弃欲守道,abandon desire and behave Tao
1)abandon desire and behave Tao弃欲守道
2)desert one's post放弃职守

1.At present, certain functionaries in the judicial and public security departments are neglecting their duties and allowing persons who should be arrested and punished to remain at large; this is not right.现在政法部门有些工作人员,对于本来应当捕处的人,也放弃职守,不予捕处,这是不对的。
2.Relinquishment of an office or function.辞职放弃公职或职责
3.To relinquish(an office or function.辞职放弃(公职或职务)
4.give up a chair放弃大学教授的职位
5.lay down one's office, duties放弃职务、 中止义务.
6.He made a renunciation of his chairmanship.他声明放弃会长一职。
7.Abandoning their sacred charge to safeguard the three Soulstones, the disparate Mage Clans began to squabble amongst each other over petty differences.他们放弃了守护三颗灵魂之石的神圣职责,不同的法师宗派开始为了细微的分歧而相互争吵。
8.To keep them means relinquishing some of our freedom;恪守誓言意味着我们要放弃某些自由。
9.Exchange a position in the private sector for a post in government.为谋政府公职而放弃私人公司的职位
10.give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations.君主或皇帝放弃权力或义务和职责。
11.(military) having deserted your post or station without leave.(军事)擅自放弃了自己的岗位或者职责。
12.She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married.她放弃职业结婚以后有一种失落感。
13.She resigned her directorship and left the firm她放弃了董事职务, 离开了公司.
14.He resigned his directorship and left the firm.他放弃了董事职务, 离开了公司。
15.The cubs shall roar as they keep watch; they will forsake the forest groves and come hunting inside the walls of cities.幼兽看守的时候会吼叫;他们会放弃森林小树林,进入城墙打猎。
16.Thus the conservation of caloric for an isolated system had to be entirely abandoned.这样一来,孤立系统热质守恒的学说只好完全放弃了。
17.Between Persistence and Abandonment坚守与放弃之间——论《沧浪之水》中知识分子的人格理想
18.They jockeyed Fred out of his position on the board.他们设法欺骗弗雷德放弃在董事会的职位.

desert one's post放弃职守
3)Persistence and retreat坚守与放弃
4)Abandon or Adhere?摈弃与恪守
1.Liu Ji’s Views on Loyalty and Filial Piety Based on Taoist;论刘基以守道为核心的忠孝观
6)morality and desire道与欲
