1.On the monopoly in the ancient Chinese law;中国古代法中的禁榷因素——以禁榷对刑事政策的影响为例

1.On the monopoly in the ancient Chinese law;中国古代法中的禁榷因素——以禁榷对刑事政策的影响为例
2.Looking at Our Country s Tobacco Monopolization System from the History of Monopoly System;从禁榷制度的历史沿革看我国烟草专卖制度的发展
3.Thoughts inspired by stimulant prohibition--Also a discussion with professors XU Qin-er and GAO Jing;由禁用兴奋剂引发的思考——兼与徐勤儿,高晶两位老师商榷
4.On the Ban of Horses Exportation in the Han Period Decreesfor Passes Inscribed on Bamboo Slips from Zhangjiashan;论张家山汉简《津关令》之“禁马出关”——兼与陈伟先生商榷
5.Promisition may be a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water.禁酒法可能是一则有待商榷的理论,但谁也不能埋怨它有漏洞(说不通)。
6.Some Thoughts on the Principle Against Civil Rights Abuses:A Discussion with Prof. Liang Huixin on the Lawmaking Principle for Civil Code;对“禁止民事权利滥用原则”的思考——与梁彗星教授商榷民法典立法原则
7.Disable cookies禁用 cookie
8.A Response to Mr·Jin Shixiong About His Criticisms on Architecture Theory关于建筑理论问题之“商榷”的商榷
9.prohibitive laws, road signs禁律、 禁止通行的路标.
10.persons imprisoned, detained or restricted被监禁、拘留和软禁的人
11.raise a blockade, a ban, an embargo解除封锁、 禁令、 禁运.
12.A prohibition by court order.禁令由法院作出的禁令
13.mortify the [one's] flesh= mortify the [one's] body禁欲苦修,过禁欲生活
14.To impede or prohibit by estoppel.禁止…反言或禁止…翻供
15.(e) prohibiting the dividend distribution.(五) 禁止分红。
16.This sequence is questionable.这个程序有商榷的必要。
17.The plan is open to objection.该计划大有可商榷之处。
18.Their conclusions are open to dispute.他们的结论可供商榷.

System of monopoly of sale禁榷专卖法
1."Silicified" can't be called "woodened","fossil" can't be called "fossil jade"——a discuss on the name of "tree fossil jade";“硅化”不是“树化”“化石”不能称“化玉”——对“树化玉”名词的商榷
2.Discuss on the New National Standard 《Measure of Iodine Ion with the Currency Method in the Salt Industry》;与新国家标准《制盐工业通用实验方法碘离子的测定》商榷
3.Discuss of Analytic Solution about Rectangular Thin Plate with Four Clamped Edges Under Temperature Disparity;温度作用下四边固定矩形薄板解析解的商榷
1.Discussion on Handling Way of Life Waste Water in Coal Mine;煤矿生活污水处理方法之商榷
2.Discussion on the Content Limit of Methanol in Liquid Preparations Containing Alcohol;含乙醇液体制剂中甲醇量检查限度的商榷
3.Discussion on Useage" the Cement Group Infused Grout Material"to Reinforce the Big Volume Concrete Loading Component;用“水泥基灌浆材料”加固钢筋砼承载构件的商榷
1.Deliberation on the Punctuated Sentences in Analogical Scriptures of Codes;《法句譬喻经》断句商榷
