1.The Road of Psychological Criticism: from Freud to Frye;心理批评之路:从弗洛伊德到弗莱
2.The Reference of Ideology in Language and Literature Style——The Theory of Frye s Ideology;语言与文类中的意识形态指涉——弗莱的意识形态理论

1.Fletcher passed out this morning.弗莱彻今天早上去世了。
2."M.Scaufflaire's coachman."“斯戈弗莱尔先生的车夫。”
3.The Central Significanec of Imagination on Frye Thought and Frye;论想象在弗莱思想和弗莱研究中的核心意义
4.On the mermaid image in T.S.Eliot s "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock;评《J·艾尔弗莱德·普鲁弗洛克情歌》的美人鱼意象
5.Bicoflex padding mangle比科弗莱克斯调压式均匀轧车(商名,德国克莱韦弗
6.Blair, too, is singled out as a king of language corruption.布莱尔也被(汉弗莱斯)列为"污染语言大王"。
7."I have made such a failure," proceeded Fledgeby.“我是一败涂地了,”弗莱吉贝继续说。
8.Did you make this chocolate cake yourself, Fred?这巧克力蛋糕是你亲手做的吗,弗莱德?
9.It was written by Betty Friedan and published in 1963.作者是贝蒂?弗莱顿,该书于1963年出版。
10.A further complication is Fred 's refusal to travel by air .另一个难题是弗莱德拒绝乘飞机旅行。
11.Master Scaufflaire experienced a frightful regret that he had not said a thousand francs.斯戈弗莱尔深悔没有说一千法郎。
12.Flanner House Homes supplies the land, materials, tools,弗莱那之家提供土地,材料,工具。
13.Flemming is enraged by this slur.弗莱明为这种侮辱所激怒。
14.Fred felt himself to be in a disgusting dilemma.弗莱德给弄得束手无策,不知如何是好。
15.Dr. Fleming' s discovery of penicillin occurred in 1928.弗莱明医生发现青霉素是在1928年。
16.SANCHEZ de MENDIBLE, Celina塞莉娜·桑切斯·德门迪弗莱
17.Is there anyone by the name of Dennis Fleming?是不是有位丹尼斯·弗莱明先生?
18.Buckley-Leverett theory巴克利-莱弗里特理论

Northrop Frye弗莱
1.Cultural Unconsciousness: Northrop Frye s Theory and Criticism;文化无意识:弗莱的批评理论视域
2.On Northrop Frye s Popular Culture as the Blending of Commerce,Politics and Culture;商业、政治与文化的混合——论诺·弗莱的大众文化观
3.Creation and Recreation: Northrop Frye on Elite Culture;创造与再创造——论诺·弗莱的精英文化理论
4)Freiburg City弗莱堡市
1.Fletcher sitution ethics is the most radical and has the greatest influence in the controversy with P.Ramsey)为代表的保守派的论争中,革新派中的弗莱彻的“境遇伦理学”最为激进,影响最大。
2.Fletcher was a famous American theologian and ethicist, who is regarded as the founder and the forefather of the bioethics in the 20th century.弗莱彻是美国20世纪著名的神学家、伦理学家,是生命伦理学的奠基人和先驱者。
6)Frye's research弗莱研究

弗莱诺思洛普·弗莱 ,加拿大多伦多大学神学家和文学批评家,以《批评的解剖》一书而闻名。他认为文学批评应具有方法论原则和自然科学的连续性。文学原型理论