1."Xian Zuo"(仙作),also known as "Yang Tang Carving" or "Xianyou Work",is a tributary of Fujian traditional woodcarving and the oldest technical genre of woodcarving in Puxian area (i.“仙作”,亦称“洋塘雕花”或“仙游工”,属于福建传统木雕的一个支流,也是莆仙地区最为古老的木雕工艺流派。

1.Spillway Restoration Projec Design of Xianyou Houjing Reservoir;仙游县后井水库溢洪道修复工程设计
2.On Woman Education in Xianyou Country from 1900 to 1919;1900—1919年仙游县的女子教育
3.Study on Fraud Crime of Xianyou County诈骗犯罪探究——以莆田仙游县为例
4.Cao Tang and his You Xian Poem;从游仙到遇艳——小论曹唐及其大游仙诗
5.Jian an Style and Youxian Poem--A Close Look at Caocao s Youxian Poem;“建安风骨”与游仙诗——曹操游仙诗探微
6.The Variation of Immortal and Yuen;“仙”与“玄”的二重变奏——郭璞《游仙诗》探析
7.Exploring the Fairy Heart-Relation between LI Bais Personality and His Fairy Wondering;走进仙心——谈李白的个性与游仙的关系
8.To Develop the Fairy Lake in Xinyu,Ji angxi Province Must Be Close to Its Characteristics of Fairy and Beauty;“仙”与“秀”——新余仙女湖的旅游特色
9.On the Artistic Value of Fairyland Excursion Novels of Wei,Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties魏晋南北朝游仙小说仙境的艺术价值
10.On the Supernatural Idea and His Divine Poem;试论嵇康的神仙思想及其游仙诗的形成
11.“Seeking the Fairyland of the Immortals”, For the real purpose of making Immortal Contributions --The main ideas of Cao Cao s “Poetry about Immortals”;求仙道旨在求功业——试论曹操游仙诗的思想实质
12.The Aesthetic Implications of “Wander” in Zhuangzi and the Taoist “Wander as Immortal”;从庄子之“游”到道教“游仙”的审美意蕴
13.Li Bai is a poet in the Tang dynasty who writes a lot of lyrics, and the poems inherit and extend the tradition of poets in the Wei &Jing dynasties.李白是唐代写游仙诗较多的诗人,其游仙诗继承了魏晋游仙诗的传统并有所发展。
14.The First Sorrowful Voice from the Poem of Mystical Excursion by Man of Letters--A Brief Discussion to Status and Idea Implication of Poem Mystical Excursion by Cao Cao;文人游仙的第一声悲鸣——浅谈曹操游仙诗的地位及思想意蕴
15."All five Holy Mountains, without a thought of distance, According to the one constant habit of my life."五岳寻仙不辞远, 一生好入名山游。
16.The wonderland Alice travelled in her dream was beneath the ground.艾丽丝梦中所游的仙境是在地下的。
17.Research on the Influence of Tourism on the Ecological Environment in Penglai Cave;旅游对蓬莱仙洞生态环境的影响研究
18.The Errors Correction and Questions of the Ancient Hand-Copied and Printed Books of You Xian Ku;《游仙窟》古钞本、古刊本勘误与质疑

3)Xianyou County仙游砺山
1.On Geologic Characteristics and Genesis of the Lishan Molybdenum Deposit in Xianyou County of Fujian Province;福建仙游砺山钼矿地质特征及成因探讨
4)Xianyou county仙游县
1.Based on the analysis of the resource characters, beneficial conditions and the restrained elements, this paper comes up with the ideas for sustainable development of Xianyou county.分析仙游县旅游资源总体特征、旅游开发有利条件以及制约因素,提出仙游县旅游可持续发展的一些思路。
2.This paper takes the farm households of Xianyou County as objects, obtains date of cultivated land use through the questionnaire survey, and explores the driving mechanism of land use change of the farmers by the model of multiple linear regression analysis.本研究以仙游县的农户作为研究对象,通过问卷调查获取了农户耕地利用的相关数据,并结合多元线性回归模型,致力于分析样本农户耕地利用变化的驱动机制。
1.Ancient Manuscripts and Printed Copies of Youxianku in Japan;《游仙窟》的日本古钞本和古刊本
6)Xianyou dialect仙游话
1.Based on investigation of words in Xianyou dialect,Fuzhou dialect and Xiamen dialect,the author proposes three kinds of characteristic words that are different from Fuzhou dialect and Xiamen dialect.文章通过对仙游话、福州话和厦门话词语进行全面考察,提出仙游话有别于福州话和厦门话的三类特色词概况:一、反映仙游特有的风土人情、文化习俗的词语;二、仙游话与福州话、厦门话"形同义异"的特色词;三、仙游话与福州话、厦门话"义同形异"的特色词。
2.In this paper,we discuss the various usage of Ge(哥) in Xianyou dialect,which functions as affixes and produces different semantic features representing gender of animals and name for people or things or women\' names.指出仙游话中的"哥"已虚化为词缀,随组合词语的不同而产生不同的语义特征,有的表动物性别,有的表某类人或事物,还有的作女性名字标记,显示出鲜明的方言特色。
