
1.Beyond the hill, the land falls sharply towards the river.山那边地面呈陡坡向河边倾斜.
2.Beyond the hill, the land falls (away) sharply towards the river.山那边地面呈陡坡向河边倾斜。
3.The Effect of the Frontier Tourism in Supporting Border Poor Area边境旅游业在沿边地区扶贫中的作用
4.He smiled good-naturedly as he said this.他边说边和蔼地笑着。
5.(area near the)edge or boundary of sth边缘或边界(的地方)
6.Land located on or near a frontier.边疆,边境位于或靠近边界的土地
7.boundary (address) register边界(地址)寄存器
8.Yes. The station's that way.有。地铁站在那边。
9.The border or boundary of a country or an area of land;a frontier.边疆一个国家或一片土地的边界或边境;边疆
10.The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin.边沿,边缘浅底容器或自然盆地的边缘或最上边
11.While he did so his eyes travelled eagerly over the floor.他一边走去,一边眼睛急切地巡视地上。
12.The land falls gently to the sea.地面缓缓地向海边倾斜。
13.A coarse, large-patterned lace without a net ground.凸边花边,网带没有地网的、粗制的、大花的花边
14.The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower than the one on the right.左边的地平线比右边的要低的多。
15.We have a pleasant chat over a cup of tea我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天
16.We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea.我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天.
17.The little boy came home with short skips.那个小男孩边走边跳地回了家。
18.Ray used to sing and play the guitar in the subway.雷经常在地铁里边唱边弹吉他。

3)cut and fill,scour and fill边冲边淤<地>
5)marginal land边际用地;边际地
6)Adjacent area周边地区
1.Based on analyzing the experiences of nature reserve functional zoning from domestic and overseas, it is proposed that the adjacent areas of nature reserve are the areas within the defined distance outside of the nature reserve.在分析国内外自然保护区功能分区的基础上,提出自然保护区周边地区是"位于保护区边界外一定距离内的区域",实施周边地区管理的理论基础是可持续理论和参与式农村发展理论,实践周边地区管理是以地方政府为主导、各利益相关群体是主体;周边地区管理计划既是一个独立的区域综合发展计划,又是保护区综合管理的重要组成部分。

边地【边地】 (杂名)阎浮提洲之边隅,谓之边地。又弥陀之净土有边地,五百岁中不得见闻三宝,名为懈慢界。亦曰胎宫。略论曰:“五百岁中常不见闻三宝,安乐国土,谓之边地,亦曰胎生。”