格雷夫斯病/诊断,Graves disease/diagnosis
1)Graves disease/diagnosis格雷夫斯病/诊断
2)Graves disease格雷夫斯病
1.The association between the CTLA-4 gene polymorphism in chromosome 2q31-q33 and Graves disease;染色体2q31-q33区CTLA-4基因多态性与格雷夫斯病关系的研究
2.Comprehensive evaluation of ~(131)I and antithyroid drugs to treat the Graves disease with a thyroid enlargement below grade-Ⅱ;~(131)碘和抗甲状腺药物治疗甲状腺肿大Ⅱ度以下的格雷夫斯病的综合评价
3.The human major histocompatibility complex region is not a major susceptibility locus for Graves disease among the Hans in north of China;中国北方汉族格雷夫斯病主要易感位点的检测及意义

2.Objective To investigate the clinical effect of prednisone on hyperthyroid atrial fibrillation associated with Graves disease (HAFGD).目的 了解泼尼松治疗格雷夫斯病合并甲状腺机能亢进性心房颤动的临床效果。
3.exophthalmic goiter突眼性甲状腺肿;帕里氏病;格雷夫斯氏病;马希氏病;巴塞多氏病
4.Greg and Grace go jogging.格雷格和格雷斯去慢跑。
5.Analysis on the views of Masgrave and Buchanan;马斯格雷夫与布坎南的财政学观点探析
6.An Analysis of Robert Graves’ Poems about War;英国诗人罗伯特·格雷夫斯《战争诗抄》赏析
7.Mrs. Grey was old and deaf,格雷夫人年老耳聋。
8.Graves Design Judgment Test格雷夫设计判断测验
9.Mrs. Grantly entertained quite as strong an antagonism to Mr. Slope as did her husband.格伦雷太太对斯洛普先生怀有和丈夫几乎同样强烈的反感。
10."Colonel Musgrave," he went on, gulping somewhat,"is a hard man."“马斯格雷夫上校,”他吞着气接着说,“是个不讲交情的人。”
11.a fictional Englishman who travels to the imaginary land of Lilliput (in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels).去小人国旅行的虚构中的英国人(斯威夫特《格雷弗游记》中的人物)。
12.Graves is an idol of the public who are keen on the Post-Modernism.格雷夫斯是热衷于后现代主义的公众心目中的偶像.
13.Greg James B Eng工学士格雷格·詹姆斯.
14.Steven Redgrave became the first rower to win gold medals at five consecutive Olympics.斯蒂文?雷德格雷夫成为第一位连续五届奥运会都获得金牌的赛艇选手。
15.My husband drank a bit too much at the party and did his Elvis Presley impersonation-it really brought the house down.我丈夫在聚会上喝多了一点,扮演的埃尔维斯 普雷斯利很具有人格化——真的博得了大家的喝采。
16.Hernan Crespo, Damien Duff, Asier del Horno, Eidur Gudjohnsen and Glen Johnson have all left Stamford Bridge this summer.克雷斯波,达夫,奥尔诺,古德昂森和格伦约翰逊全都在这个夏天离开了斯坦福桥。
17.John asked Grace to marry him.约翰向格雷斯求婚。
18.Engravers brass恩格雷弗斯含铅黄铜

Graves disease格雷夫斯病
1.The association between the CTLA-4 gene polymorphism in chromosome 2q31-q33 and Graves disease;染色体2q31-q33区CTLA-4基因多态性与格雷夫斯病关系的研究
2.Comprehensive evaluation of ~(131)I and antithyroid drugs to treat the Graves disease with a thyroid enlargement below grade-Ⅱ;~(131)碘和抗甲状腺药物治疗甲状腺肿大Ⅱ度以下的格雷夫斯病的综合评价
3.The human major histocompatibility complex region is not a major susceptibility locus for Graves disease among the Hans in north of China;中国北方汉族格雷夫斯病主要易感位点的检测及意义
3)Graves' disease格雷夫斯病
1.The glucose metabolism in Graves′ disease;格雷夫斯病患者糖代谢特点及其影响因素分析
2.To study the relation between Graves′ disease(GD) and immunity function of GD patients before and after treatment with 131 I, the GD patients were divided into two groups: untreated group, treated group and control group.探讨格雷夫斯病 (GD)患者13 1I治疗前后免疫功能的变化及其与甲状腺功能的关系。
4)Graves disease/therapy格雷夫斯病/治疗
5)Graves disease/blood格雷夫斯病/血液
6)Carves disease格雷夫斯

格雷夫斯,R.R.  英国诗人、小说家、评论家。曾在第一次世界大战中负伤,写了许多反战诗歌。战后就学于牛津大学,并在开罗执教一年。1929年发表自传《向那一切告别》,谴责战争的残酷,对英国病态的社会和文化表示不满。同年定居在地中海西部西班牙所属的马略卡岛上,从事写作。他擅长写洗练的抒情诗,特别是爱情诗,继承了传统的风格,不趋时髦。他的历史小说和传奇小说有《克劳狄乌斯自传》(1934)、《克劳狄乌斯封神记》(1934)、《弥尔顿先生之妻》(1943)、《金羊毛》(1944)、《耶稣王》(1946)、《荷马之女》(1955)等。他在《白色女神》(1947)一书中认为文艺起源于对原始女神的崇拜。他对希腊和希伯来神话也深有研究。1961至1965年任牛津大学诗学教授。1980年发表小说《他们吊死了我的圣洁的比利》。