1.The Manufacturing Technology of Larch Plywood Wall Sheathing with Laminated Core for Wood Framing House;木结构用落叶松集成芯板墙面板生产工艺技术
2.Influence of Intensive Microwave Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Larch Wood;高强度微波处理对落叶松木材力学性质的影响
3.Technology of the Stick-Shaped Bottom-Board in the Automobile Carriage Produced by Overlong LVL of Larch;汽车厢条型底板用落叶松超长单板层积材生产工艺技术

1.Study on Effect of Quality of Larch Foliage on Denderolimus superans(Butler)落叶松针叶的质量对落叶松毛虫影响的研究
2.Study on Relationship between Larch Needle Cast and Forest Soil落叶松落叶病与林地土壤关系的研究
3.surgeons' agaric干落叶松蕈(止血药)
4.Comparison on Photosynthesis of Larix Kaempferi Carr., L. Olgensis Herry. and Their Hybrids日本落叶松、长白落叶松及其杂种光合作用比较
5.Comparative study on the growth of different age of Larix kaempferi and Larix principis-rupprechtii不同林龄日本落叶松与华北落叶松生长的比较
6.This pine is called the larch, it grows well in temperate zones.这棵松树是落叶松, 适合生长在温带。
7.medium-sized larch of North American Rocky Mountains; closely related to Larix_occidentalis.北美落基山一带的中型落叶松;与西部落叶松近属。
8.Effects of Cone Yield on Free Amino Acid Contents in the Needles of Larix gmelinii and L. olgensis结实量对兴安落叶松和长白落叶松针叶内游离氨基酸含量的影响
9.Succession Trend of Larch Plantation Communities in Forest Regions of Northeast China东北林区落叶松人工林群落演替趋势
10.Chinese larchlike deciduous conifer with golden yellow leaves.中国一种类似于落叶松的每年落叶的针叶树,金黄色叶子。
11.The Point of Fiber Liberation of Amur Silver Grass, Rice Straw and Larch2. Rice Straw and Larch荻、稻草与落叶松纤维分离点的研究——Ⅱ.稻草和落叶松的纤维分离点
12.The Inducting and Using of Dendrolimus Superans (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) to the Volatiles of Larix Gmelinii;落叶松毛虫对落叶松挥发性化合物的诱导与利用
13.Molecular Mechanism of Different Rooting Capacity between Two Clones of Larix Leptolepis×Larix Olgensis;日本落叶松×长白落叶松无性系间生根差异的分子机制
14.Behavioural Responses of Dendrolimus superans to Dahurin Larch and Its Nine Volatiles落叶松毛虫对兴安落叶松9种挥发性物质的行为反应
15.Any of several deciduous, coniferous trees of the genus Larix, having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy, durable wood.落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质
16.Study on the Niche and the Production of Artificial Korean Pine and Larch Population人工红松落叶松种群生态位及生产力的研究
17.Compare Study on Nutrient Ecology of Pinus Koraiensis and Larix Olgensis Plantation Ecosystems;红松和落叶松人工林养分生态学比较研究
18.Study on Prevention and Cure of Ganoderma Lucidum of Larix and Pinus Koraiensis;种子园落叶松、红松根朽病综合防治技术的研究

Larix gmelinii落叶松
1.The Biology Characteristics and the Anti-suppress Germ Measurement on Root-rot Pathogen of Larix gmelinii;落叶松根朽病病原生物学特性及其拮抗抑菌测定
2.Effects of nitrogen fertilization on ectomycorrhizal infection of first order roots and root morphology of Larix gmelinii plantation;施用氮肥对落叶松人工林一级根外生菌根侵染及形态的影响
3.Effect of Temperature on Ring Width and Ring Density of Larix gmelinii Plantation during Growing Season;生长季气温对人工林落叶松生长轮宽度和密度的影响
1.Analyses on Introduction Results of 4 Tree Species in Genus Larix and Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes;4种落叶松的引种效果与光合日进程
2.Study on Optimization for ISSR Reaction System of Larix using Orthogonal Design;正交设计优化落叶松ISSR-PCR反应体系
3.The Current Status of Larix Somatic Embryogenesis Research;落叶松体细胞胚胎发生研究进展
4)Larix gmelini落叶松
1.Catalytic hydrogenolysis of polymeric proanthocyanidins from Larix gmelini bark by Pd/C catalyst;落叶松多聚原花色素的Pd/C催化氢解反应研究
2.Effects of Larix gmelini aqueous extracts on seed germination and seedling growth of Juglans mandshurica.;落叶松水浸液对胡桃楸种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响
3.Bioassay of Allelopathical Activity of Larch (Larix gmelini) Aqueous Extracts against Juglans mandshurica;落叶松水提物对胡桃楸化感作用的生物测定
5)Larix spp落叶松
1.Influence of Resource Distribution on Pest-resistance of Larix spp.;资源分配对落叶松抗虫性的影响
2.Five replaced partially-decayed Larix spp.为了探讨应用阻力仪检测方法定量评估古建筑木材材质状况的方法和途径,该文以故宫武英殿维修时替换下来的局部腐朽的5根落叶松旧木构件加工的319个试件为材料,用目测法将试件划分为未腐朽及4个腐朽等级,共5个等级,测定了试件的气干密度、抗弯强度和顺纹抗压强度,并对抗弯强度试件进行了阻力仪检测。
3.mongolica and larix spp.通过采用75%五氯硝基苯可湿粉、75%代森锰锌可湿粉、75%代森锌粉、50%氯氧化铜粉、75%四甲基二硫化物和升汞对樟子松和落叶松种子进行处理,就发芽值、总发芽率和成活率来看,五氯硝基苯和代森锰锌防治松苗猝倒病的适用性最好。
6)Larix gmelini(Rupr.)Rupr.community落叶松群落
