审美构形,aesthetic formation
1)aesthetic formation审美构形
1.It not only exists in the materializing stage of artistic expression,but it also functions in the inner thinking process from the creative impulse to the aesthetic formation.在文学和艺术的各门类创作中,艺术语言的作用非常重要,它并不仅是存在于艺术表现的物化阶段,而且是从艺术家获得创作冲动,到在头脑中形成审美构形的内在思维过程中都一直是基本的凭借。
2)Aesthetic structure审美结构
1.The paper discusses the theo- ry of city characteristic aesthetic struc- ture by aesthetic psychology theory,and analyses the influence factor of city Characteristic aesthetic structure and its instability.应用审美心理学理论研究提出城市特色审美结构理论,分析了城市特色审美结构及其非稳定性的影响因素。

1.Literature Works Aesthetics Structure Illustrated by Liu Xie's Bosom Friend从《知音》篇看刘勰的文学作品审美结构
2.The Western China Capital Cities Landscape Characteristic Aesthetic Structure;我国西部省会城市景观特色审美结构研究
3.Deep Artistic Conception and the Surface One: An Analysis of the Jian Jia s Aesthetic Structure;深层意境与表层意境:《蒹葭》的审美结构层次分析
4.Influences of Aethetic Mentality on the Idea of Calligraphy Appreciation in the Han Dynasty;审美心理结构对汉代书法审美理念的促成
5.Assessment of Aesthetic Characteristic in Chinese Folk Art;论中国民间美术意象结构的审美特征
6.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"-- From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”
7.The Structure and Developmental Characteristics of Aesthetic Ability of Middle School Students;中学生审美能力的结构及其发展特点
8.A Research on a Literary Translator s Aesthetic Psychological Structure in the Understanding Process;文学译者理解过程审美心理结构研究
9.‘Anticipating Horizon’& Aesthetic Construction and Adjustment of Mentality of Readers;“期待视野”与接受主体审美心理结构的建构、调整
10.Artistic Construction:Modern Aesthetics in the Structure of Aesthetic Cltural value --On the Developing Direction of T.Adorno s Aesthetic Theory;艺术建构:审美文化价值结构中的现代性美学——论阿多诺审美理论的发展方向
11.Inditing motives and tasting psychological structure are closely related.创作动机与审美心理结构有着密切的关系。
12.Aesthetic Mental Structure and Musical Thought in Singing in a Performance of Chinese Musical Works;中国作品演唱的审美心理结构与音乐思维
13.Analysis of the GSP and Stylistic Features of Courtroom Inquiries in Anglo-American Law System;英美法系法庭审问的语类结构潜势及语体特征
14.The Pragmatic and Aesthetic Values of the Causative Phrasal Verbs "V-cheng" Variants;变异性V成结构的语用价值和审美价值
15.On the Art Level Structure and the Aesthetic Implication of the Design of Show Card;论招贴设计的艺术层次结构与审美意味
16.The Ecological Structure of Man s Multilayer Existence and the Aesthetic Experience of Literature and Arts and Ecology;人多重存在的生态结构与文艺生态审美体验
17.On the Aesthetic Value of Building Strueture and Decoration Style of Ming and Qing Dynasty in Yuyang;渔洋明清建筑结构与装饰风格的审美价值
18.On Synesthesia: the Aesthetic Psychology During the Reproduce of Musical Image;论“联觉”——音乐形象再现中的审美心理结构

Aesthetic structure审美结构
1.The paper discusses the theo- ry of city characteristic aesthetic struc- ture by aesthetic psychology theory,and analyses the influence factor of city Characteristic aesthetic structure and its instability.应用审美心理学理论研究提出城市特色审美结构理论,分析了城市特色审美结构及其非稳定性的影响因素。
3)Aesthetic construction审美建构
1.On defamiliarization——An analysis of the function of form on aesthetic construction of the content;陌生化:形式对内容的审美建构
2.The psychology of the audience and the aesthetic construction of dramas;观众心理与戏曲审美建构
4)aesthetic constitution审美构成
5)Aesthetical reconstruction审美重构
6)aesthetic form审美形态
1."Miraculous" as a Chinese aesthetic form;试论作为中国审美形态的“神妙”
2.China Books of the Twentieth Century Design Aesthetic Form Study;中国20世纪前叶书籍设计的审美形态研究
