认识论审美化,aesthetics of cognition
1)aesthetics of cognition认识论审美化
1.The so-called aesthetics of cognition refers to some basic characteristics generally aknowledged by aesthetics,such as,visual form,construction,manipulation and ambiguity,ect.韦尔施将这一传统上推到康德和尼采,应是显示了用以美学为代表的后现代文化来解构以科学为代表的现代性的苦心,它虽然或者多半只是后现代主义鼎盛时期的一种美学乌托邦,然从日常生活审美化到认识论审美化的区分、辨析和升华,对于日常生活审美化本身的认知,以及对于重构美学的思路,都可谓意味深长。
2)Epistemology's appreciation of the beauty-rization认识论的审美化
3)aesthetic epistemology审美认识论
1.Following the principle of purposiveness,Kant abandons his mechanical epistemology to form his organic aesthetic epistemology in understanding nature,and changes from natural purposiveness to moral purposiveness,and therefore accomplishes the double turns of epistemology and ethics.康德根据合目的性原则,从对自然的机械认识论转向有机整体的审美认识论,由此从自然合目的性过渡到道德合目的性,从而完成了认识论与伦理学的双重转向。

1.The Effects of Buddhist Theories on the Aesthetical Theory of Knowledge in Ancient China;佛教理论对中国古代审美认识论之影响
2.To Attain Knowledge by Investigating Things:Neo-Confucian Epistemology and Aesthetic Concepts of Literature and Art;格物致知:理学认识论与文艺审美观
3.A Few Doubts about the Article "Re-understanding of Aesthetic Ideology;对《审美意识形态论的再认识》一文的几点置疑
4.On the Connotation and Meaning of Kant s “Aesthetic is harmany of cognition function”;论康德“审美是认识机能的和谐”的内涵及意义
5.How to Understand and Appraise the Aesthetical Ideology;如何正确认识和评价文学“审美意识形态论”——与冯宪光教授商榷
6.Re-recognition of Life Aesthetics--aesthetic self-discipline;生命美学再认识:美学自律与审美自律
7.The Freedom of Appreciating the Beautiful:the Cognitive Meaning of Content and Form-- Adono s Opinion on the Aesthetic Features of Modern Art;审美自由:内容与形式的认识意义——阿多诺论现代艺术的美学特征
8.On Aesthetic Preference and the Epistemology and Methodology of Empirical Study--An Analysis of Wilfried Van Dame s Theoretical Study of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美偏爱与实证研究之认识论和方法论——怀尔弗里德·范·丹姆审美人类学理论研究
9.A Disscusion on the Esthetic Purpose in the Feathing of "Foreign History of Literature";《外国文学史》教学中的审美认识追求
10.A New Understanding of Aesthetic Education under the Circumstances of Modern Science and Technology;现代科技条件下对审美教育的新认识
11.What Is The Theory--A Study on the Contestation of the Aesthetical Ideology;理论何为?——从“审美意识形态论”论争说起
12.Paradigm of Teacher Appraises:Scanning on the Epistemology and Methodology;教师评价范式:认识论与方法论的审视
13.Multi-possibility Logic and Aesthetic Logic: --On the Logical Base of Aesthetic Cognition;多值逻辑与审美逻辑——论审美认知的逻辑基础
14.A Study on Ecological Environment and Aesthetic Consciousness;论生态环境与审美意识——青海审美文化研究之一
15.On Aesthetics and Epistemology of Historical Opera during the Qing and Ming Dynasties明清曲论家的历史题材剧审美认知论
16.On the Three New Orientations to Develop the Theory of Aesthetic Ideology论发展“审美意识形态”理论的三重向度
17.The essay discusses the aesthetic sense in the theory of Chinese painting in respect of dialectical thinking mode and epistemology.本文着重从辩证的对立统一思想方法和认识论上谈中国绘画理论中的审美观念。
18.Aesthetic Freedom and the People s Kind-practice;审美自由与人的类活动——席勒的审美教育思想再认识

Epistemology's appreciation of the beauty-rization认识论的审美化
3)aesthetic epistemology审美认识论
1.Following the principle of purposiveness,Kant abandons his mechanical epistemology to form his organic aesthetic epistemology in understanding nature,and changes from natural purposiveness to moral purposiveness,and therefore accomplishes the double turns of epistemology and ethics.康德根据合目的性原则,从对自然的机械认识论转向有机整体的审美认识论,由此从自然合目的性过渡到道德合目的性,从而完成了认识论与伦理学的双重转向。
4)aesthetic cognition审美认识
1.Painting arises from artists aesthetic cognition and expression based on the real world.绘画是艺术家对现实生活进行审美认识及审美表达的结果。
2.It also carries the aesthetic cognition function to a certain extent.陌生化有坚实的心理学依据 ,有其相对性和局限性 ,同时 ,它还具有一定的审美认识功能 ,是文学得以发展、进步的方法之一。
5)Aesthtic view and thought审美和认识
6)epitemologic aesthetics认识论美学

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。