1)Borodin[英]['b?:r?,di:n, 'bɑ:-, b?r?'di:n][美]['b?r?,din, 'bɑr-, b?r?'din]鲍罗廷
1.On the Tactics with Which Borodin Helped Wuhan Government Get Rid of Its Predicament;论鲍罗廷帮助武汉政府摆脱困境的策略
2.Borodin’s Role in the Political Struggle for the Move of the National Government’s Capital;鲍罗廷与国民政府迁移中的政治角力
3.The essay reexamines origin of Xishan Conference and argues that Michael Borodin,an USSR consulate,differentiated the right wing among Kuomingtang central committee members which led to Xishan Conference.苏俄顾问鲍罗廷因担心他们会将国民革命路线化为乌有,遂制定了分化国民党左右派的策略。

1.Appraising "Shanghai Negotiation" in 1925 Again --Discussing the Opinions of Wutinkang and Baoluotin Concurrently;重评1925年“上海谈判”——兼论吴廷康、鲍罗廷的主张
2."Borodin, Stalin' s Man in China"鲍罗廷:斯大林派到中国的人
3.Borodin’s Role in the Political Struggle for the Move of the National Government’s Capital;鲍罗廷与国民政府迁移中的政治角力
4.Bao Luoting and the Controversy about Land Problens in 1927;鲍罗廷与1927年的土地问题之争
6.On the Tactics with Which Borodin Helped Wuhan Government Get Rid of Its Predicament;论鲍罗廷帮助武汉政府摆脱困境的策略
7.The Relationship between Sun Yat-sen and Michael Markovich Borodin and Its Influence on National Revolution of China;孙中山与鲍罗廷的关系及其对国民革命的影响
8.Studies on the Contribution of Baotingbo in Collecting Ancient Books Edition鲍廷博在古籍版本学方面的贡献浅探
9.three years of drug - free sobriety(Ron Rosenbaum)See Synonyms at abstinence戒毒三年(罗恩 罗森鲍姆)参见
10.three years of drug - free sobriety(bRon Rosenbaum)See Synonyms at babstinence戒毒三年(b罗恩 罗森鲍姆)参见
11.sacred book [ writing ]宗教经典S-College罗马的教廷枢密院
12.And Vatican has been examining her claim.同时,罗马教廷也一直在调查其真实性。
13.Commentaries on the Studies of Relations between Byzantium and Ancient Rus in Russia since the Disintegration of the Soviet Union近年来俄罗斯的拜占廷与古罗斯关系研究综述
14.At Borodino the French overwhelmed the Czar's troops.在鲍罗季诺,法军打败了沙皇军队。
15.Bob: Do you know, Jane, Paul is our dean?鲍勃:你知道吗,简,保罗是我们的系主任?
16.Vatican had a change of heart over 'barbaric' Crusades.罗马教廷对"野蛮的"十字军东征改变了看法。
17.Do you know Queen Elizabeth refused to marry in spite of all the men who loved her?亨利八世为甚麽多次娶妻,又与罗马教廷决裂?
18.serious efforts to restructure third world debt(Felix Rohatyn)重组第三世界债务的真诚努力(费利克斯 罗哈廷)

bao Luoting鲍罗廷
1.Bao LuoTing played a very important role during the historical period of China s great revolution.鲍罗廷在中国大革命这一历史时期扮演着非常重要的角色。
1.Polotin and Failure of the Great Revlution in China;鲍罗廷与中国大革命的失败
2.Polotin and the First United Front between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kumingtang;鲍罗廷与第一次国共合作
4)Bao Tin-bo鲍廷博
1.Bao Tin-bo and the storage of "Zhi Bu Zu Zhai";鲍廷博与“知不足斋”藏书
5)the Vatican罗马教廷
1.The Diplomatic Experience of the Later Qing Government and the Vatican;晚清政府与罗马教廷的外交历程
2.In the history of Far East colony and Catholicism mission in 16th to 17th century, Patronage occupied an outstanding position therein, and therefore, a violent contention was spread among Portugal, Spain, France and the Vatican leaving deep impact on the history.在16-17世纪的远东殖民史、天主教传教史中,保教权占据着十分突出的位置,葡萄牙、西班牙、法国和罗马教廷为它展开了激烈的争夺,并产生了深远的历史影响。
6)bowromi formula鲍罗米公式
1.Determination of parameter A,B in bowromi formula by genetic algorithm;用遗传算法确定鲍罗米公式中的系数A、B值
2.Experimental study of Bowromi formula for predicting the strength of lightweight aggregate concrete鲍罗米公式在预测轻骨料混凝土28d强度方面的应用
3.By using multiple linear regression analysis method, the formula which is used to predict 28d compressive strength of LC is established and Bowromi formula is perfected.最后,通过分析水泥、粉煤灰、矿粉以及水胶比对轻骨料混凝土强度影响规律,运用多元线性回归分析的方法建立了适用于轻骨料混凝土28d抗压强度预测的公式,并完善了鲍罗米公式,为高性能轻骨料混凝土的系统配制和应用提供参考。
