颈椎病/诊断,Cervical spondylosis/diagnosis
1)Cervical spondylosis/diagnosis颈椎病/诊断
2)cervix diseases/diagnosis宫颈疾病/诊断
3)carotid disease/diag颈动脉疾病/诊断
4)Cervical spondylopathy颈型颈椎病
1.Clinical Observation and Related Experimental Studies of Treatment with Manuever Therapy Relaxing the Sternocleidomastoid Muscles on Cervical Spondylopathy;手法松解胸锁乳突肌治疗颈型颈椎病临床观察及相关实验研究
2.Part I : The clinical observation of manuever therapy for the patient with the Cervical spondylopathy: Before and after studyObjective:To observe the effectiveness of manuever therapy for the patient with the cervical spondylopathy.颈型颈椎病是颈椎病最常见类型之一,门诊就诊率逐年升高。
3.Acupuncture treatment is important for treating cervical spondylopathy.本课题通过临床观察初步探讨了通过不同配穴方法针刺治疗颈型颈椎病的疗效差异与可能的作用机理。

1.The Laboratorial Study about Relation of Balance between Trestle and Cervical Spine of Cervicaltype Spondylosis Patients支架与颈型颈椎病人颈椎平衡关系的实验研究
2.Comparative Study of Kangjingtang Prescription and Jingfukang-granule Treating the Cervical Spondylosis with the Neck Type康颈汤与颈复康颗粒治疗颈型颈椎病的比较研究
3.The Clinical Study of the Treatment of Cervical Spondylopathy with Local and Rotatory Manipulation;定位旋转斜扳法治疗颈型颈椎病的临床研究
4.The Clinical Study of the Treatment of Cervical Spondylopathy with Tongdu Qiangji Manipulation通督强脊手法治疗颈型颈椎病的临床研究
5.System evaluation of conservative therapy on neck type cervical spondylosis in our country我国保守疗法治疗颈型颈椎病的系统评价
6.The Clinical Study of Treating the Neck Type of Cervical Spondylosiss Stemed from Cervical and Thorax Segment Behind Protruding;从颈胸段脊柱后凸入手治疗颈型颈椎病的临床观察
7.The Clinical Reasearch for Cerv-type Cervical Syndrome Treated with Isometric Neck Strength Training;颈后肌群等长收缩锻炼治疗颈型颈椎病的临床研究
8.Clinical Research of Neck-type Cervical Syndrome Treated with Isometric Neck Strength Training颈后肌群等长收缩锻炼治疗颈型颈椎病的临床观察
9.Effect of cervical spine instability on cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery颈椎不稳在椎动脉型颈椎病发病中的意义
10.The Application of Lateral Masses in Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Accompanied Unsteady Ceruical Uertebra;颈椎侧块钢板在脊髓型颈椎病伴颈椎不稳治疗中的应用
11.The effect of the cervical laminoplasty without bone graft on hinge side and with early postoperative neck mobilization改良颈椎管成形术治疗脊髓型颈椎病合并颈椎管狭窄
12.The Clinical Research on Treatment of the Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy with Loosing Cervical Arthrosis;颈椎关节松动法治疗神经根型颈椎病临床研究
13.Clinical and Experimental Study on Treating CSA with the Neck Application;颈复贴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床及实验研究
14.Treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy with Bryan cervical disc prosthesis replacement in 8 casesBryan人工颈椎间盘置换治疗脊髓型颈椎病8例
15.A Clinical Study of galvano-acupuncture on cervical ayndrome;电针治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床研究
16.The Clinical Study of Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis of Vertebral Artery (CSA) by Needle-knife Therapy针刀治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床研究
17.Clinical Research on Treatment of Acupuncture in Treating Cervical Artery Type of Cervical Spondyiosis针刺治疗颈椎病椎动脉型的临床研究
18.Efficacy Analysis on Comprehensive Treatment of Vertebral Arterial Cervical Spondylosis综合治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的疗效分析

cervix diseases/diagnosis宫颈疾病/诊断
3)carotid disease/diag颈动脉疾病/诊断
4)Cervical spondylopathy颈型颈椎病
1.Clinical Observation and Related Experimental Studies of Treatment with Manuever Therapy Relaxing the Sternocleidomastoid Muscles on Cervical Spondylopathy;手法松解胸锁乳突肌治疗颈型颈椎病临床观察及相关实验研究
2.Part I : The clinical observation of manuever therapy for the patient with the Cervical spondylopathy: Before and after studyObjective:To observe the effectiveness of manuever therapy for the patient with the cervical spondylopathy.颈型颈椎病是颈椎病最常见类型之一,门诊就诊率逐年升高。
3.Acupuncture treatment is important for treating cervical spondylopathy.本课题通过临床观察初步探讨了通过不同配穴方法针刺治疗颈型颈椎病的疗效差异与可能的作用机理。
5)The neck type of cervical spondylosis颈型颈椎病
1.The neck type of cervical spondylosis is frequent and ordinary on clinical orthopaedics, mainly in young and strong adults, with the society developing, the incidence of this disease get more and more , the disease belong to "Be Zheng" pattern in Chinese medicine: the three evil gas including of wind,cold and humid mix each other.颈型颈椎病是骨科临床常见病和多发病,以青壮年居多。
2.Objective: The neck type of cervical spondylosis is frequent and ordinary on clinical orthopaedics, mainly in old adults.目的:颈型颈椎病是推拿科临床常见病和多发病,以中老年居多,但随着社会的发展,人们工作强度和工作量的增加,以及电脑的普及应用,颈椎病的主要发病人群年龄年轻化,同时发病率也逐渐增加。
6)the pain of cervical spondylosis颈椎病颈痛
1.ObjectiveFind out a better interval for treating the pain of cervical spondylosis through the clinical research on different interval in treating the pain of cervical spondylosis with acupuncture.目的通过不同间隔时间针刺治疗颈椎病颈痛临床研究,找出较佳的治疗间隔时间。

颈椎    颈椎    脊柱颈部的椎体,共七块。椎体较小,横断面呈椭圆形。第6颈椎横突末端前方的结节较大,称为颈动脉结节,颈总动脉经其前方,当头部受伤时,可在体表将总动脉压于此结节,进行急救止血,第7颈椎的棘突特长,末端不分叉,可在皮外扪到,常作为计数棘突的标志。