1.The relation of the constitutionalists and the 1911 Revolution is an important problem.国内外学术界对立宪派与辛亥革命的复杂关系 ,一直存在不同的看法。
2.The past research of the constitutionalists in late Qing period mostly focuses on the gentry from other provinces and abroad than Beijing.以往对清末立宪派的研究大多集中在京外各省及海外的立宪派士绅,实际上当时在北京政坛上也活跃着一股京城立宪派势力。

1.The Research of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu s Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty (1905-1911);清末江苏立宪派宪政活动研究(1905-1911)
2.On the Debates between Revolutionary and Constitutionalist Schools before 1911 Revolution;辛亥革命前革命派与立宪派论战新论
3.On the Class Basis and Characteristics of the Modern Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu;近代江苏立宪派的阶级基础及其特点
4.Association between Constitutional Group and Revolutionary Party before and after the 1911 Revolution;辛亥革命前后立宪派与革命党的合流
5.The Ideal of the Constitutional Monarchists in the French Revolution;试论法国大革命中君主立宪派的理想
6.Mind Experience of Constitutionalism Faction Around 1911 Revolution;论辛亥革命前后立宪派的心路历程(1906-1913)
7.Feuillants Religious Reformation -A Study of Reformations During the Early French Revolution(III);论君主立宪派的宗教改革——法国大革命初期的改革研究之三
8.Therefore, it is not difficult to understand how the constitutional faction could suddenly change their position and cooperate with the revolutionary faction.因此 ,立宪派在武昌起义爆发后能够迅速转向与革命派合流 ,可谓渊源有自。
9.After the war of China-Japan in 1894, republicanism was accepted and spread by the revolutionary.甲午战争后,这种为立宪派所拒绝的共和主义,被孙中山为代表的革命派所接受并传播开来。
10.The Feuillants Trade,Tax and Finantial Reformations--A Study of Reformations during the Early French Revolution(IV);论君主立宪派的贸易、税制和金融改革——法国大革命初期的改革研究之四
11.The Constitution of1875 was a compromise between opposing forces.1875年的宪法是各派对立力量的妥协产物。
12.The Owenites in England, and the Fourierists in France, respectively, oppose the Chartists and the Reformistes.在英国,有欧文主义者反对宪章派,在法国,有傅立叶主义者反对改革派。
13.constitutional government, reform, etc立宪政体、 宪法的修改
14.a constitutional government立宪政治 [政体]
15.Comparison Research on Meiji Constitutionalism and Constitutionalism during the End of the Qing Dynasty;明治立宪与清末预备立宪之比较研究
16.A constitutional system of government.立宪制度根据宪法运行的政府体制
17.The Constitutionnel was constitutional.《立宪主义者报》是拥护宪政的。
18.a constitutional ruler,ie one controlled or limited by a constitution立宪君主(受宪法控制或限制的君主)

1.In the period of the 1911 Revolution,the Great Game among the constitutionalist,bourgeois revolutionary school and the old bureaucracy in Manchuria was so drastic surrounding the aim of the old bureaucracy who was attempted to keep Manchuria independence by supporting the Qing emperor.辛亥革命期间,东三省的封建旧官僚要求"保皇独立",围绕这一问题立宪派、旧官僚、革命党人以及宗社党等各种政治力量展开了大角逐。
3)the Feuillants君主立宪派
1.At the beginning of the Revolution,the Feuillants initiated reformations in the field of trade,tax system and finance.君主立宪派在大革命初期进行了贸易、税制和金融方面的改革。
2.At the beginning of the Revolution the Feuillants successfully nationalized ecclesiastical property while adopted and put the Civil Constitution of Priest into effect.君主立宪派在大革命初期实现了教会财产国有化,标志着他们有效控制了教会事务;《教士公民组织法》的通过和实施,是君主立宪派对罗马教廷和国内敌对势力的胜利。
4)Faction of reform and constitutionalism维新立宪派
5)the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu江苏立宪派
1.The Research of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu s Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty (1905-1911);清末江苏立宪派宪政活动研究(1905-1911)
2.As a special regional faction, the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu is not only the political representative of Jiangsu national bourgeoisie but also the core force of the domestic constitutionalism group.江苏立宪派作为一个特殊的区域性的政治派别,其既是江苏民族资产阶级的政治代表,也是国内立宪派的中坚力量。
6)ZhiLi Constitute Party直隶立宪派
