农林复合系统,agroforestry system
1)agroforestry system农林复合系统
1.Research advances in interspecific interactions in agroforestry system;农林复合系统种间关系研究进展
2.Water Transfer Model of Agroforestry System and Its Water Ecological Characteristics;农林复合系统水分运移模型与水分生态特征的研究
3.The development history of agroforestry system was introduced in this paper.本文阐述了农林复合系统的发展历史 ,并从生态学、经济学角度讨论了农林复合系统的发展及实践经验。

1.The Impacts of Agroforestry On World Forestry Development;农林复合系统对世界林业发展的影响
2.Underground Interaction Mechanism and Management of Agroforestry Systems in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原农林复合系统地下互作机理及管理
3.The Agroforestry Systems Environmental Quality Assessment in Ravine Region of Loess Plateau;黄土残塬沟壑区农林复合系统环境质量评价
4.The Microclimate Effects of Agroforestry System in XU HUAI Plain Areas;徐淮平原农林复合系统小气候效益研究
5.Effects of Hedgerows of Agroforesty System on Crops in Slope Land;坡地农林复合系统中绿篱对作物生长的影响
6.Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon In the Agro-forestry Systems of Eastern Henan Plain豫东平原农林复合系统土壤有机碳时空特征
7.Advance on Agro-forestry Ecosystem and Inter-specific Interaction农林复合系统及其种间相互作用研究进展
8.Study on Benefits of Agroforestry Ecosystems in Purple Soil Area;紫色土区农林复合生态系统效益研究
10.Development of Non-timber Forest Products Through Agri-forest Compound Ecological System;通过农林复合生态系统发展非木材林产品
11.The Choice of Coniferous and Broadleaf Tree for Agro-forestry Ecological System on Taihang Mountain太行山农林复合生态系统中针阔叶树种的选择
12.The Biossay of Allelopathy of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in Agroforesty System复合农林系统中水杉他感作用的生物测定
13.Benefits Valuation of Eucalyptus-Crops Agriforestry;桉树人工林混农复合生态系统效益评估
14.The Classification、Structure and Function of Agroforestry Ecosyetems in Western Liaoning Province;辽西复合农林生态系统分类、结构和功能研究
15.Agroforestry System and Plan in Sandstone Areas of Zhungeer, Inner Mongolia;内蒙古准格尔旗砒砂岩区复合农林系统及设计
16.System Dynamics Study on Agroforestry Ecosystem in LiouAn Area, Anhui;地区农林牧复合生态系统仿真模型的研究
17.Construction and Model of Agroforestry System in Sandstone Areas;砒砂岩区复合农林系统构建技术与模式研究
18.Characteristics of farming-forestry-animal husbandry integrated ecosystem in Kaifeng sandy region.;开封沙区农林牧复合生态经济系统特征分析

agroforestry[英][,?ɡr?u'f?ristri][美][,?ɡro'f?r?stri, -'fɑr-]农林复合系统
1.Simulation of soil moisture regime in agroforestry with the moving mean slope model;应用运动平均斜率模型模拟农林复合系统土壤水分动态的研究
2.The paper summarized the recent advances in planning and design of agroforestry sgstem from the aspects of guiding principles,procedures,contents,and mathematic and technological methods adopted in agroforestry planning and design,such as grey linear programming dissipative structure and 3S(RS,GIS,GPS) technologies and computer aided models.文章综述了农林复合系统规划设计的指导原则、内容、步骤以及灰色线性规划、耗散理论等方法和3S技术及计算机辅助模型在农林复合规划设计中的应用,文章最后展望了农林复合规划设计的研究前景。
3.in agroforestry landscape types in 3 villages with different characteristics in Yinhe Town.运用景观生态学的研究方法和观点对我省西部农林复合经营的典型之一———甘南县音河镇 3个具有不同特点的村的农林复合系统进行景观类型的多样性、均匀性、优势度、相对丰富度及类斑丰度的比较分析。
3)agroforestry systems农林复合系统
1.Environmental assessment indicator system of agroforestry systems and its application in Weibei Upland of the Loess Plateau;渭北旱塬农林复合系统环境评价指标体系研究与应用
2.Based on the investigating spatial structure of roots of trees and wheat in interface and nearby soil between forest belt and crops in agroforestry systems on the Loess Plateau, the niche breadth, niche overlap indexes and niche similarity ratio were calculated according to structure of absorbing roots of trees and wheat.以黄土塬区农林复合系统为对象,通过调查研究林带(杨树为主)与农作物界面附近土壤中树木和小麦根系的空间分布,利用树木吸收根和小麦根系生物量计算生态位宽度、生态重叠指数和生态位相似性比例,并据此分析林木和农作物种群在水分和养分资源轴的生态位特征。
3.Based on the studying achievement of agroforestry systems classification in China and others,combine the nature environment?society economy and the developing condition of Agroforestry systems etc.在国内外有关农林复合系统分类研究成果的基础上 ,结合贵州喀斯特地区的自然环境、社会经济状况以及农林复合系统的发展现状等 ,按功能分类法将贵州喀斯特地区农林复合系统分为 4级 :功能、结构、复合模式 (组分 )、经营方
4)Agro forestry system农林复合系统
1.Nutrient cycle of rubber tea chicken eco agricultural model—a typical tro pical agro forestry system in Wenchang municipality of Hainan Province was studied with quantitative experiment and qualitative analysis compared with rubber and rubber tea systems.结果表明 ,胶—茶—鸡农林复合系统的氮、磷输入、输出量最大 ,系统外物质投入率比另两系统明显减少 ,系统内养分循环量增加 ,因此 ,该系统具有较合理的物质循环结构。
5)agroforestry system复合农林业系统
1.There are many types of agroforestry system established by local farmers in the mountain regions in Guangxi.因地制宜地建设各种类型的复合农林业系统是山 地可持续利用的有效措施。
6)agroforestry system林农复合系统
1.Comprehensive benefit evaluation of multiple cropping subsys-tems in agroforestry system of hilly area in Sichuan Basin;川中浅丘农区坡地林农复合系统作物复种方式的综合效益评价
2.It showed that there was comensalism to the trees in the agroforestry system composed of 5~6 years old trees,but there was amensalism to the crops in the agroforestry system composed of trees older than 6 years.研究了池杉( Taxodium ascendens) 下间作黄麻( Corchorus capsularis) 和苏丹草( Sorghum sudanense) 在不同树龄阶段的林木生长情况和作物产量,结果发现5 ~6 a 树龄时的林农复合系统具有对林木的偏利作用,而6 a 树龄后的树木对农作物有偏害作用。
3.This paper studies the agroforestry systems on slopes from the biomass and productivity, the energy conversion rate,the utilization rate of nutrient elements and the efficiency of value conversion.本文从生物量与生产力、能量转化率、营养元素利用率、价值转换效益方面对坡地林农复合系统进行了研究,并用层次分析法(AHP)进行了综合效益评价。

《中国农林复合经营》《中国农林复合经营》Agroforest in China zhongguo nonglin fuhe Jingy一ng《中国农林复合经营》(月g八沂刀℃‘,in china)一本总结中国农林复合经营历史、现状及方法论的著作。全书共8章,其中1~2章叙述了农林复合经营的概念、发展历史和基本原理;3~5章提出了农林复合经营系统分类和分区,全国划分为东北、华北、华中、华南、西北和青藏6大生态类型区,共315种类型,并对当前分布广且有代表性的巧种典型类型进行了重点介绍;6~7章介绍了农林复合经营的调查设计和评价方法;第8章为展望,对未来发展提出了著作者的见解。 本书以最新的观点—可持续发展的观点为指导思想,以生态经济学的原理为依据,论述中国的农林复合经营,因而全书体现着农林复合经营和生态环境协调发展的思想,是本书的重要特点。同时,本书系统而全面地介绍了中国现代农林复合经营的状况,且用较大的篇幅对农林复合经营的基本原理和设计方法进行论述,读者可从中获得如何优化现有的农林复合经营模式和设计新的模式的知识,可操作性强。因此,它还兼有近似于教科书和工作手册的优点。 本书由森林生态学家、曾任联合国教科文组织人与生物圈计划国际协调委员会主席的李文华研究员和赖世登研究员等多位长期从事农林复合经营理论研究和实践工作的专家集体编著。本书由联合国教科文组织资助出版。(赖世登)