光皮桦,Betula luminifera
1)Betula luminifera光皮桦
1.Genetic Diversity of Betula luminifera Populations at Different Altitudes in Wuyi Mountains and Its Association with Ecological Factors;武夷山不同海拔光皮桦种群遗传多样性及其与生态因子的相关性
2.The effect of different afforestation density and mixed tree species on young plantation of Betula luminifera;不同造林密度和混交树种对光皮桦幼林生长的影响
3.Study on the Growth of Betula luminifera in Fuyuan County;富源县光皮桦生长规律研究

1.The Analysis on the Genetic Testing Result of Betula Luminifera′s Clone Grafting Seeding;光皮桦无性系当代遗传测定结果分析
2.Study on Nutrient Use Efficiency in the Mixed Forest with Betula luminifera and Cunninghamia lanceolata光皮桦杉木混交林养分利用效率研究
3.The effects of light intensities on survival rate and growth of Betula luminifera seedlings;遮光对光皮桦苗木存活率及生长效应分析
4.An Analysis of the Growth Effect of Young Betula luminifera Plantation under Different Site Conditions光皮桦人工幼林不同立地条件生长效应分析
5.The superior genetic material selection and the performance of improved Betula luminifera in the earlier stage光皮桦优良遗传材料选择及改良前期效果
6.Fine Root Distribution and Nutrient Dynamics in the Compound Mode of Betula Luminifera-Hemarthria Compressa;光皮桦—扁穗牛鞭草复合模式细根分布与养分动态研究
7.Study on the Genetic Variations of Plus Trees and the Characteristics of Flowering and Fruiting of Betula Luminifera;光皮桦优树子代遗传变异及开花结实特性的研究
8.Genetic Variation of Natural Populations of Betula luminifera in Fujian and Its Relationship with the Habitat福建光皮桦野生种群遗传变异及其与生境的关系
9.Varieties of soil microorganisms decomposing Betula luminifera fine roots and Hemarthria compressa roots光皮桦细根与扁穗牛鞭草草根分解的土壤微生物数量及优势类群
10.Primary Study on the Major Community Types of Betula luminifera Secondary Forests in Northwest Guizhou黔西北地区光皮桦次生林主要群落类型初步研究
11.Effects of ion implantation on protective enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation of Betula luminifera seedlings离子注入对光皮桦幼苗保护酶活性及脂质过氧化作用的影响
12.Effects of different environment of Karst forest on the biomass of Betula luminifera saplings喀斯特森林林分环境对光皮桦幼树生物量的影响
13.I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a sliver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine.我爱抚着光滑的白桦树皮或粗糙的松树皮。
14.a smooth leather tanned with willow, birch, or oak, and scented on the flesh side with birch oil.一种光滑的皮革,经过柳木、桦木、橡木硝制,内壁用桦树油加上香味。
15.I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough, shaggy bark of a pine.我用手喜爱地抚摸过一株白桦那光潮的树皮,或一棵松树的粗糙树皮。
16.any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark.桦属的任何一种桦树或灌木,有薄的剥落的树皮。
17.I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine.我钟爱地伸手抚摸、感觉出树叶的对称十分精巧,白桦树的肌肤光滑细腻,松树皮粗糙凹凸。
18.Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Betula platyphylla and Betula maximowicziana Seedlings白桦和真桦光合特性及水分利用效率的比较

Betula luminifera光皮桦木
1.Biomass and Spatial Distribution of the Fine Root of the Betula luminifera-Hemarthria compressa Composite Mode;光皮桦木-扁穗牛鞭草复合模式细根草根生物量及空间分布
3)Betula luminifera forest光皮桦林
4)Betula lumminifera natural forest光皮桦天然林
5)Betula luminiferra-Hemarthria compressa光皮桦-扁穗牛鞭草
6)Betula bark白桦树皮
1.A three-wavelength spectrophotometric method is proposed for determination of Condensation-tannis in Betula bark based on the reduction of potassium ferricyanide-ammonium ferric sulphate by Condensation-tannis in the acid medium.建立了三波长分光光度法测定白桦树皮中缩合鞣质含量的分析方法。
2.A new method of determining the antioxidant activity of betulin from betula bark is established.建立了一种测定白桦树皮中白桦脂醇对羟自由基清除率的新方法。

桦皮船  中国北方渔猎民族以桦树皮制成的用于渔猎生产及水上交通运输的工具。(见彩图)鄂温克族称"佳乌",赫哲族称"乌末日沉"。船体长约两丈,两端尖翘,中间最宽处约2尺,高2尺5寸。鄂伦春族的桦皮船用樟木做骨架,用桦皮做船底和船帮,外涂以松脂,以防漏水。桦皮船体轻,一人即能搬运使用。其用途有:①赫哲族用以叉鱼。②鄂温克族用以狩猎。夏季夜间,将船隐蔽河边,当到来将头全部伸入水中时,猎人即快速划船,用扎枪刺获猎物。③清代八旗边卡士兵巡逻时用以渡河,顺流船速每小时约50华里。一只桦皮船可用2~3年。苏联西伯利亚的渔猎民族也使用桦皮船。