1.The Manchu maps,however,are little in number and stored sparsely,so the related research achievements are limited.档案、著述、舆图、碑刻、谱牒等各类满文古籍文献的史料价值和研究价值,历来为学术界所公认。

1.Map and Formation of Modern Chinese National Sense;舆图、图志与我国近代国家观念的形成
2.Case Study of Directions in Making Local Chronicles Maps --Taking the Example of the Map of Ziyang County Annals in Daoguang Times方志舆图制作中方向处理的个案研究——以道光《紫阳县志》的舆图为例
3.A Textual Research on the Chinese Traditional Map of Ping-chou(平洲)and Its Concerning File during the Hongbing’s Rebelliousness in Qing Dynasty;广东洪兵围攻广州军事舆图考释之三——关于平洲的舆图及其档案
4.The Analysis of Fen-A Research based on Explaining Symbols in Maps of Local Chronicles释“瀵”——基于对方志舆图符号的解读
5.Study and Realization of Digitization for "China Postal Album" in Qing Dynasty;《大清邮政舆图》的数字化研究与实现
6.Map Publication and Business Features of Wuchang Territory Society in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清时期武昌舆地学会的舆图出版及其经营特点
7.The Contrast Between Kangxi s Map of the Royal City and Qianlong s Map of the Inner City--The Case of the Northeast Region;康熙《皇舆全览图》与乾隆《内府舆图》绘制情况对比研究——以东北地区为例
8.Another Textual Study on the Chinese Maps Stored in English National Archives concerning the Hard Fight in the Hongbing s Rebellion of Guangdong and Guangxi;省河之南的鏖战——英国国家档案馆所藏两广洪兵起事舆图考释之二
9.Study on the Pattern and Changes of Landscape in Hancheng County according to Maps of Local Recorders Compiled during the Period from Ming Dynasty to the Republic of China;明至民国时期方志舆图中韩城县境的景观格局与景观变迁
10.A person who tries to control public opinion.力图控制公共舆论的人
11.A Tentative Analysis on the Geomantic Philosophy in Chinese Landscape Paintings--Starting from A Picture of Wangchuan从《辋川图》谈起——浅论中国山水画中的堪舆意识
12.The Counselors,the Counselors Opinions and Public Opinions;“舆人”、“舆人之论”与“舆论”
13.There were times that I deeply resented how he sought to manipulate our public opinion and shatter our self-esteem.有时我也很气愤他企图操纵我国的舆论和伤害我们的自尊心。
14.Creative Intention,Public Opinion and Fine Arts to "Reform the Society" --XU Bei-hong s Art as an Example;创作意图、公众舆论与作为“改造社会”的美术——以徐悲鸿艺术为例
15.Cultural Accommodation Strategy in Matteo Ricci s Transmission of Western Learning as Seen from Analysis of Great Universal Geographic Map;利玛窦传播西学的文化适应策略——以《坤舆万国全图》为中心
16.Public opinion is unequal to propagandas or report.公众舆论不等于新闻舆论或舆论宣传。
17.It is a fashion among Mr. Lowell's set to affect a belief that there is no such thing as Southern literature.洛威尔先生一帮人惯于造舆论,企图要人相信没有南方文学这种东西。
18.the bar of conscience [public opinion]良心 [舆论] 的制裁

Kun yu quan tu坤舆全图
1.The Document Value of Nan Huairen’s Kun yu quan tu;南怀仁《坤舆全图》的文献价值
3)map of China舆地图
1.Such as,big cartographic model in Qin dynasty,the "Six Principles of Surveying and Mapping" by Peixiu in Dongjin dynasty,the stone inscription of "Picture of Traces of Emperor Yu" and terrain model map in Song dynasty,the grid mapping "map of China" by Zhu Si-ben in Yuan dynasty as well as the first terrestrial globe in the world by Zha Ma L.此文回顾了自秦代至元代我国地图测绘的主要成就,特别是我国领先于世界的地图成果,这包括秦代大型地形模型图,东晋裴秀的"制图六体",宋代的石刻《禹迹图》和地形模型图,元代朱思本的画方地图《舆地图》和札马鲁丁的世界第一个地球仪等。
4)local chronicle map方志舆图
1.Handling the problem of direction is an important content in both making and studying local chronicle maps.方志舆图制作中的方向处理是方志舆图制作的一项重要内容,也是我们对方志舆图进行研究一项重要内容;对方志舆图制作中的方向处理的方法及原则进行探讨应具有一定数量的、遵循同一制图原则的方志舆图;道光《紫阳县志》中的31幅舆图则可以满足方志舆图制作中的方向处理方法及原则探讨的需要;道光《紫阳县志》舆图方向处理的方法实际上体现出了以高为上或以山为上的方志舆图方向处理的原则,这是一种经验性的方向处理的原则;这一原则对于探讨乾嘉时期乃至明至清代中前期方志舆图的方向处理具有一定的参考价值。
5)Manchu map满文舆图
6)Enlarged Terrestrial Atlas《广舆图》

舆图1.疆土;土地。 2.地图。