1.On the compiling times of the Preface for DuRenShi in the Poetry by comparative analysis between it and Ziyi;从《缁衣》看,《都人士·诗序》的编辑时代
2.The "You gong de xing si guo shun zhi" of Shijing in Ziyi Bamboo Scripts of Chu State in the Collection of Shanghai Meseum;上博简《缁衣》引《诗》中的“又共惪行,四或川之”

1.On the compiling times of the Preface for DuRenShi in the Poetry by comparative analysis between it and Ziyi;从《缁衣》看,《都人士·诗序》的编辑时代
2.Comparative Study on Chapter“Ziyi”Between Slips from Guodian and Shanghai Museum;郭店简与上博简《缁衣》对比研究丛札(一)
3.A Texture Study on the Character “Zhi”(之) in Ziyi Recorded in Chu Slips Excavated in guodian;郭店楚简《缁衣》“言从行之”“之”字考
4.The Bamboo Text ZIYI in Guodian and LXLNG of SHANGSHU;郭店楚简《缁衣》与《尚书·吕刑》
5.The Original Meaning of the Book of Odes and the Chapter of Ziyi of the Chu Dynasty Books in Guodian;《诗》的最初意义与郭店楚简《缁衣》
6.Zi Yi: Mixed Proofreading and Complementary Study of Shanghai Museum Tablet, Guo-dian Tabletand the Normal Edition(Part One);上博简、郭店简《缁衣》与传本合校补证(上)
7.The "You gong de xing si guo shun zhi" of Shijing in Ziyi Bamboo Scripts of Chu State in the Collection of Shanghai Meseum;上博简《缁衣》引《诗》中的“又共惪行,四或川之”
8.I lower my head. How can I write out these lines? Moonlight like water shines on my dark garment.吟罢低眉无写处,月光如水照缁衣。
9.The Tenet of Zhengfeng· Ziyi and the Historical Facts and Vavasories of the Kingdom of Zheng;《郑风·缁衣》诗旨与郑国史实、封地索隐
10.A Study of the Book of Songs Quoted in the Chu Bamboo Scripts;上海博物馆藏《战国楚竹书·缁衣》引《诗》异文考
11.Correcting and adding on the interpretation of "ZI YI and XING QING LUN of the Bamboo Slips of Chu State in Shanghai Museum(volume 1 );《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(一)缁衣·性情论》释文补正
12.the naissance of the experimented social psychology in 1924, symbolize establishment of the scientific social psychology.晔笛樯缁嵝睦硌У牡?
13.SSCT Surface Stability Cholesteric Texture表面稳定胆缁型液晶架构
14.Narrative Model and Social Significance of Ling Meng-chu s Er Pai;凌濛初“二拍”的叙述腏郊捌渖缁嵩毯
15.I didn't give him the same advantages as the kids he has to compete with.鎴戞病鍔炴硶缁欎粬鍒?殑瀛╁瓙閮芥湁鐨勪紭鍔?鎵
16.These things pay off-good taste, a high standard of ethics, an attitude of public responsibility and low pressure.⒏哐诺钠肺叮?绺叩牡赖卤曜迹?蛏缁岽笾诟涸鸺安皇┭沽ν?驳奶?
17.In1948, the Drexel Institute of Technology in America got a call from a local storeowner asking for help.辏?拦?牡氯鹚骼砉ぱг航拥揭煌ǖ钡厣碳掖蚶吹那笾?缁啊
18.Sweeping privatisation of housing since the late1990 s has radically changed the social and political fabric of urban China.甏?笃冢?诔鞘兄械淖》康乃接谢?癯备谋淞酥泄?缁嵴?蔚慕峁埂

1.The Spreading of Xian Qin Literature Viewed From the Three Editions of ZIYI;从三种《缁衣》看先秦文献的传播
3)Book of Rituals:Black Dress《礼记·缁衣》
4)the chapter of the Chu Dynasty Books in Guodian郭店楚简·缁衣
5)Bamboo Slips from the Chu Tombs at Guodian:Black Dress《郭店楚墓竹简·缁衣》

缁衣【缁衣】 (衣服)紫而浅黑,非正黑。若黑为五方之正色。服之者非法也。僧史略上曰:“并部幽州,则尚黑色,若服黑色最为非法也。何耶?黑是上染大色,五方正色也。问缁衣者何状貌?答:紫而浅黑,非正色也。”