身体占位,the bodily occupation
1)the bodily occupation身体占位
1.Specifically speaking,Bakhtin took the theory of "the bodily occupation" as the realistic basic point of his poetics construction,took the theories of "the bodily Carnival" and "the bodily time-space" as his poetics constructing from the understanding to practice bidirectional views.扩而言之,就是以"身体占位"理论为其诗学建构的现实基点,以"身体时空体"与"身体狂欢"理论为其诗学从认识到实践的双向度展开,由此建构了"本体—认识—存在"三位一体的生存诗学理论。
2)substitution site in crystal晶体中占位
3)infundibulum tumor垂体柄占位
4)body noumenon身体本位
5)body posture身体姿位
1.By using photograph analysis and mathematical statistics,the writers of this article compared the body posture of two levels of male athletes in sustaining phase.采用摄像解析法和数理统计法,对男子短跑一、二级运动员途中跑支撑阶段的"身体姿位"参量进行比较研究。
2.The body posture is an substantial factor in buffering and pedaling.缓冲与蹬伸是短跑、跳远、跳高三项运动所共有的重要技术环节,身体姿位是影响缓冲与蹬伸质量的重要因素。

1.Research on Body Posture of Two Levels Male Sprinters in Sustaining Phase;男子短跑一、二级运动员途中跑支撑阶段身体姿位的比较研究
2.An Comparison for Body Posture of Buffer and Pedal in Sprint,Long Jump and High Jump;短跑、跳远、跳高项目缓冲与蹬伸动作过程中身体姿位的比较研究
3.A meaningful or expressive change in the position of the body or a part of the body; a gesture.姿势的变化身体或身体某部位有意义的、有表达力的位置改变;手势
4.undergo a change in bodily posture.经历身体姿态的改变。
5.poise of the body, head, etc身体、 头部等优美的姿势
6.Lastly, improve your body posture.最后,调整身体的姿势。
7.attract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals.通过展示身体的某个部位或摆姿势来吸引注意力;指动物。
8.Application Study of Core Position as Integration Consciousness in Dynamic Posture of Aerobic Exercise;核心部位整体性意识在健身健美操动态姿势中的应用研究
9.fix(one's face or part of the body)into a firm expression使(脸或身体某部)呈呆板表情或姿势
10.The acrobat went through various contortions.卖艺人把身体作出各种扭歪的姿态。
11.communication via the movements or attitudes of the body.通过身体的运动或者姿势的交流手段。
12.In the long-side position there is no propulsion being effected.在长的身体姿势时并无推进力产生。
13.Champion swimmers do not illustrate swimming in an exaggerated long, thin, on the side position in either crawl or backstroke.游泳冠军们不会在爬泳和仰泳的一侧位置时使用夸张的长的,细的身体姿势。
14.Indeed, body positions are part of what we call @body language@.身体的姿态是我们所称的“身势语”的一部分。
15.A bodily attitude or position, especially one assumed for an artist or a photographer.姿势身体呈现的样子或姿势,尤指为画家或摄影师而摆出者
16.Exaggerate the poses, push the lines of action in the body, and make the poses more dynamic and forceful.让姿势更夸张,使身体作用线更强,还要令姿势更有力量感和说服力。
17.An Experimental Research of Eurythmics to Body Shape;形体训练对女大学生身体姿态变化的实验研究
18.Dance Sports to Women Undergraduate s Body Composition and Posture;体育舞蹈对女大学生身体成分和姿态的影响

substitution site in crystal晶体中占位
3)infundibulum tumor垂体柄占位
4)body noumenon身体本位
5)body posture身体姿位
1.By using photograph analysis and mathematical statistics,the writers of this article compared the body posture of two levels of male athletes in sustaining phase.采用摄像解析法和数理统计法,对男子短跑一、二级运动员途中跑支撑阶段的"身体姿位"参量进行比较研究。
2.The body posture is an substantial factor in buffering and pedaling.缓冲与蹬伸是短跑、跳远、跳高三项运动所共有的重要技术环节,身体姿位是影响缓冲与蹬伸质量的重要因素。
6)Body locutions身体部位
