桂林旅专,Guilin Institute of Tourism
1)Guilin Institute of Tourism桂林旅专
1.Under Higher Vocational Education Field of Vision University Exhorta-tion to Students Theory Discussion——Take Guilin Institute of Tourism as the Example;高等职业教育视野下大学校训的理论探讨——以桂林旅专为例

1.A study on nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice of students in Guilin institute of tourism桂林旅专学生营养知识、态度、饮食行为调查分析
2.A Survey on Career Planning Education for Tourism Students--A Case Study of Guilin Institute of Tourism;旅游类大学生生涯规划知识掌握情况的调查研究——以桂林旅专为例
3.Under Higher Vocational Education Field of Vision University Exhorta-tion to Students Theory Discussion--Take Guilin Institute of Tourism as the Example;高等职业教育视野下大学校训的理论探讨——以桂林旅专为例
4.An Initial thought on Constructing test Paper Store-house;浅谈试题库系统建设之基本思路——以桂林旅专试题库建设为例
5.How long is the journey to Guilin?到桂林的旅程要多久?
6.Guilin, Shanghai and Xi'an etc.桂林和西安等城市旅游。
7.Strategic Thinking of International Development of Tourism College--Take Guilin Institute of Tourism as an Example;高职高专旅游院校国际化发展的战略思考——以桂林旅游高等专科学校为例
8.An Investigation and Innovation of Curriculum System for Tourism Management;旅游管理专业课程体系现状调查及创新研究——以桂林工学院旅游管理专业为例
9.On the Transition from "Quantity" to "Quality" Development of a "Bi-oriented Teaching Force at Higher Vocational Tourism College-Taking Guilin Institute of Tourism as an Example旅游高职高专院校“双师型”教师队伍建设发展之思考——以桂林旅游高等专科学校为例
10.Guilin tablet is the spirit and the cream of Guilin landscape, and also the important content of Guilin landscape tour.桂林石刻是桂林山水的灵魂和精华,是桂林山水旅游的重要内容。
11.Discussion on Tourism Mentality of Song Poets Travelling in Guilin from the Poems of Stone Inscriptions从桂林石刻诗看宋代旅桂文人的旅游心态
12.The Poems about Scenery in the Tang Dynasty in Guilin and the Self-enjoyment of Its Beauty in Tourism;唐代桂林山水诗与桂林旅游审美的自觉
13.New Guilin; not only Depending on Lijiang River--On the Distribution of Tourist Products in Guilin;新桂林,不仅仅是漓江——桂林市旅游产品布局探讨
14.Thoughts on MICE Tourism Managed by Travel Agencies--A Case study of Guilin;旅行社经营会展旅游探析——以桂林为例
15.Promoting "Red Tour" to Optimize Guilin s Tourism Establishment;发展“红色旅游”,完善桂林旅游格局
16.Orientation of Guilin s Tourism Development: Scenic Belt of Lijiang River Valley;桂林旅游发展新方向:漓江流域旅游圈
17.Clarification on The Concept of "Tourism Setting Up City" of Guilin;旅游立市与旅游利市——以桂林市为例
18.Creating a Well-Known and Characteristic College Fostering Talents For Tourism--An experimental analysis on the schooling features of the Guilin Institute of Tourism;创特色名校 育旅游能人——关于桂林旅游高等专科学校办学特色的实证分析

Guilin Vocational Specialized Secondary School of Tourism桂林市旅职中专
3)Guilin institute of Touris桂林旅游高等专科学校
4)Guilin tourism桂林旅游
1.From the facts of tourism resources, economic development, location and spatial position, this paper analyzes Guilin tourism spatial structure.文章从资源禀赋、区位条件、经济因素和交通条件等方面进行分析,得出桂林采取一级核心,次核心和边缘区这样的核心—边缘空间格局,并提出桂林旅游发展战略。
2.To keep up with the times, Guilin tourism should combine nature with history culture and achieve a new top from tourism culture, which makes the mountains and rivers of Guilin are the finest under heaven with its unique property.面对这一趋势,桂林旅游自当顺应潮流,自觉反思,寻找山水风光同历史文化的结合点,从旅游文化上实现新的突破,以独特个性铸造"甲天下"的不凡品格。
3.As the important city of Guangxi tourism development, Guilin should grasp the chance, adopt positive market tactic, take up the challenge of circumjacent area tourism, make CAFTA market become new increase stress, promote Guilin tourism healthily developing.中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立,极大地拓展了桂林旅游业的发展空间。
5)Guilin Teachers College桂林师专
6)Guilin tourism桂林旅游业
1.We should promote the rapid development of Guilin tourism by energetically developing cultural and recreational travel while adhering to the socialism direction with further understanding, more definite purpose and overall consideration.发展桂林旅游业,必须解放思想,抓住机遇,勇于创新。
