审美救赎,aesthetic salvation
1)aesthetic salvation审美救赎
1.Some west thinkers hoped shaking off the plight through aesthetic salvation,but they did not catch the fundamental problem,for their proposals were illusive,fragmentary,and lacking of universal.近代启蒙运动本期望以理性代替神话继而肯定人的主体性,但却发展出成熟的工具理性和"合理化的社会",从而对个体形成宰制,造成了现代人的精神困境;西方的一些思想家希望通过"审美救赎"来摆脱困境,但审美救赎并没有抓住问题的根本,因而具有虚幻性、片段性,而缺乏普适性。
2.Functionally speaking, it emphasizes the function of aesthetic salvation and regards aesthetic activity as a life attitude.当代中国审美主义话语主要包含着三个层面内容:一是从本体论上,突出文艺的审美本性,强调审美的超越性、审美的独立性、审美的纯粹性;二是从功能论上,突出文艺的审美救赎功能,将审美视为一种生存态度;三是从价值论上,在审美与现代性的繁复关系中高扬感性、自由和审美理想。
3.This article tries to find out how to facilitate the Aesthetic salvation of Mass Culture, by exercising the humanistic enlightenment and criticism of Refined Culture.本文着力探讨的是,如何发挥精英文化现代人文意识的启蒙与批判作用,积极促成大众文化的审美救赎

1.Analysis on the Impossibility of Aesthetic Redeem in Modern Aesthetic Culture Pattern;审美救赎:现代审美文化形态中的乌托邦
2.Aesthetic Salvation: from "Classy Life" to "Classical Living";审美救赎论:从“人生的艺术化”到“审美化生存”
3.The Aesthetic Redemption of Tragic Life--On Nietzsche's Aesthetic Philosophy of Life生命悲剧的审美救赎——论尼采的审美人生观
4.Cultural Tragedy and Aesthetic Redeem--Critique of Simmel s Modernity Aesthetics;文化悲剧与审美救赎——齐美尔现代性美学批判
5.On Oscar Wilde′s Aestheticism and Its Aesthetic Salvation Feature;浅析王尔德的唯美主义理论及其审美救赎特质
6.The Aesthetic Redeem of Modern Life:The Fashion Theory of Simmel;现代生活的审美救赎——齐美尔的时尚理论
7.Art:Rebel and Redemption--The Comparison between Marcuse's Utopia of Aesthetic and Benjamin's Redemption of Aesthetic艺术:反叛与救赎——马尔库塞的审美乌托邦与本雅明的审美救赎之比较
8.The Two Wings of the Modernity Criticism: Rationalism Criticism and Aesthetics Salvation;现代性批评的两翼:理性批判与审美救赎
9.Aesthetic Salvation for the Erosion of Rationality--Research of Frankfurt's Aesthetics Thought理性之蚀的审美救赎——法兰克福学派的美学思想研究
10.The Aesthetic Salvation and Love--Lu Xun s Acceptance of Nietzsche From "Weeds";审美救赎与人间之爱——从《野草》看鲁迅对尼采的接受
11.Leads to the Utopia of Aesthetical Redemption of Subjectivity--On the Recipient in Western Marxism Literature Theory通向主体性审美救赎的乌托邦——试论西方马克思主义文论中的接受者
12.A comparison of Nietzsche's aestheticism and Christian doctrine on salvation尼采审美主义与基督教救赎说之比较
13.Freedom,Surmount and Poetic Retrieval自由、超越与诗意的救赎——对审美功利性与超功利性问题的思考
14.From City Desire to Spirit Redemption-A Study on the Relations between Desire and Aesthetics of Contemporary City Novels;从城市欲望到精神救赎—当代城市小说欲望与审美关系之研究
15.Limitation of Aesthetic Judgment and Moral Redeeming--Sacred Trend of the Native Land in the Chinese Literature of the 20th. Century;审美评判与道德救赎的局限——评20世纪中国文学中的乡土神圣化倾向
16.Loss of Balance between Beauty and Ugliness,Weakened Force of Salvation--A Remark of Yuhua s Novel Brothers;美丑失衡 救赎乏力——评余华的小说《兄弟》
17.comments on The much-weather-beaten lady By Tiening;人性的自审意识与自我救赎欲——评铁凝的新作《大浴女》
18.Through all eternity in the glory of heaven, it is our being redeemed sinners that will tune our praise.在永世的荣耀里,就是我们这些蒙救赎的罪人,要发出我们的赞美。

Aesthetics and Salvation审美与救赎
3)saving country through beauty appreciation审美救国
4)aesthetic to rescue generation审美救世
5)aesthetic redeeming审美拯救
1.Aesthetics must answer the question of the real world,concern about the contemporary aesthetic phenomenon,and bear the social responsibility of aesthetic redeeming.美学必须回应现实世界的提问和关切当代性的审美现象,它必须承担审美拯救的社会责任。
1.Significance and approaches of salvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径
2.Tuya’s Marriage: Tuya’s Love Salvation;《图雅的婚事》:图雅的爱情救赎
3.The Lost Life, the Romantic Salvation;迷途的人生 浪漫的救赎——小说《蓝色的马》解读

救赎论  见基督教神学。