松褐天牛,Monochamus alternatus
1)Monochamus alternatus松褐天牛
1.Cryptalaus berus(Coleoptera: Elateridae): an Important Predator of Monochamus alternatus(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae),the Vector of Pine Welt Disease in China;松褐天牛的重要捕食性天敌──天牛霉纹斑叩甲
2.Emergence rule of Monochamus alternatus in Yuyao,Zhejiang Provinc;浙江余姚地区松褐天牛羽化规律的研究

1.Sterile Research on the Monochamus Alternatus Hope and Hyphantria Cunea Drury;松褐天牛及美国白蛾不育技术的研究
2.Investigation on Insect Natural Enemies of Monochamus Alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Studies on Bio-control of the Pest;松褐天牛的天敌昆虫调查及生物防治技术研究
3.Analysis on the Provenances of Pinus massoniana Resistance to Maturation Feedings by the Adult of Monochamus alternatus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus马尾松种源对松褐天牛成虫取食、松材线虫病的抗性分析
4.Study on Artificial Diets of Monochamus Alternatus Hope and Rejuvenescence of Scleroderma Sichuanensis Xiao;松褐天牛人工饲料及川硬皮肿腿蜂的复壮
5.Effect of pulsed magnetic field on the survival and growth of the larva of Monochamus alternatus脉冲磁场对松褐天牛幼虫存活和发育的影响
6.Occurrence of Pine Wilt Disease in Chongqing and the Transmission Ability of Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus by Monochamus Alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae);重庆市松材线虫病的发生及其松褐天牛传播病原线虫的能力研究
7.The Study of Microwave to Treat the Monochamus Alternatus and Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus in the Wooden Cases;微波辐射处理木质包装中松褐天牛和松材线虫的研究
8.Combination of Beauveria Bassiana and Semiochemical Attractants for Controlling Monochamus Alternutus Hope, and Study on Molecular Ecology of Beauveria Bassiana;白僵菌与引诱剂联合控制松褐天牛及白僵菌分子生态学研究
9.Effects of New Technical Controling Monochamus Alternatus on the Community of Non-target Arthropod;几种防治松褐天牛新技术对非目标节肢动物群落的影响
10.Controlling on Monochamus alternatus Larva with Scleroderma guani and Carried Fungus管氏肿腿蜂及其带菌室内防治松褐天牛幼虫研究
11.Effect of Fungi Dominantly Inhabiting Pinus Massoniana and Monochamus Alternatus on Population Dynamics and Individual Development Difference of Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus;马尾松优势内栖真菌与松褐天牛对松材线虫种群动态及个体发育影响
12.The Study on Model Karyotypes of Monochamus Alternatus Hope, Anoplophora Glabripennis Motschulsky and Apriona Germari Hope松墨天牛、光肩星天牛、桑天牛染色体核型研究
13.Study on Monochamus Alternatus Hope--The Insect Vector of Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle;松材线虫病媒介昆虫——松墨天牛的研究
14.Research on the Salt-alkaline Tolerance of Different Strains of Suillus Luteusand Their Ectomycorrhizal Formed with Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr.褐环乳牛肝菌不同菌株及其与油松合成的菌根苗对盐碱的适应性
15.Growth and Development of Xinjiang Brown Calves Grazed on Natural Pasture新疆褐牛犊牛在天然草场放牧条件下生长发育的研究
16.Cold Hardiness of Monochamus Alternatus, as the Key Vector of Invasive Nematode, Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus;入侵种松材线虫的关键传媒-松墨天牛的耐寒性
17.Monochamus Alternatus Attractant and Molecular Detection Technique of Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus;松墨天牛引诱剂和松材线虫分子检测技术研究
18.Study of the Virulence of Bacillus Thuringiensis to Monochamus Alternatus Hope and Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus苏云金杆菌对松墨天牛及松材线虫的毒力研究

Monochamus alternatus Hope松褐天牛
1.On risk of Monochamus alternatus Hope in Hunan and its control strategies;湖南省松褐天牛风险性分析及治理措施
2.Impacts of Adult Feeding Materials on Female Reproduction Capacity of Monochamus alternatus Hope;补充营养材料对松褐天牛雌成虫繁殖力的影响
3.Primary Study on Technology of Monitoring of Monochamus alternatus Hope in Forests;松褐天牛林间监测技术的初步研究
3)adult Monochamus alternatus松褐天牛成虫
1.Absrtact:During the adult Monochamus alternatus taking food for supplementary nutrition, the mixture of dimilin 3 micro-capsule and other kinds of pesticide micro-capsul was sprayed to control them.在松褐天牛成虫补充营养期间 ,采用灭幼脲 3号微胶囊与其它农药微胶囊的混合制剂防治松褐天牛成虫具有很好的防治效果。
4)Monochamus alternatus larva松褐天牛幼虫
1.The results showed that strain Ma789 was the most virulent,and the LC50 on Monochamus alternatus larva was 3.在室内通过5菌株感染松褐天牛幼虫研究筛选出毒力相对较强菌株Ma789,然后进一步研究了其1。
5)A-3 sawyer beetle attractantA-3型松褐天牛引诱剂
1.Insects of Coleoptera were trapped by A-3 sawyer beetle attractant within 2002-2004 in Guangzhou.2002~2004年,在广州地区应用A-3型松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope(鞘翅目Coleoptera天牛科Cerambycidae)引诱剂诱捕鞘翅目昆虫,结果表明:A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂具有较广的诱虫谱,可以诱捕到鞘翅目中10个科48种昆虫;松树的主要蛀干害虫是松褐天牛、赤梗天牛Arhopalus unicolor Ganhan、马尾松角胫象Shirahoshizo patruelis Voss、松瘤象Hyposipalus gigas Fabricius和松纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda Linnaeus等小蠹虫;进一步分离所诱捕的松褐天牛及其他松树主要蛀干害虫携带松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Nickle的情况,发现松褐天牛与赤梗天牛均携带松材线虫,其中松褐天牛是松材线虫病最重要的传播媒介。
2.Monochamus alternatus Hope and other principal pine stem-borers were monitored by A-3 sawyer beetle attractant in continuously three years in Guangzhou.在广东地区,应用A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂连续3年监测松褐天牛及其它松树主要蛀干害虫的为害情况,结果表明:A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂可以持续监测林间松褐天牛、赤梗天牛、马尾松角胫象和松瘤象等松树主要蛀干害虫成虫的发生时间、发生量和发生规律,为监测、预报、控制松树主要蛀干害虫提供直接、客观的依据。
6)anti-maturation feeding by the adult of M.alternatus抗松褐天牛成虫取食

艾洛松 ,糖酸莫米松 ,糠酸莫米松乳膏药物名称:艾洛松英文名:Mometasone Furoate别名: 艾洛松 ,糖酸莫米松 ,糠酸莫米松乳膏外文名:Mometasone Furoate作用与用途: 为合成的糖皮质激素。有抗过敏作用,用于对皮质类固醇治疗有效的皮肤病,如神经性皮炎、湿疹、异位性皮炎及银屑病等引起的皮肤炎症和皮肤瘙痒。适应症: 对皮质类固醇有效的皮肤病,如异位性皮炎。 用量用法: 1次/日,涂于患处。 不良反应: 极少见局部感觉异常,瘙痒和皮肤萎缩。 注意事项:1..本品不宜长期大量使用。2.大面积、长期或采用封包方式使用会增加药物全身吸收,使副作用增加。3.小儿使用应尽可能减少药用量。4.有皮肤感染必须同时使用抗感染药。5.发生刺激和过敏反应应停止用药并治疗。6.孕妇慎用,哺乳期妇女使用本品需考虑停止哺乳或停止用药。规格: 乳膏 0.1% x 5 g。 类别:皮肤病用药