1.Story of Lintai carries the collation of collected books library in Guan-Ge of Northern Song Dynasty——According to Proofread,the residual volume carried by Story of Lintai primarily;《麟台故事》载北宋馆阁藏书的整理——以《麟台故事》残本《校雠》篇所载为主

1.The Literary Study onXue Tang Ya Jiand the Guan and Ge Poets at the Initial Stage of the Yuan Dynasty;“雪堂雅集”与元初馆阁诗人文学活动考
2.The material and cueltural life of Guan Ge men of letters in the Northern Song Dynasty;北宋馆阁文人的物质生活与精神生活论略
3.Story of Lintai carries the collation of collected books library in Guan-Ge of Northern Song Dynasty--According to Proofread,the residual volume carried by Story of Lintai primarily;《麟台故事》载北宋馆阁藏书的整理——以《麟台故事》残本《校雠》篇所载为主
4.Upon arrival at Phnom Penh, meet and visit: Silver Pagoda, Royal Palace, National Museum, and Central Market.游览:皇宫,金银阁寺,国家博物馆,和中央市场。
5.Research on the feasibility of offering mobile library services in college libraries手机图书馆在高校图书馆开设的可行性探究——以安徽大学文典阁为例
6.and to express Best wishes to Your Excellency on Behalf of all the memBers of my EmBassy staff and in my own name.并谨代表我使馆全体人员以及我个人的名义向阁下致以最良好的祝愿。
7.The hotel owns a classical garden style construction.Within the hotel,well-arranged green trees,ponds,pavilions present a beautiful landscape.宾馆周边绿树、草坪与内庭水榭亭阁呼应,形成一个完美的现代仿古建筑群体。
8.The cabinet in a parliamentary system.内阁议会制度下的内阁
9.a cabinet minister, meeting, reshuffle内阁阁员、 会议、 改组.
10.She opens the doors east and west And sits on her bed for a rest.开我东阁门 坐我东阁床
11.Today the three libraries of Wenlan Tower, Wenjin Tower and Wensu Tower are still well preserved.现文澜阁,文津阁,文溯阁三套保存完好。
12."Are you hurt, sir?"“你碰伤了吗,阁下?”
13.Somebody wants to see you, sir.阁下,有人想见你。
14.You must be tired, sir.你很辛苦了,阁下。
15."She is cowardly," said Villefort.“噢,饶了我吧,阁下!
16.turn out the attic, one's drawers把阁楼、 抽屉腾空
17.Treasury Bench(下院议长右侧的)内阁阁员席
18.Members of the Cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister.内阁阁员是由首相挑选的.

1.The former is the Guange officials who have concrete business, while the latter is just a title taking charge by other officials.狭义的馆职是有具体职事的馆阁官 ,贴职则系由他官兼领的职名。
3)Taige style馆阁体
4)Guange of the Southern Song Dynasty南宋馆阁
5)Guan and Ge Poets馆阁诗人
1.The Literary Study onXue Tang Ya Jiand the Guan and Ge Poets at the Initial Stage of the Yuan Dynasty;“雪堂雅集”与元初馆阁诗人文学活动考
6)poetic style in restaurants and temples馆阁诗风

馆阁1.指房屋建筑。 2.北宋有昭文馆﹑史馆﹑集贤院三馆和秘阁﹑龙图阁等阁,分掌图书经籍和编修国史等事务,通称"馆阁"。明代将其职掌移归翰林院,故翰林院亦称"馆阁"。清代沿之。 3.指典雅庄重。