1.AS mammal deletion of subdirectories one by one is a diverse and complicated operation, the executive command programmed with PASCAL language has been applicated in the computation center for automatically deleting them with higher effectiveness.以人工操作逐一删除子目录,费时且效率低,用PASCAL语言编写程序,经编译后生成可执行的命令,用批处理进行调用实现自动删除,可大大提高工作效率。
2.In general, there are some methods about maintenance ,for instance ,utility policy, deletion policy.本文在给出一个改进的删除策略维护方案的同时 ,并从另一角度出发 ,提出一个基于范例增加的维护策略 ,以保证系统的性能不受影响 ,从而达到小范例库强功能的目

1.Component was deleted, delete reference.组件已被删除,删除参考.
2.Stores deleted items until you permanently remove them from your computer存储已删除的项目(除非您永久删除)
3.Deleting 'XX' will remove this directory. Are you sure you still want to delete this directory?删除'XX'将删除此目录。您确实想要删除此目录吗?
4.The DSA object cannot be deleted.不能删除 DSA 对象。
5.Java Security (Delete Privilege)Java安全性 (删除特权)
6.erasure locator删除[疑符]定位子
7.deletion of exclusio免除责任条款的删除
8.The document cannot be deleted. Check in the document before deleting it.无法删除文档。请在删除之前签入文档。
9.A delete operation failed because the entire delete could not be completed.由于无法完成全部删除删除操作失败。
10.Click Remove to delete this shortcut.要删除这个快捷方式,请单击“删除”。
11.Delete the table at the insertion locatio在插入位置删除一个表格/删除表格
12.Prompt for model element(s) delete on delete of shape(s)删除形状时提示是否删除模型元素
13.vowel cancellation task删除元音的工作删除元音的工作
14.The property cannot be deleted. It may have already been deleted.无法删除该属性。它可能已被删除
15.You cannot delete a folder WITH FORCE, only files不能强制删除文件夹,只能删除文件
16.An error occurred while deleting the objects. Some of the objects may not be deleted.删除对象时出错。某些对象不能被删除
17.Delete the current selection Delete selected cards删除当前选择 删除选定的个人卡
18.The allocation range cannot be deleted. To delete the allocation range, remove the scope from this server.无法删除分配范围。要想删除分配范围,请将作用域从此服务器删除

1.This paper introduces different methods on how to add, delete, edit records in a database.介绍了利用MFCODBC对数据源中的数据进行修改、增加、删除等操作的方法 ,并配有VC ++实例说明 。
2.The paper is the later series of paper three,how to delete a node in a BT and keep its balance is the topic.研究如何在一棵平衡树中删除一个结点后仍保持平衡。
3.This paper introduces some methods of storing and processing tree structure in relation s database table, providing database table s structure and algorithms of search,insert,delete, modify.介绍几种关系数据库表存储、处理树形结构数据的实用方法 ,给出数据库表的组织结构及检索、插入、删除、修改等算
1.There are some technical problems in the system, such as examining resolution ratio of display, deleting "file" menu and controlling menus by order, and the solutions for them is discussed respectively in this article. 检测与转换模拟系统是基于电类专业检测与转换课程教学而开发的一套模拟实验系统,本文主要讨论了系统开发过程中遇到的几个技术问题,并分别提出了对于获取和恢复屏幕分辨率、删除系统"file"菜单及菜单的分级控制等问题的解决方案。
2.Primary Study on the Influence of Deleting 3′ Sequence of β-mannanase[结果]删除甘露聚糖酶基因3′端246 bp后甘露聚糖酶依然具有酶活性。
1.This article ,af ter the removal of additional the explanations and the rearrangement of the sent ence order, has given a reasonable explanation instead. 《孔雀东南飞》中关于太守向刘家求婚一节,向来是注解中解不开的"死结",本文认为这是由于错简而导致语句失序及存在衍文二个原因所致,因此在删除衍文的基础上,对语句做了合理调整,从而对该节作出了文畅理合的解读。
