1.On the one hand, the text fully embodies Woolf s feminism, whose fundamental stand is to demand a female to be her self, an independent self, different from the male, unattached to the male but harmonious with the male and the whole world.一方面 ,文章突出了伍尔夫的女性思想 ,其中心就是要求女性“成为自己” ,成为一个独立的 ,不同于男性、不依附于男性而又与男性、与整个世界和谐相处的自己 ,也就是要重建一个自足而又开放的女性自我。

1.Great in Catching the Wind--Zhou Zuoren Feminine-thought Narration;伟大的捕风——周作人女性思想评述
2.The Female Concept of the Taoism And the Ecoloical Women Rights;道教贵柔守雌女性观与生态女权思想
3.The Ecofeminist Beliefs in The Edible Women《可以吃的女人》的生态女性主义思想
4.On the Female Ethics in Liu Xiang's Biographies of Chaste Females论刘向《列女传》中的女性伦理思想
5.On Philosophical Singnificance of Marx s Thoughts of Women Emancipation;试论马克思女性解放思想的哲学意义
6.The Raise of Women Sense--Discussing Women s Liberation Sense in the Novel Jing Huayuan;女性意识的高扬——《镜花缘》女性解放思想之探讨
7.Women·Nature·Harmony: An Interpretation of the Color Purple from the Ecofeminist Perspective女性 自然 和谐:浅析《紫色》中的生态女性主义思想
8.Women s Own Voice--The Feminist Concepts of Women in the New Culture Movement Period;女性自己的声音——新文化运动时期女性的女性主义思想
9.Eco-feminist Ideology in The Birthmark and Rappaccini s Daughter;论《胎记》与《拉巴契尼的女儿》的生态女性主义思想
10.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读
11.A Deception to Female of Consumption Society s Ideology;发端于“女性范例”的布希亚女权主义思想
12.ON THE THEME OF ER N YING XIONG ZHUAN;“英雄至性”与“儿女真情”说——《儿女英雄传》主题思想辨
13.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响
14.Research on Female Intellectuals' Women's Liberation Thought during the Period of Xinhai Revolution辛亥革命时期知识女性的妇女解放思想研究
15.Comments on Modern Western Feminist Criminology当代西方女性主义犯罪学思想介评
16.On Katherine Mansfield s Feminist Views;论凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的女性主义思想
17.A Study of Virginia Woolf s Feminist Thoughts;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女性主义思想研究
18.A Study on Beauvoir s Feminism and the Contemporary Significance;波伏瓦女性主义思想及当代意义探讨

Feminist thoughts女性思想
1.A Study on Ding Ling s Feminist Thoughts;樊篱中的思考与探索——丁玲女性思想研究
3)women thinkers女性思想者
1.Both Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvior were the pioneers of the thoughts feminism,most of their thoughts are reflected in their separate book“A Room of One s Own” and“The Second Sex-Woman”.伍尔夫与波伏娃都是女性主义思想的先驱人物,她们的女性主义思想集中体现于她们各自的作品《一间自己的房间》与《第二性——女人》中。
2.The feminism contained in the Consolation should not be ignored because it has overcome the author\'s radical thoughts in her early works and becomes mature and constructive.《康素爱萝》中蕴含的女性主义思想不应该被忽视,它超越了早期作品的激进,变得视野宽广、成熟而具有建设性。
5)woman standard thinking女性本位思想
6)feminist thought女性主义思想
1.This thesis is a tentative endeavor to analyze Woolf s feminist thought, with a focus on Woolf s androgynous theory.在前人成就的基础上,本文旨在分析伍尔夫的女性主义思想,在此基础上解读了她的重要作品《到灯塔去》。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j