of the 20th century,the works by the Shaanxi writers took on a solemn and stirring sentiment.20世纪前半叶陕西作家的创作呈现出的是悲壮情怀;从40年代开始,追求崇高成为陕西作家们的创作主旨,塑造人物注重于形象和精神方面的高大完美。
2.One of the important features of Chinese classical poetry is solemn and stirring.悲壮是在中国古典诗歌的抒情传统中备受推崇的风格特征之一。
1.This article analyze the image of women in Black Steed from the consciousness of love,motherly love and awareness of life,it shows the great image of women from the perspective of male chauvinism and shows women’s noble and tragic beauty.本文从爱情意识、母爱意识、生命意识来分析《黑骏马》中的女性形象,展现了大男子主义视角下女性形象的伟大,展现出女性美的崇高与悲壮
2.Records of the Historian reveals mostly the tragic beauty,which is not the destiny of characters by Sima Qian,but the reflection of his tragic thoughts on the characters by his deep comprehension.《史记》多是悲情人物的悲剧之美,这并不是由于司马迁笔下的人物注定要如此,而是太史公在深刻的体悟中将自己的悲剧之思投射于人物,通过浓墨重彩的艺术烘托,使得这些悲剧更具有震撼性,表现出与众不同的崇高美、悲壮美。
4)sorrow and solemnity悲哀与悲壮
5)Aesthetics of Moving and Tragic悲壮之美
6)vigorous and solemn雄浑悲壮
1.This article discusses Shen deqian’s Gediao theory from aesthetic characteristic: vigorous and solemn,pregnant,elegant.文章认为,“雄浑悲壮”、“形象蕴蓄”和“趋雅归正”是沈德潜“格调说”最显著的特征。
