营销体系构建,marketing system build
1)marketing system build营销体系构建

1.Re-Engineering Research of Huatai Securities Marketing;华泰证券经纪业务营销体系构建研究
2.Research on Building Services Marketing System of GPS Operation Center in Huaqiang Company;华强公司GPS运营中心服务营销体系构建研究
3.Development of E-commerce and Establishment of Logistics Marketing System;电子商务发展与物流营销体系构建方略的思考
4.Research on Evaluation Index System Construction and Evaluation Model of Marketing Force;营销力评价指标体系构建及模型研究
5.Research on the Construction of Internal Marketing System for Chinese Commercial Banks;中国商业银行构建内部营销体系研究
6.Discussion on the Construction of International Shipping Corporation Marketing System;论国际航运企业市场营销体系的构建
7.The Professional Practice Teaching System Analysis of Professorship Marketing;高职营销专业实践教学体系构建探析
8.The evalnation index system of constructing enterprise s marketing competitiveness;构建企业营销竞争力的评价指标体系
9.The Establishment of Marketing Strategy System for Hi-tech Enterprises;高新技术企业市场营销战略体系构建
10.The creation and evaluation of the pharmaceutical marketing curriculum system医药营销专业课程体系的构建与评价
11.Value Orientation and the Construction of Ethical Evaluation Index System in Medical Enterprise Marketing;医药企业营销价值取向及营销道德评价指标体系构建
12.Study of establishing university calisthenics sports marketing system;对构建高校健美操队体育营销体系的研究
13.The Construction of Marketing System of University Press during the Transformation Period;转型时期大学出版社教材市场营销体系的构建
14.Construction and Research on the Performance Management System of Marketing Personnel of H Corporation;H公司营销人员绩效管理体系构建研究
15.Research of Building the Service Marketing System in the Mobile Telecom Companies;移动通信企业构建服务营销战略体系的研究
16.Construction and Application of Marketing Competence Evaluation System Based on Enterprises;企业营销竞争力评价体系的构建及其应用研究
17.Construction of the Marketing Strategy System of China s Commercial Banks;关于中国商业银行营销战略体系的构建
18.The Construction of Specialized Curriculum Target System on Marketing in Higher Vocational College;高职院校市场营销专业课程目标体系的构建

Marketing system constructing营销体系建设
3)marketing system营销体系
1.Analyzing Real Estate Marketing System;浅析房地产市场营销体系
2.As marketing management has important position to the real estate companies, the establishment of marketing system has already become the goal for the real estate companies to exploit sales results.市场营销管理在房地产企业中占有重要地位,营销体系构建已成为房地产发挥销售效益的努力方向。
3.It points out that the construction of CRM system is a systematic engineering,it involves a series of revolutions in the organization,process,culture and staff of an enterprise,the core of it is to establish a marketing system with customers as the center.介绍了实施CRM系统的指导思想,指出CRM系统的建设是一个系统工程,涉及到企业的组织、流程、文化、人员等一系列的变革,其核心是建立以客户为中心的营销体系。
4)household electric production营销渠道构建
1.With the development of market and the change of competition environment, the enterprises of household electric production change their thought and practice from the viewpoint of organization structure to the efficiency of marketing system.本文以我国家电业为研究对象,结合案例系统论述营销渠道构建和管理的策略、要点和实施,力求在家电营销渠道的框架内提供较为实际的参考,寻求提升家电企业营销竞争实力的途径。
5)experience marketing system体验营销体系
6)system construction体系构建
1.A Study on the Banking Supervision System Construction in China;我国银行业监管体系构建研究

区域经济理论体系的构建区域经济理论体系的构建区域经济学的理论体系由传统区位论、空间结构理论、区域经济发展理论和区际分工贸易论等基本理论构成. 在西方国家区域经济学形成于20世纪50年代.从理论渊源上, 其形成得益于传统区位论,并以1826年德国经济学家杜能在《孤立国》提出农业区位论为肇始.但由于传统区位论是一种静态的、抽象的纯理论模型分析,研究对象局限于对企业、产业和城市的区位选择、空间行为和组织结构等方面. 20世纪50年代,随着大量的区域发展理论和战略模式相继提出,区域经济科学应运而生,并于70年代进入到完善和系统化阶段,随着政府统计数据的大量公布和计算机网络技术的迅速发展,区域经济研究逐步走向计量实证化,并侧重于建立区域经济的计量模型以及区域政策效应的评价和测度等方面研究. 在我国,随着90年代建设社会主义市场经济体制的总体改革战略的确立,经济建设实践的需求,使创建中国区域经济学的呼声越来越高[7].但是,由于区域经济学是一门新兴的、正在发展的学科,对其研究对象、内容组成、学科体系都有着较大的争议. 也可以说迄今为止,对我国区域经济学科的理论概括还缺乏应有的规范.因此, 区域经济理论体系的构建工作就显得更为迫切和具有较为深刻的意义.