1.Studying systematically on the Roman history of oratory is an important problem about the investigation on Roman cultural history.系统的罗马演说术史研究是罗马文化史的一个重要课题。
2.The education of oratory was the most important content and the ultimate aim in the Roman education.演说术教育是罗马教育的重要内容和最终的目标。
3.Through probing and analyzing the background of Athenian oratory and their function in Athenian democracy, this dissertation demonstrates that the Athenian democratic power is shared by the mass and the political leaders and they co-rule in Athenian democracy.本文以雅典民主政治生活中的演说和演说术为切入点,通过考察、分析演说、演说术在雅典繁荣的背景、在民主政治生活中的作用,旨在说明:在雅典民主政治中,民主政治权力为民众和政治领袖所共享,雅典民主政治是民众与政治领袖的共治。

1.of or relating to elocution.属于或关于演说术的。
2.He dazzled the crowd with his oratory.他的演说术使听众赞叹不已。
3.That was before I took a course in public speaking at the Dale Carnegie Institute.那是我在戴尔·卡内基学院选修演说术之前的事。
4.Of, relating to, or characteristic of an orator or oratory.演说的属于、关于演说家或演讲术的或以演说家或演讲术为特征的
5.The art of public speaking.演讲术演说的技巧或艺术
6.filibustering tactics藉冗长演说来拖延的战术.
7.He is practiced in the art of design. She is a practiced lecturer.他精于设计艺术。她是个老练的演说者
8.His speech is about expressional arts.他的演说是有关表现艺术的。
9.The Evolvement of Ghost-driven Door Spirits to the Convention of Annually Painting Art;从门神驱鬼说谈年画习俗艺术的演变
10.Novel as a Combination of Life and Art-On the Development of English Novel;小说作为生活与艺术的结晶——英国小说演绎
11.Coaches of public speaking are fond of noting that public speaking @is an unnatural act.教授演讲术的人喜欢把演讲说成“是一种不自然的行为”。
12.Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way the artists sing.或许说唱乐最重要的特点是艺术家演唱的方式.
13.The Evolution and Development of the Theory that Science &Technology are the First Productive Forces;科学技术是第一生产力学说的演变和发展
14.On the Narrative Art and Evolution of Ancient Chinese Novels in the Vernacular;中国古代白话小说的叙事艺术及其演变
15.Performing arts performing arts centers.表演艺术 表演艺术中心。
16.One who delivers an oration.演说者发表演讲的人
17.a grandiloquent speaker, speech浮夸的演讲人、 演说.
18.They have something to say, yet often feel the channels are lacking.有话想说又时而感到“欲说无门”,部分艺术家,尤其是表演艺术家的烦躁不满,是可以理解的。

elocution lessons演说艺术课.
1.The "speech" is not only a prominent narrative principle of Thucydides History,but also a symbol of the Athenian democracy;yet it is unexpected that there are not any "speeches" in Book Eight of History."演说"是修昔底德《战争志》最突出的叙事法则,也是雅典民主政制的象征,但是《战争志》惟独第8卷不见"演说"。
2.Political speech is aimed to express position,expatiate view point and publicize opinion on national affaires and international relationships.政治演说"是指人们针对国家内政事务和对外关系,表明立场、阐明观点、宣传主张的一种演讲"。
1.Discourse Analysis for "Presidential Campaign Address"——By Interpersonal Metafunction;“竞选总统演说”基于人际功能的语篇分析
2.This thesis is an attempt to explore text-theme in the Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation , in the framework of interpersonal meaning within Hallidayan Systemic-Functional Linguistics (hereafter SFL).本研究采用定性归纳法,运用系统功能语言学的人际意义理论和语境理论,以美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福就“珍珠港事件”爆发后发表的全国演说为语料,探讨该语篇的主题思想。
1.By the means of exploring the roman contio and oration delivered on the contio in details, this paper attempts to set the action of roman orator and his interaction with the audience, the roman populus in the center of view and shed a new ligh.本文试图通过研究罗马议事会和议事会上的演说为切入口,将议事会上罗马演说家的行动以及他和民众的互动置于视野的中心,重新评估演说这种公共政治行为在共和国语境之下作为罗马政治运作一部分的意义,以及民众投票决定政治策略的行为的重要性,并且以此使我们对于罗马共和国后期的政治运作、演说行为和意识形态有更加深入的理解。
6)public speaking演说
1.American presidential inaugural addresses is an important kind of public speaking, while public speaking is taken as an essential form of stylistics in western countries.演说是西方政论文体的一种主要形式,在其政治生活中扮演着极为重要的角色。

术术1.兴盛貌。 2.宽广貌。