1.He only traveled the s outh part of China but not reached the north part of China.他只游历了中国南方,未到过中国北方。
2.This article bases on Wang Yucheng’s travel of his lifetime, with the support of specific travel works and his own readme, preface and a number of historical notes of Song dynasty.本文试以王禹偁一生的游历行为为基点,以具体游历作品为支撑,以其本人自述、自序及宋人若干笔记史料为佐证,以《传记》、《年谱》、《诗歌编年》为依据,另辟蹊径,通过对其游历范围的厘定、物质条件的推定、游历诗歌创作的阶段性、承继性以及以意象为基点的独特艺术境界的创设分析等,企图揭示与还原传统研究视角以外更富含真情、更近乎真实的王禹偁,从而为多元视阈下的王禹偁研究提供新的视角和思路,并探析其在宋代游历文学史中的地位。

1.An account of one's journeys.游记对某人游历的记述
2.Last year they toured Mexico.去年,他们游历了墨西哥。
3.In this way, they traveled the United States.他们就这样游历了美国。
4.He talked of his travels in season and out of season.他老是谈他的游历
5.They're touring India.他们正在印度游历.
6.spend a few years knocking about Europe在欧洲各地游历了几年.
7.He traveled to many beautiful mountains and rivers in his life.他游历过许多名山大川,
8.I have been traveling all the time since then.从我死后,就一直在游历。”
9.He trave11ed Europe on foot.他徒步游历了欧洲。
10.She has travelled in northern countries.她曾游历过北方诸国。
11.Gu Ting-lin s Poems and Traveling Atmosphere in Early Qing Dynasty;顾亭林的纪游诗及清初士人游历风气
12.The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him.这名吟游诗人在全国游历,吟唱他自己写的诗歌。
13.In the fifth winter of Dali period, he visited Hengyang and other places, and moved to Guizhou in the Dali eleventh year.大历五年冬天,先后游历衡阳、耒阳等地,大历十一年流徙到桂州。
14.I travelled all around this world For my heart it was a feast.我游历世界因为那是我心中的盛宴。
15.He has been kicking around Africa for many years.他在非洲到处游历了好几年。
16.He is a much traveled writer.他是一位游历各地见多识广的作家。
17.We're touring round Japan for our holidays this year.今年假期我们打算游历日本各地。
18.They travelled all over Australia for about 20 days.他们在澳洲游历前后20余天。

1.His journey also influenced his life-long literary creation.清代著名诗人黄仲则一生多次游历安徽,安徽是黄仲则游历四方的起点,也是对他一生创作产生重要影响的所在。
2.The theme of journey showed in the Bible is obvious, which becomes a designated narrative structure.游历主题在圣经文本中大量存在,该主题的叙事框架是,作品中人物处在接连不断的旅行或迁徙过程中,通过人物旅程经历和所见所闻来安排场景和不同的人物事件,这个过程既是情节发展的内在线索,也展示出事件依存的外部空间。
3.The theme of journey appears repeatedly in the Bible and with rich connotation.游历主题在圣经文本中反复出现,有着丰富的内涵。
1.Thus, ancient litterateurs and artists always resorted to mountain climbing, traveling and drinking to seek “xing” consciously, and these became what they enjoyed doing over and again.所以,古代文艺家们往往通过登高、游历与饮酒自觉地“寻兴”,并成为他们乐此不疲的超越性作为。
4)the experience of travels游历图经
5)Eulerian Trail欧拉游历
6)Knight Travelling骑士游历
1.An Improved Algorithm for Knight Travelling Based on Goal Function;基于目标函数的骑士游历改进算法
