1.Green-design-based controlling engineering on the Mingsheng Palace Landslide of Lishan, Shanxi;基于绿色设计的骊山明圣宫滑坡防治工程
2.Seed Plants in Lishan Forest Park;骊山森林公园种子植物的研究

1.Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Lintong Lishan临潼骊山风景名胜区
2.After this, the Hot Spring of Mount Li became famous all over the country.自此,骊山温泉扬名天下。
3.This accounts for why it is also named the Goddess Hot Spring.因此,“骊山汤池”,也叫“神女泉”。
4.It is said that even in ancient times, Mount Li was planted all over with plum trees.远古时代,骊山已大量栽种梅树。
5.Hua'Qing'Chi or the Beautiful Clear Bath that lies at the foot of the northern slope of Mount Li is one of the best-known hot springs in China.骊山北麓的华清池是中国有名的温泉之一。
6.It is also said that the reason why the First Emperor chose it as the site of his mausoleum was simply that "the emperor took a fancy to the beautiful name."秦始皇选择骊山做墓地,乃“始皇贪其美名而葬焉。”
7.Mount Li is not just well-known for its picturesque scenery but also for its hot springs.骊山不仅以风光绮丽闻名,更有温泉著称。
8.Assessing of Environment Quality and Control of Pollution in Lishan Forest Park;骊山森林公园环境质量的评价与污染源的治理
9.Evolution and Cultures of the Image of Lishan Mother the Fairy Tale in Classic Stories;古代小说中骊山老母形象的演化及文化阐释
10.The king thought this a good idea. So he got together a large retinue and set off for Mount Li with Baosi.幽王觉得这个办法不错,就兴师动众陪褒姒游骊山
11.According to "A Biography of the First Emperor of Qin" in The Historical Memoirs, the First Emperor started the construction of A Fang Palace and his own mausoleum as soon as he acceded to the throne.《史记-秦始皇本纪》载:秦始皇刚即位,就在骊山兴建阿房宫和陵墓。
12.The Hall of Longevity whose relics are still there at Mount Li was where Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei made vows that they would love each other for life.骊山上的“长生殿”,现仅存遗址,是玄宗同杨贵妃的盟誓处。
13.On the Coordination of Park Architecture with Cultural Resource Development in Lishan Forest Park;骊山森林公园规划中园林建筑与文化资源开发结合的思考
14.Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Tourism--A Case of Lishan Mountain in Shanxi Province虚拟现实技术在旅游业中的应用——以国家级风景区骊山景区为例
15.On arriving there, however, they saw no sign of enemy movement. Instead, there was a great deal of joyous singing and dancing in the towering residence of the king where he and Baosi were indulging themselves in a hilarious carousal.众诸侯至骊山,不见敌情,但见高阁上鼓乐齐鸣,升平歌舞,幽王和褒姒正在饮酒作乐。
16.The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin (221-209 B.C.), which is situated at the north foot of Mount Li in Lintong County of Shaan'xi Province, is one of the earliest and largest imperial mausoleums of ancient China.陕西省临潼县骊山北麓的秦始皇陵墓,是中国古代最早,规模最大的帝王陵。
17.This paper to the conclusion that the dynasty spanned 3OI years from 1071BC to 771BC, and of the twelve kings is confirmed as well.并确认西周王朝始于公元前1071年武王克商,终于公元前771年骊山之役。
18.On the Multi- culture in the Post- modern Language Context;后现代语境下中国武术多元文化探骊

Lishan Mountain骊山
1.The beautiful sceneries of Lishan Mountain,rich hot spring resources as well as the fact that Zhou,Qin,Han and Tang Dynasties make Chang an their capitals result in Emperors love for Huaqing Pool and the distinctive emperor bathing culture which is characterized by the magnificent architecture of the pool and profound historical influenc.华清池所处的骊山北麓自然风光优美、温泉资源丰富,加之周秦汉唐等政权建都关中,地理条件便利,因而备受各代帝王的喜爱,逐渐形成了独特的帝王温泉沐浴文化。
2.One is that Emperor Tangxuanzong once celebrated the birthday of his wife,Yangguifei,in Lishan mountain in summer.在《新唐书》的《志》中,唐玄宗夏季幸骊山为杨贵妃庆生辰和唐朝全国共有26座关的说法,都不符合历史实际。
3)Lishan mountain of Shaanxi province陕西骊山
4)Drill on Mountain Li讲武骊山
5)Gaolishan Formation高骊山组
1.The Gaolishan Formation including siltstones,shales,sandstones in Kongshan, Cishan Mountains is a typical deltaic sequence,upper part of which intercalated with la- goon sublacies sediments.江宁孔山、茨山高骊山组是一个典型的三角洲层序,可分为三个亚相及若干微相,高骊山组下部的前三角洲亚相中发现 Chondrites-Planolites-Palaeophycus 组合, 中部远岸砂坝微相发现 Palaeophycus-?Protopaleodictyon 组合;河口砂坝微相见 Palaeophycus-trail Phycodes?组合,上部的废异河道微相含有 Rhizocorallium jenense-Gyrolithes-Palaeophycus 组合。
6)Tale of Li Mountain骊山记
