文案创作,bocument creation
1)bocument creation文案创作

1.On the Rhetorical Device of Substitution in Ad-writing;广告文案创作中的替代修辞手法浅析
2.Confucius’innovation in utilization of archive孔子对档案文献利用工作的改进创新及思考
3.Architectural Design in Historic Reservation--Schematic Design of the Building of Humanities of Peking Univ.;文物保护区中的建筑创作——北大人文楼的方案设计
4.Xu Wei's study of the mobile scholars and literature writings in Ming dynasty明代文士游幕与文学创作关系初探——以徐渭为个案
5.Literary Practice and Its Promotion to Theory --Taking Hu Shi s Theory on Vernacular Literature as a Case Study;创作实践对理论的提升——以胡适的白话文理论为个案
6.Integrating the Empathy and Perspectives of Author, Translator and Reader for Text Recreation --A Case Study;作者、译者和读者的共鸣与视界融合——文本再创造的个案批评
7.Beijing Fiction′s Pursuit of the Modernity of Aesthetic Judgment;中国现代文学的审美现代性探寻——以京派作家沈从文、废名的小说创作为个案
8.Vulgarity Dressed up as Elegance: the Rise and Fall of Cultural Prose--A Typical Case Study of Yu Qiuyu s View on Prose and His Works;俗之妆扮为雅:文化散文的兴起与败落——以余秋雨散文观及其创作为典型个案
9.To create or produce(a literary or musical piece).创作创作或制作(文学或音乐作品)
10.Entries can be in English or Mandarin. Questions may be re-used but Answers must be original.投稿者可以用中文或英文投稿。"欠扁"问题可重复,但答案必须是作者原创。
11.To create a literary or a musical piece.创作创作文学或音乐作品
12.Innovation of Filing Work and Its Role in Enterprise Restructuring;论档案工作在改制中的创新及其作用
13."Creates and edits text documents with complex formatting."创建和编辑带复杂格式的文本档案。
14."The Chuangye Company s Corporate Culture Construct" Case Study;“创业公司的企业文化建设”案例研究
15.Innovation or Illegality?;创新还是违法?——郑百文重组案例分析
16.Design Plan of Nanjing Jinxiang Cultural Creativity Industry Garden金橡·文化创意产业园规划设计方案
17.Shen Congwen s "Discussion on Creation" and His Creation of Novels in the 1930s;沈从文30年代的“论创作”与小说创作
18.The Cnating times and purpose of Cao pei s lun wen of Dianlun;曹丕《典论·论文》创作年代与创作目的

Scheme creation方案创作
3)pattern des图案创作
5)literary works文学创作
1.Much description in Wang Zengqi's literary works has been contributed to "eating".汪曾祺文学创作中谈"吃"者甚众,尤钟情于淮扬美食。
6)creative composition创新作文
