1."Learning consists in adding to one s stock day by day;the practice of Tao consists in substracting day by day"("Tao Te Ching"chapter 48)is Laozi s explanation of learning and practice of Tao,learning knowledge should being added day by day,the practice of Tao should being substracted day by day."为学日益,为道日损"是老子对求知和行道关系的阐述,追求学问应天天增益,修行大道应日益减损。
2.ZHU Shun\|shui s theory of meticulous scholarship stressed on teaching morals, learning and practising.朱舜水的治学理论重在讲究师道、重视为学和以作文验其所学。

1."Studying Accumulates Wisdom and Practicing Tao Reduces Evil Desire"--Philosophy of Studying and Taoism in Laozi“为学日益,为道日损”——《老子》“为学”“为道”思想之智慧
2.I think it necessary to learn science.我认为学科学是必要的。
3.have/be a B Eng有工学士学位[为工学士]
4.Teaching:Study for Enhancing Oneself--Moral Judgment in Teaching Behavior;教学乃“为己之学”——教学行为的道德评判
5.have/be an LL B有法学学士学位[为法学学士]
6.The students totaled 3, 000.学生总数为3000 人。
7."Be cited as a "three-good student"(who is good morally, a academically and physically)"被评为"三好学生"
8.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学部
9.Why do not he study geo chemistry?他为什么不学地球化学?
10.a secondary school (usually private).中学(通常为私立学校)。
11.We go to school to get knowledge.我们上学是为了学知识。
12.Private schools regulate the behavior of students.私立学校规范学生行为。
13.Mathematics learning is a teaching activity with students as its main body.数学学习是以学生为主体的教学活动。
14.Philosophy as Philosophy:Contemplation on the Nature of Philosophy as a Branch of Science;哲学作为哲学——对哲学学科性质的思考
15.I learn science in order that I may work better for our country .我学科学是为了能更好地为祖国工作。
16.We study for knowledge, not for marks.我们为求知而学习,不是为分数而学习。
17.Rigour is the concern of philosophy and not of geometry.严密为哲学而不为几何学所关心。
18.To live is to learn,to learn is to better live.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。

Weixue and Weidao(learning and pursuing the way)为学与为道
3)behavior science行为科学
1.On Enterprise Management Guided by the Theory of Behavior Science;论行为科学理论指导下的企业管理
2.Based on the principles of behavior science that culture shapes managerial behavior, managerial behavior produces individual behavior, safety programs can be structured into a model consisting of three modules, i.社会组织的安全管理工作方法的集合可以看做是该组织的安全管理方案,根据文化导向组织行为,组织行为决定个人行为的行为科学基本原理,该安全管理方案可以结构化为由安全文化、组织结构和安全方法3个基本模块组成的模型。
3.The needs theory ,impel theory and grouop behavior theory in behavior science can be used .在员工公共关系实践中,行为科学的需求理论,激励理论及群体行为理论是非常值得借鉴的,本文主要针对这方面的问题展开讨论。
4)mechanical behaviour力学行为
1.Al_2O_(3sf).SiC_p/Al mechanical behaviour of compression and transmutation mechanism at high temperature and in semi-solid state;Al_2O_(3sf)·SiC_p/Al复合材料的压缩变形力学行为及机制
2.The emphasis is placed upon the role various interfaces play in influencing the deformationprocess and mechanical behaviour of the multiphase alloys.综述了近年来多相金属间化合物研究进展,强调界面对多相合金的形变过程及力学行为的影响,讨论范围限于TiAl基利(Ni、Fe,Co)Al基多相合金,界面位错源的启动可以提高脆性相的形变能力。
3.The studies on the mechanical behaviour and failure mechanism of material's interfaces arc on the frontier of materials science, mechanics and physics.研究材料的界面和表面的力学行为与破坏机理,是当代材料科学、力学、物理学的前沿课题之一,而复合材料界面问题更有其自身的特殊性和复杂性。
5)behavioral science行为科学
1.Using behavioral science theory and analyzing the causes of accidents of furniture manufacturing enterprises,this article aims at presenting effective measures against safety accidents in order to promote sound development of enterprises.本文旨在运用行为科学理论,剖析家具生产企业事故发生的原因,并提出了避免出现安全事故的相应措施,促进家具企业的健康发展。
2.This article summarizes the role of the social and behavioral sciences in the essential blocks, each centered on clinical cases.本文扼要介绍了社会科学和行为科学在基础核心课程阶段以临床病例为中心的各学段中的作用。
3.From the perspective of behavioral science, as the background of behavior, the concept of attitude should not be limited to cognition.从行为科学的角度看,态度作为行为的背景,其定义不应仅仅局限于认知,同时,也存在着社会态度的中间状态,不应绝对化。
6)mechanical behaviors力学行为
1.Microstructure and mechanical behaviors of Co-Ni Magneto-shape-memory alloys;Co-Ni磁性形状记忆合金的显微组织和力学行为
2.Study on mining environment and mechanical behaviors of strata in deep mining深部开采环境及岩体力学行为研究
3.The mechanical behaviors of micro-diameter steel wool and medium-diameter steel hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious composites(HFRCC) were investigated.研究了微细钢纤维以及中等直径钢纤维混杂增强水泥基材料的力学行为。
