1.Fundamental Analysis on Piaose of Shawan and Its Tourism Development;广州沙湾飘色艺术及旅游开发对策浅析

1.The Humanism Significance of Zhanjiang’s Dragon Dance and Piaose;浅谈湛江“舞人龙”、“飘色”的人文意义
2.Fundamental Analysis on Piaose of Shawan and Its Tourism Development;广州沙湾飘色艺术及旅游开发对策浅析
3.A piece of white feather is flowing in the wind.(一根白色的羽毛在风中飘飘荡荡。
4.Mist was drifting through the pine-clad crags, it would soon be evening.雾在对松山的山峡飘来飘去,天色眼看黑将下来。
5.Patrol boat's five-star red flag flaunting in night.巡逻艇上的五星红旗在夜色中飘扬。
6.The country is gay with all colors of bunting.全国上下到处飘扬着五色缤纷的旗帜。
7.Trails of ticker tape floated down from office windows.悬挂飘扬在办公室窗口的彩色纸带
8.The city was gay with all colors of bunting.这个城市到处飘扬着五色缤纷的旗帜。
9.Yellow dust was dropping from the lime trees.椴树枝头飘下黄色的花粉。
10.The scud had banked over the moon, and it was now quite dark.飘飞的雾,蒙住月亮,夜色幽暗。
11.Sometimes several clusters of white clouds drift across the blue sky.蔚蓝色的天空中,时而飘过几朵白云。
12.and his hair tumbled forward over a face of bronze.乱糟糟的头发飘在前面古铜色的脸上。
13.In the first watch after the twilight, a faint puff of breeze came up out of the south.幕色降临后,头更天,南方飘来一丝微风。
14.The star spangled banner and the tricolore fly side by side above the building.医院大楼上星条旗和三色旗并肩飘扬。
15.In spring, white clouds drift over the green pastures slowly.春天,白云慢慢地飘过绿色的原野。
16.Black Determination--An Analysis of the Personalities of the Main Character in Gone with the Wind;黑色的坚毅——小说《飘》主人公的性格分析
17.and I watched the beautiful view below as I floated toward the ground.当我飘向地面的时候,我看到了漂亮的景色。
18.The instrument is rich in tone color, with airy, floating notes, and simple and solid scattered notes.古琴音色丰富,泛音轻盈虚飘,散音古朴凝厚。

Fragrant fruit果色飘香
3)Gone with the Wind《飘》
1.On Conveyance of Spirit in Literary Translation──Comparison of Two Translated Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind;论文学翻译中的传神──《飘》的两种汉译版本比较
2.Search for Homestead——A Comparison between Red Chamber Dream and Gone with the Wind;家园的追寻——《红楼梦》与《飘》的比较
4)Gone with the Wind飘
5)Hormonia axyricis female imagoes异色飘虫雌成虫
6)The tricolor flutters11 everywhere.三色旗四处飘扬。
