森林文化,Forest Culture
1)Forest Culture森林文化
1.Forest Culture and Its Development during Chinese Different Historical Periods;中国历史时期的森林文化及其发展
2.Study on Social,Economic & Systematie Characteristics of Forest Culture;森林文化的社会、经济及系统特征

1.Relationship between Forest Culture and Its Sustainable Management森林文化与森林可持续经营关系探讨
2.Forest Fire:an Important Aspect of Forest Culture;林火文化:森林文化的一个重要方面
3.The Impact of Forest Culture and Forest Thought on National Character;论森林文化和森林思想对民族性格的影响
4.Applying Forest Culture to the Management of Ecological Environment for Forest Tourism;在森林文化的导引下管理森林旅游生态环境
5.The relationship between Hunan forest culture and Huxiang music culture湖南森林文化与湖湘音乐文化的关系
6.Mechanism and Optimization of Forest Culture Communication Based on Forest Parks依托森林公园传播森林文化的机制及其优化策略
7.China Ancient Forest Culture in <Taipingguangji>;《太平广记》反映的中国古代森林文化
8.Development Motivation and Motion Law of Forest Culture森林文化发展的动因及运动规律探讨
9.Study on the Level Index of Forest Culture--Taking a Case in Hunan Province as the Example森林文化水平指数初探——以湖南省为例
10.Forest Culture and Its Status in the System of Chinese Culture;森林文化及其在中华文化体系中的地位
11.Forest Culture Studies and Its Position and Functions in Higher Forestry Education;森林文化学及其在高等林业教育中的地位和作用
12.The Status and Trends of Research on Water Services Markets from Forests;森林水文服务市场化研究现状与趋势
13.Where Would Their Lives Go--Exploration on Cultural Connation of Norwegian Wood;命归何处——《挪威的森林》文化意蕴之阐释
14.Ecological Spirit Culture: Layer,Connotation, and Construction--Taking the Ecological Spirit Culture Construction in Creating State Forest Cityasan Example森林生态精神文化:层次·内涵·建设——以国家森林城市创建中生态精神文化建设为例
15.Study on the the Cultural Advancement in the Urban Forest Parks at the Background of Tourism Experience;旅游体验视域下城市森林公园的文化建设研究
16.Said and Tomlinson: On Cultural Imperialism;萨义德与汤林森关于“文化帝国主义”的讨论
17.The Design of Leigongshan Forest Park Showing Miao Nationality Culture and Tourism;雷公山森林公园的苗族文化与旅游展示设计
18.Study on Ethnic Cultural Traditions of Ecological Protection and Forest Management;浅谈少数民族生态文化与森林资源管理

forest culture studies森林文化学
1.In order to discuss the concept and subject system of forest culture studies,the authors have researched the origin of forest culture thoughts at home and abroad and the development course of forest culture studies in China.为探讨森林文化学的概念及其学科体系的组成,该文通过对中外森林文化思想的产生和我国森林文化研究发展历程的考证,提出了一个森林文化学的定义,即森林文化学是研究在物质、制度和精神层面上的森林文化现象及其相互关系的科学。
2.Aiming at the two key issues of the establishment of forest culture studies,its discipline and recognizing its interdisciplinary nature,the author sums up the forest culture studies in the past 20 years by a comparative analysis.围绕森林文化学构建的两个关键问题——学科本质与学科体系,在梳理20年来学界森林文化研究成果的基础上,紧扣其学科交叉性质,通过比较分析,辨析森林文化森林文化学、森林文化学与森林文化学科、森林文化体系与森林文化学体系之间的关系,并从学理的层面探讨森林文化学及其学科理论体系的构建。
3)forest cultural sphere森林文化圈
4)culture of forest park森林公园文化
5)forestry tourism culture森林旅游文化
1.Forestry tourism culture possesses a cultural characteristic that shows ultimate solicitude for humanity destiny,which is the highest object of forestry tourism culture.森林旅游文化以现代工业文明作为它的文化背景 ,其核心文化理念是生态与可持续发展的理念 ,以现代森林文化作为基点 ,体现出传统文化的底蕴。
6)Ethnic forest culture民族森林文化

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。