1.Studies on Discriminants for Phylogenetic Extraction of Sheep Populations in East and South of Central Asia;中亚以东南绵羊群体亲缘血统判别式的研究
2.Based on the information using the 33 allele frequencies on 10 loci 16 native sheep populations,whose systematic status have been known,the discriminant of extractional status of sheep population in Middle and South-East Asia were detected,the reliability,precision of sampling valuation of the genetic frequencies were analyzed and cognazed.用系统地位已知的16个地方绵羊群体10个结构基因座位上的33个等位基因频率,验证了中亚以东南绵羊群体血统地位判别式,并对滩羊和小尾寒羊基因频率抽样估计值的可靠性、精确度进行了统计学分析和认定,分别以“一般贴近度”和“遗传贴近度”模糊性判别模式,根据滩羊和小尾寒羊的相应基因频率数据对两者的系统地位作了判别。

1.A person of mixed white and Black ancestry.黑白混血儿先代有黑白混血血统的人
2.A person of English and Indian descent.英印混血儿有英国和印度血统的人
3.The line of descent as traced through the paternal side of a family.父系按父方血统追溯的族系血缘关系
4.Descent on a father's side;paternal descent.父系父亲血统,男性血源关系
5.three eighths blood3/8美利奴血统
6.pedigree cattle血统纯正 [纯种] 的牛
7.They are cousins of propinquity.他们是血统很近的表亲。
8.Registration of Pedigree Livestock Act, No.28 of 1957良种牲畜血统登记法,
9.his entire lineage has been warriors.他的整个血统都是勇士。
10.an American of Hungarian extraction匈牙利血统的美国人.
11.He is an American of French ancestry.他是法国血统的美国人。
12.She's got pirate blood.她身上有海盗血统
13.Dogs are allied to wolves.狗与狼在血统上有联系。
14.My father comes from French stock.我父亲是法国血统
15.Many Americans are African by origin.许多美国人是非洲血统
16.The flow of blood through the circulatory system of an organism.血流在有机体循环系统中流动的血液
17.Influence of Platelet-Activating Factor on Cardiovascular System血小板活化因子对心血管系统的影响
18.cardiovascular system alteration during weightlessness失重时心血管系统变化

1.File system security model based on lineage mechanism;基于血统机制的文件系统安全
2.One is entry gift,thc other is lineage.西欧中世纪,修女院普遍存在两大门槛限制,一是财产限制,二是血统限制,这两大条件限制导致进入修女院的大部分妇女都来自贵族家庭,妇女修道成为一种贵族现象。
1.The descent of Greek tragedies in Thunderstorm——As compared with Oedipus the King;《雷雨》的希腊悲剧血统——兼与《俄狄浦斯王》比较
4)Governing blood统血
