1.Among its many styles, the lion rider contains the richest messages.拴马桩是极具地域特色的民间雕塑艺术,而其中人物驭型所表达出来的内容最为丰富多彩,它从雕塑艺术的角度反映出民族文化的交流与融合,体现了劳动人民对美好事物的追求与向往。

1.A lion, a lion, the lion is strong.子,子,子很强壮。
2.Leo is the sign of the lion.子座的标志是“子”。
3."Wushi"portrays the power of the lion.武则表现子的威武,
4.The performance is divided into "Wenshi"(civil) and "Wushi"(martial) types.其表演有"文"、"武"之分。
5.), lion dances became even more popular and developed into many styles, mainly the northern style and the southern style.北方舞又有河北双、徽清和湖南子之分。
6.of or characteristic of or resembling a lion.属于子,具有子的特征或象子。
7.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a lion.子的,与子有关的,具有子特点的
8.One waving the lion head and the other waving the lion body and tail;分别舞动头与身、尾,
9.the subdominant male in a pride of lions.群中仅次于王的一头雄
10.pork balls stewed in brown sauce红烧子头[江浙]
11.Lions, camels and elephants.子,骆驼和大象。
12.3 A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion.3.吠犬胜于睡
13.The "Lion Dance"stands for auspiciousness;"舞"象征吉祥;
14.The Sphinx embodies the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.身人面有子的身体和法老的头。
15.There's no doubt about it, Leo– you love living in style.子:毫无疑问,子爱过奢华的生活。
16."The hater of work says, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets."懒惰人说,道上有猛,街上有壮
17.Lions Clubs International - The International Association of Lions Club子俱乐部国际--子俱乐部国际协会
18."They will be crying out together like lions, their voices will be like the voices of young lions."他们要像少壮子咆哮,像小子吼叫。

1.In order to find out the characteristics of the sport injury in university dragon-lion dance,the investigation is done in the dragon-lion dance team of Shaoyang University.为了解普通高校龙运动员运动损伤的特点,对湖南开展龙运动较好的高校--邵阳学院龙队进行调查。
2.Using literature survey,questionnaire survey and expert interviews,after investigating the possible entry of dragon-lion campaign in schools,the triple dragon-lion teaching mode of teaching,practice and competition is proposed,which provides a theoretical foundation for the popularization and promotion of dragon-lion campaign.采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法,对龙运动进入学校课堂的情况进行了调查研究,提出构建"教、练、赛"三位一体的段位制龙教学模式的设想,为龙运动在学校课堂的普及与推广提供了理论依据。
1.Iceberg and lion——Discussing Hemingway s writing style from Old Man and Sea;冰山与子——从《老人与海》看海明威的小说创作风格
2.With the times changing,Lion s shapes of sculputre in Chinese past dynasties can fall into four kinds: walking lion,squatting lion,standing lion and sitting lion.中国历代雕塑中的子造型大致可以按时代顺序分为四种:走、蹲、立和坐,代表了不同时代的不同审美理想,概括来说,可以总结为四种不同的审美类型:八方来朝的威仪理想、静穆宽广的人文象征、恢宏壮丽的盛世风采、趋于甜媚的世俗意味。
3.The morphoses and positions were dissected and observed of nerver trunks,neu-roganglions and nervous plexus of the vegetative nervous systems in two lions.对2头子的植物性神经的干、神经节和神经丛的形态结构及分布进行了解剖观察。
1.The larva of Myrmeleontidae,called ant-lion,had been used as medicine long ago in China.蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae昆虫的幼虫俗称蚁,我国古人很早就将其入药,是一种具有良好开发利用前景的药用昆虫。
2.Experiments were conducted to study the distribution density of ant-lion larvae under different conditions.为了达到蚁的合理人工饲养,进行了不同饲食频率、不同饲养密度、不同沙粒粗细度三种条件各自对蚁种群密度分布的影响实验,结论是:(1)不同的饲食频率不影响蚁的种群密度分布,在经过几天调整后,其分布趋于稳定。
5)lion dance舞狮
1.On the Social Features and Functions of Lion Dance and the Significance of Developing Lion Dance in Universities;论舞的社会特性、功能和在高校开展舞运动的意义
2.The Formation of the LION DANCE and it s Trait;舞运动的形成与现代舞的特点
3.By describing the folk festivals,such as lion dance and dragon dance in Guangdong and Hong Kong s Kung fu Movies & TV plays,this paper probes into the cultural factors in the Pearl River Delta folklore,esp.从粤港影视传媒中黄飞鸿、霍元甲、李小龙等,影视中舞、舞龙及采青斗胜的民间节庆文化中,发掘岭南珠三角地带民俗因子里的文化想像。
6)tributary lion贡狮
