空心砖,hollow brick
1)hollow brick空心砖
1.Stress field analysis of hollow brick anchored by new expansion bolt新型膨胀螺栓锚固下空心砖的应力场分析
2.The heat transfer performance of hollow bricks with two kinds of thickness under the condition of vertical aperture was studied by steady comparison method.采用稳态对比法,对2种厚度、孔隙竖直的空心砖做了竖向传热对比试验。
3.Through experiments, the shear strength of concrete hollow brick masonry has been researched in this paper.通过试验研究了混凝土空心砖砌体的抗剪强度。

1.04210-clay unit masonry砖(粘土砖;煤矸石砖;灰砂砖; 空心砖等)
2.solid or hollow brick of pressed or molded glass压制或模制玻璃制空心砖或实心砖
3.precast beam and hollow-tile floor预制小梁空心砖楼盖
4.tile lintel floor空心砖加筋密肋楼板
5.Fired hollow bricks and blocksGB13545-1992烧结空心砖和空心砌块
6.Scientific development of high-quality coal gangue sintering brick and hollow brick科学发展高品质煤矸石烧结多孔砖和空心砖
7.Technical application specifications for sintered clay hollow bricks烧结粘土空心砖应用技术规程
8.The floors are to be built with hollow tiles or with lightweitht aggregate.楼板计划用空心砖或轻骨料建造。
9.Intelligent Supervisor-Control System of Air Brick Product Line Based on Labview;基于LabVIEW的烧结空心砖智能监控系统
10.The Designing and Construction of Garden Rockery Made of Pulverized Coal Ash and Ceramic Content-vacant Blocks;粉煤灰陶砾空心砖假山的设计与施工
11.Research on Utilizing High-sulfur Coal Gangue to Make Sintered Hollow Bricks高硫煤矸石制备烧结空心砖技术研究
12.Study on the Pretreatment of Raw Material Influence the Capability of Coal Gangue Sintered Hollow Brick;原材料预处理对煤矸石空心砖性能影响的研究
13.Discusses on Feasibility of Construction pulverized coal ash concrete hollow block production line;建设粉煤灰混凝土空心砖生产线的可行性探讨
14.Studies on experiment of shear strength of air brick masonry of steel fibre mortar;钢纤维砂浆空心砖砌体抗剪强度的试验研究
15.Experiments of seismic performance of Gangue shale hollow brick-wall and ANSYS analysis煤矸石空心砖墙体抗震性能实验及ANSYS分析
16.Experimental analysis on seismic behavior of reinforced shale cavity brick masonry walls配筋页岩空心砖墙体抗震性能试验研究
17.Energy-saving sintering shale hollow brick in self-insulation system of external wall节能型烧结页岩空心砖外墙自保温体系
18.Factors in affecting the plasticity of raw material with fly ash used in hollow fired brick影响粉煤灰烧结空心砖泥料可塑性因素的研究

Air brick空心砖
1.Solid brick made of clay may destroy vegetation and occupy infield,further more the strength and heat preservation capability of it is not as good as air brick.由于粘土实心砖的生产要占用耕地并且破坏植被,另外在强度和保温等性能上也不如空心砖,所以采用煤矸石烧结空心砖替代粘土实心砖是发展的必然趋势。
3)bubble brick空心球砖
5)wall made of hole-bricks空心砖墙
6)hollow building brick,hollow block空心大砖,空心建筑砖

空心砖空心砖hollow brick 空心砖(h ollowbrick)将实心砖坯钻上孔洞烧制而成的墙体材料。相比之下实心粘土砖是一种高耗能墙体材料,每万块实心粘土砖(标准砖)需要消耗燃料约1吨标准煤(ltce,见谋当量),是各种墙体材料中能耗最高的。而且实心粘土砖耗土量也最大,每块标准砖耗费粘土约2.5~3kg,是各类墙体材料中耗土量最大的材料。将实心粘土砖做成空心的,就减少了粘土用量。同时也降低了焙烧的燃料消耗。由于空心砖内部有孔洞,在烧制过程中有利于气流流动,加强了热传导,使燃料消耗进一步降低。例如:生产孔洞率为40%的空心砖比实心粘土砖少用粘土40%,同时还少耗煤40%。 空心砖内有空洞,形成空气隔离层,由于空气导热性差,空心砖用于房屋建筑的墙体材料,其保温隔热性能好,节省了房屋采暖、空调用能,因而空心砖是一种节能型产品。例如:24cm 26孔空心砖墙〔孔洞率40%),其热阻相当于37cm实心砖墙的热阻,亦即相同厚度的空心砖墙比实心砖墙,可减少热损失1/3。 由于空心砖少用粘土,砖的重量减轻,因而空心砖又是轻型材料,适宜于高层建筑做墙体充填材料,可减轻基础的负荷,降低房屋的造价。 除了粘土制造空心砖以外,许多砌筑材料(如粉煤灰砖、灰砂砖、砌块等)都可制成空心制品,都有节能节材的效益。目前,中国空心砖空心率一般在25一5。%,而国外有的空心砖空心率可达60一7。%。在不影响使用的前提下,提高空心率可收到显著节能效果。(陈敏)