旅游中间商,tourism intermediate
1)tourism intermediate旅游中间商
1.The passage uses personalized information service pattern into electronic tourism intermediate in order to improve its service standard.本文将个性化信息服务模式运用于电子旅游中间商,以提高其服务水平。

1.Research on Individualized Information Service Pattern of Electronic Tourism Intermediates;电子旅游中间商的个性化信息服务模式研究
2.A Research on Spatial Data Management of Tourism Information and Electronic Commerce System;旅游信息与电子商务系统中的空间数据管理技术研究
3.Tourist Space Creation on the Business Center of City--Based on the Sanxia Square论城市商业中心的旅游空间营造——以重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场为例
4.Packaging Design of Tourist Commodities Influenced by Folk Art;民间艺术对旅游商品包装设计的影响
5.With the tremendous increase of business clients at home and abroad, business award tourism has become the most potential category in Chinese tourism industry.随着海内外商旅客户的大量增加,商务会奖旅游已成为中国旅游业中最具潜力的旅游种类。
6.Review on the Relationship between the Way of Tourism Development and Tourism Legislation in China;论中国旅游发展道路与旅游立法之间的关系
7.Optimization of Tourism Spatial of Xuchang City based on "Zhongyuan Cultural Tourism Circle"基于“中原文化旅游圈”的许昌旅游空间优化
8.Probe into Strategic Cooperation in E-Tourism between China-Asean;中国—东盟旅游电子商务战略合作探讨
9.The Analysis About the Present Situation of Tourism Commodity Industry and the Solutions;中国旅游商品行业的现状及对策研究
10.On the Character of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tourism--A Discussion with Zhang Qun;中医药旅游性质之我见——兼与张群商榷
11.A Trial Discussion of the Development or E-business of Tourism in China;我国旅游电子商务发展中的问题初探
12.Study on Tourism Commerce Population and Spatial Distribution in Old Town of Lijiang丽江古城旅游商业人口和空间分布的关系研究
13.The Importance of Tour Merchandise-Mani Stone in Development of Tourism in the Three-Rivers Source玛尼石旅游商品在三江源地区旅游开发中的前景分析
14.Commercial strategy of the Management consultant on Tourism scenic spot;旅游景区管理咨询的商业空间与拓展对策——对深圳锦绣中华的实证分析
15.We will need to allow for travel time in the schedule.我们必须考虑到行程表中的旅游时间。
16.Space Distribution Structure of A-grade Scenic Spot in China;中国A级旅游景区空间分布结构研究
17.The Utilization of the Folklore in the Exploitation of Tourist Resources;旅游资源开发过程中民间传说的运用
18.Brief Analysis of the Applications of GIS in Spatial Query of Tourism ResourcesGIS在旅游资源空间查询中的应用浅析

tourist commodity旅游商品
1.Promotion of sustainable development of tourist commodity in multi-national area on the Experience-traveling-Take the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as the example;以体验式旅游促进民族地区旅游商品可持续发展——以凉山彝族自治州为例
2.Researches on the tactics of tourist commoditys s opening-up and designing in the development of Changzhou as tourist cities;常州市旅游商品的开发设计策略研究
3.This paper adopted the methods of questionnaire and field investigation as well as based on thepurpose of bamboo tourist commodity to sum up five series of bamboo tour commodity, and meanwhile findout several problems in bamboo tour commodity.通过对昆明主要景区竹制旅游商品采用问卷调查与实地考察的方法,并以竹制旅游商品的用途为依据,归纳出五大系列竹制旅游商品,同时发现目前竹制旅游商品存在的若干问题。
3)tourist commodities旅游商品
1.Further Exploitation of Specilized Tourist Commodities of Xinjiang;论新疆特色旅游商品的深度开发
2.The important role that cultural and complimentary orientation plays in tourist commodities packaging design was analyzed beginning with tourists psychological needs of tourist commodities.从分析旅游者对旅游商品的心理需求入手,探讨旅游商品的文化倾向和馈赠倾向时旅游商品包装设计起到的重要作用,同时透过旅游商品包装设计的"文化差异"、"实用美观"、"小巧轻便"等特点,以及包装装璜的表现技巧、色彩、图形、造型、材料等应用,分别讨论如何提高旅游商品包装设计水平。
4)business travel商务旅游
1.Development strategy thinking on business travel market in China;中国商务旅游市场发展战略思考
2.Study on developing strategy of business travel Industry in Beijing CBD;北京CBD商务旅游业发展对策研究
3.Taking the conception and typology of business travel as the point of departure, the paper probes into the partial traits and levels of business travel and proposes some measures to develop China s business travel market.本文从商务旅游的概念和类型入手,对商务旅游的部分属性和层次性进行了探讨。
5)tourism commodity旅游商品
1.An analysis of tourism commodity market exploitation based on visitor shopping inclination:A case from Shaanxi Province基于游客购物倾向分析的旅游商品开发研究——以陕西为例
2.Tourism souvenir is the main part of tourism commodity and it is very important to develop the tourism industry.旅游纪念品是旅游商品的重要组成部分,是发展旅游业的关键。
3.The Ancient City of PingYao is world cultural heritage,it attracts innumerable tourists by its glorious history and the deep cultural connotation,however,the tourism commodity species and quantites in Pingyao,it can t satisfy the tourists increasing demand.世界文化遗产平遥古城,凭借其悠久的历史和深厚的文化内涵吸引了无数游客,旅游业得到快速发展,然而,平遥旅游商品的种类和数量却无法满足游客日益增长的购买需要。
6)tourism commodities旅游商品
1.A study on coupling and developing of Hunan tourism commodities and HU-XIANG culture;论湖南省旅游商品与湖湘文化的融合开发
2.A Study on Pattern of Tourism Commodities Industrialization Development in Yunnan Province;旅游商品产业化发展模式选择研究——以云南为例
3.As an important part of thetourism industry,the tourism commodities now have enormous problems that should be solved soon .作为旅游业的重要组成部分 ,旅游商品存在着许多亟待解决的问题。

中间商中间商  中间商在国际贸易中从事买卖之间中间活动的商人或企业。又称“居间商”、“佣金商”一般都拥有一定的资金、一定的购销渠道和基本客户,有相当的获取市场信息的能力,经营活动能力也比较强。 其经营特点是以提供市场信息、介绍生意、代购代销、向买方或卖方或双方索取劳务报酬。有的除赚佣金外,也做卖物买物承担风险、自负盈亏的买卖,往往利用国外出口公司的卖价同其决定的卖价之间的差价,谋取利润。有的有自己的加工厂,进行与购销业务有关的加工生产活动。有的有自己的仓库、货车,能提供商品存贮、运输、报关等劳务,既索取介绍买卖双方达成交易的佣金,又收取栈租、运输、报关等劳务费用。中间商与卖主做交易,一般有三种做法:①中间商开证付款,介绍卖方负责将货物运交其指定的某个国家或地区的口岸收货人。②中间商只负责与卖方达成交易,由进口国收货人开证付款,卖方负责将货物运往国外进口人。③中间商只负责牵线搭桥介绍生意,并指定其所在国家或地区的用户开证付款,卖方负责将货物运交指定的用户。