
1.The teaching of the second vault with bent knees in horse vaulting;对跳马屈腿腾越第二腾空动作教法的探讨
2.How to Coach Longitudinal Box Horse Straddle in High Schools;中学生“纵箱分腿腾越”教学方法的探讨
3.Kinematic analysis of the Technique of Handspring Forward 1/2 Turn and Hollow-back Somersault in Vaulting Horse by Xu Jing;许婧跳马直体奎尔沃腾越运动学分析
4.The Ancient Dianyue Kingdom neither Tengyue Kingdom nor Found by the Dai People--The Ancient Dianyue Kingdom was not Founded by the Dai People;论古代滇越并非腾越——兼论滇越国不是傣族先民建立的国家
5.He set the roan at the jump for the third time, hitting him over the head with his crop.他第三次策动菊花红棕马腾越,用猎鞭抽马头。
6.yamashita with 1/1turn山下手翻转体360°, 屈体前手翻转体360°腾越
7.On the Movement of Jumping over by Separating Legs on the Box Horse;跳箱分腿腾越动作的技术分析与教法实验研究
8.Kinematics Statistics Of Li Yu Feng s Tekachev Whipback Technique Series;李宇峰单杠特卡腾越动作串的运动学特征
9.People and History--Origin of Yue People;越人应是哀牢时腾越的主体民族——从实证与史籍说起
10."as a side horse or pommeled horse, it is fitted with two raised handles or pommels. When the pommels are removed, the horse is called a long horse, and is used for vaulting."鞍马装有两只木环,去掉木环,鞍马成为跳马,用作腾越
11.The first picture shows a basketball soaring through the air toward the hoop.第一个画面显示了一个腾越空中向篮圈飞去的篮球。
12.Kinematic Analysis on Tkatchev Stretched Jump-over on the Horizontal Bar of Liu Ding he,a Gymnast in Jiangsu Province;江苏运动员刘鼎赫单杠直体特卡切夫腾越的运动学分析
13.May you go from strength to strength for the next ten years!祝你在今后的十年里越来越飞黄腾达!
14."As soon as possible, M. Danglars;“我也是想越快越好,腾格拉尔先生。
15.When water is heated, its temperature grows higher and higher until it boils .水受热时,其温度越来越高,直到沸腾为止。
16.As the sun got hotter, it sucked up the mist from the lake.太阳越来越热,晒得湖面上的雾气向上升腾。
17.In addition, intense gonging and drumming produces a heated and jubilant atmosphere.再配以激越的锣鼓,渲染了热烈欢腾的气氛。
18.The Trying of the Teaching of Using Roaring and Passing Pole in Back Down High Jump;背越式跳高腾空与过竿技术的教法尝试

Tengyue culture腾越文化
3)jumping over and turning around腾越转体
1.dopting the method of taking photographs at high speed and numeral analysis ofthe films, this paper deals with knematic analysis on the movement of crooking body,jumping over and turning around by an angle of 180 degees for regrasping.本文采用固定高速摄影及影片数字化研究方法,对山西体操运动员郭佳在1990年新创的屈体腾越转体180°再握动作进行运动学分析,得出各技术环节的运动学数据,找到其动作的运动学特征,为我国体操教练员和运动员提供参考。
4)additional height腾越高度
1.Main component of pole vault s additional height;撑竿跳高腾越高度的主要构成
5)Jumping with legs apart分腿腾越
6)Tengyue Uprising腾越起义
