持有率,Certificate holding rate
1)Certificate holding rate持有率

1.85.5% of them had health cards.从业人员健康证持有率85·5%。
2.Holding Period Return/Yield持有期回报/收益率
3.A diploma is no guarantee of efficiency.持有文凭不能保证工作效率一定高。
4.Now Mexico went through a period of extremely high interest rates -- 75 per cent for quite some time墨西哥曾一度实行高利率政策,利率有相当长时间保持在75%的水平。
5.Good physical and mental health in fact enables us to work more efficiently.事实上,保持身心健康能使工作更有效率。
6.All of these groups continue to have above-average birth rates.所有这些族群出生率将继续维持在平均数以上。
7.On the Tax of Due Investment Property;实际利率法下持有至到期投资的涉税问题探讨
8.Efficiency and Fairness:Thinking on the Crime of Illegal Possession from the Aspect of Economic Laws;效率与公平:持有型犯罪的法律经济学思考
9.peak load effective duration factor峰值功率持续时间率
10.vocal criticism, support坦率的批评、 支持
11.A combination of customer demand status, customer potential retention time and customer potential profitability is a more reliable and valid standard.对目标顾客的有效选择,可以使企业获得高的顾客保持率、复购买率和高的利润率。
12.Aslong as it remains a bond, ICULS holders will enjoy payment of interestincome at a predetermined specified coupon rate.只要我们仍然债券iculs持有人可享有利息收益在预定订息率.
13.China has full capacity and conditions to maintain the stability of the RMB exchange rate.中国完全有能力有条件保持人民币汇率继续稳定;
14.continuous maximum rated最大持续功率最大持续功率的
15.There is no usage data available for this Web site, because it has not been published to a server that supports usage analysis.没有此网站可用的使用率信息,因为此网站没有发布到支持使用率分析的服务器上。
16.Take for instance a fall in interest rates, in this case bonds which were issued when interest rates were high will become increasingly valuable and as the bond price rises, this provides profit for bond sellers.例如在利率下跌时,那些在利率高时发行的债券价格将会升高,让持有人有机会赚取利润。
17.President Bush's popularity fell, however, as many people lost their jobs.不过,随着失业人数的增加,布什的支持率有所下降。
18.She freely admitted that of old she had been a little mad, and now she pretended to be perfectly sane.她坦率地承认,她过去有些傻,今后一定要绝对保持清醒了。

cash stock rate现金持有率
3)convenience value ratio持有收益率
1.The losses stem from the cash flow and convenience value ratio between decision points, which changes the evolutionary routine of real assets value thereby affecting the option value and optimum time for decisions.实物资产的价值漏损源于决策点之间出现的现金流和持有收益率。
4)buy and hold return ratio购买持有收益率
5)Buy and Hold Return(BHAR)买入持有收益率
6)Total Yield in Holding持有期总收益率

拆股后持有期收益率 拆股后持有期收益率——  拆股后持有期收益率是指投资者在买入股票后,遇到股份公司进行股票的分割(即拆股)的情况后,经过调整后计算出来的持有期收益率。拆股后持有期收益率=(调整后的资本利得和损失+调整后的现金股息)/调整后的购买价格×100%。