1.Overseas railway project budget making;涉外铁路工程项目概预算的编制
2.Analyse and Design of Telecommunication Construction Engineering Budget Making System;通信建设工程概预算编制系统的分析与设计
3.Design and Implementation of Works Volume List Price Mode of Construction Engineering Budget Information System;建筑工程概预算信息系统中工程量清单计价模块的设计与实现

1.On the Teaching Reform of the Course of Budgetary Estimate of Architectural Engineering;论《建筑工程概预算》课程教学改革
2.Using FoxPro to prepare software for budgetary estimate and budget making of railway engineering;利用FoxPro编制铁路工程概预算软件
3.Optimize the Teaching of the Budgetary of Civil Engineering;提高建筑工程概预算教学效果的探讨
4.A New Idea of Course Teaching for Architecture Engineering Budgetary Estimate and Budget;《建筑工程概预算》课程教学新思路
5.Research and development of CAI system of construction budgetary estimate;建筑工程概预算CAI系统的研究与开发
6.System Research on Auto CAD Interactive Pre-budgeting of Landscape EngineeringAuto CAD交互式园林工程概预算系统研究
7.The measurement of the earth and stone works in the budget estimate of municipal engineering市政工程概预算中的土石方正确计量
8.Computer technique application on decorative engineering cost estimate计算机技术在装饰工程概预算中的应用
9.Discussion on the quantity calculating points in the road project general budget making;公路工程概预算编制中工程量计算要点简述
10.Calculation Points of General Estimate and Budget Programming for Highway Engineering编制公路工程概预算工程量计算要点与解析
11.On current situation and development thought of budget estimate computerization in colleges and universities高等学校概预算电算化现状与发展思路的探讨
12.preliminary estimate and estimate of capital construction基本建设概算、预算
13.preliminary estimate norms and estimate norms of capital construction基本建设概算、预算定额
14.rolling two year project budget concept滚转两年项目预算概念
15.On the settlement of ultra-tender the project budget,budget issues Perspective浅析招标工程结算超预算、概算问题
16.recosting of programme budget implications and revised estimates重计所涉方案预算和订正概算的费用
17.Role of Investment Estimation,Budgetary Estimate and Budget in Engineering Design;投资估算、概算和预算在工程设计中的作用

budget estimate概预算
1.Strengthen budget estimate arrangement work to determine reasonable engineering cost;加强概预算编制工作 合理确定工程造价
2.On effective link between budget estimate and engineering quantity list of highway works;公路工程概预算与工程量清单有效衔接的探讨
3.Comment on budget estimate arrangement of highway works;搞好公路工程概预算编制之探讨
3)budgetary estimate概预算
1.Design of a budgetary estimate management system for HVAC installation project;通风空调安装工程概预算管理系统的设计
2.Discussion about Keeping Synchronism between Every Section of Budgetary Estimate;铁路工程概预算各环节应同步的探讨
3.This paper introduced some applications in the implementation of project build norm and budgetary estimate management by using database technology on Delphi.介绍了利用Delphi5的数据库技术 ,在工程建设定额及概预算管理系统的实现中的一些应
4)general budget概预算
1.On working out road project and architectural project general budget;浅谈编制公路工程与建筑工程概预算的体会
2.Correctly using slope well to ration leaving glass is the key point of drawing up tunnel general budget;正确用斜井出碴定额是编制隧道概预算的关键
3.Engineering construction project s general budget auditing is very important for the contractor to control the engineering cost and to increase the investment benefit.工程建设项目概预算审核是业主控制工程造价、提高投资效益的重要手段,文章结合建设项目管理中的实际工作,从业主项目管理投资控制的角度出发,对设计概算、施工图预算经常采用的审核方法及审核过程予以介绍。
5)budgetary estimate and budget概预算
1.The preparation of the budgetary estimate and budget is the basis to carry out the engineering bidding and tendering,and to control the engineering construction cost.我国每年公路工程的建设量都很大,概预算文件的编制是工程进行招投标,对工程进行造价控制的基础。
2.In this paper the writer analyses design methods and models of computer?aided system of budgetary estimate and budget of building engineering, elaborates data structure and function structure of this system, supplies use explanation, characteristics and matters needing attention.分析了建筑工程概预算计算机辅助系统的设计方法及模型 ,阐述了系统的数据结构和功能结构 ,最后给出了系统的使用说明及特色和注意事项 ,经过检验 ,设计方法及模型开发的软件人机界面美观流畅 ,使用方便 ,完全体现Windows风格 ,具有很强扩充性 ,使用简捷 ,提供了联机帮助 ,在实际预算中取得了较好的效
3.As an important part of design files, communication construction engineering budgetary estimate and budget play very important roles in the communication construction project management and cost control.通信建设工程概预算是通信建设工程设计文件的重要组成部分,在通信建设项目管理和造价控制中起到非常重要的作用。
6)Budget estimating概·预算
