青菜,Brassica chinensis
1)Brassica chinensis青菜
1.Study of Response Mechanisms of Two Cultivars of Pakchoi(Brassica chinensis)to Cu;2种不同耐性青菜品种对铜胁迫响应差异的机制研究
2.Effects of soil Pb pollution on growth of Brassica chinensis and Ipomoea aquatica and urease activities.;土壤铅污染对青菜和蕹菜生长及脲酶活性的影响
3.Phyto-Toxicity and Uptake of Cadmium by Brassica chinensis and Ipomoea aquatica in Soils;土壤Cd污染对青菜和蕹菜生长及Cd含量的影响

1.Green vegetables, cabbage, beancurd, bean paste.青菜,白菜,豆腐,豆花
2.B: You can have a choice of two vegetables-- broccoli, spinach, baked potatoes and string beans.乙:您可以选两种青菜--花菜、菠菜、烤马铃薯、菜豆。
3.She eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat.她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。
4.You should strain off the water from the vegetables.你该把青菜中的水滤去。
5.I want a bowl of carrot and cabbage soup.我要一碗萝卜青菜汤。
6.Asparagus is the vegetable of the day," announced the waiter.今天的青菜是龙须菜”,侍者说。
7.We grow our own green vegetables in the garden.我们在菜园里自己种青菜
8."Asparagus is the vegetable of the day," announced the waiter.“今天的青菜是龙须菜”,侍者说。
9.As well as vegetables, fish is often pickled particularly herring.和青菜一样,鱼皮可以腌制,尤其是青鱼。
10.The Study of Effect on Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Deficiency and Excess on the Growth of Brassica chinensis L.cv.Suzhou氮、磷、钾失调对“苏州青”青菜生长的影响
11.She bought at the market pork, potatoes, green vegetables and the like.她在菜市场买了些猪肉、土豆、青菜什么的。
12.The Difference of Cd Uptake and Tolerance of Brassica Pekinensis and Brassica Chinensis';青菜、大白菜对Cd耐性及吸收积累差异的研究
13.Effects of White Clover as Green Manure on Growth and Quality of Brassica Chinensis and Lactuca Sativa;白三叶作基肥对青菜和生菜生长及品质的影响
14.Pass the potatoes and the greens--careful, they're hot.把土豆和青菜传一传--小心,烫手。
15.She bought pork, potatoes, green vegetables, anything.什么猪肉啊, 土豆啊, 青菜啊, 她都买了。
16.green beans, spinach and tomatoes.青豆、菠菜和西红柿。
17.Yes. And the other dish is shrimp and green pea .对,另一个菜是青豆虾仁。
18.You have a choice of vegetables, green beans, or spinach.(你可以选择蔬菜:青碗豆或菠菜。)

Chinese cabbage青菜
1.Concentrations of heavy metals in soils and Chinese cabbages(Brassica chinensis)from some urban vegetable fields around Nanjing;南京市城郊零散菜地土壤及青菜中重金属含量特征
2.Investigation on Organophosphorous Pesticides Residues in Summer Chinese Cabbage in Nanjing.;南京市夏季青菜中有机磷农药残留量调查
3.Component and content changes of volatiles from Chinese cabbage damaged by Plutella xylostella.;小菜蛾咬食后青菜释放的挥发性物质成分和含量的变化
1.Study on Multiresidue Method For Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticide in Greengrocery;青菜7种有机磷农药残留检测技术的研究
2.Effect of Store Temperature and Kind of Film on Quality Change of Packaged Greengrocery;贮藏温度及包装薄膜对青菜品质的影响
3.Study on the Effect of Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing on Greengrocery in Summer;测土配方施肥技术对夏季青菜生长的影响研究
4)Brassica chinensis L青菜
1.AFLP Analysis on Sibship of Brassica chinensis L.;青菜品种亲缘关系AFLP分析
2.Studies on Cadmium Tolerance between Brassica chinensis L. and Brassica pekinensis Rupr.of Different Genetic Groups;不同基因型的青菜、白菜耐镉性差异研究
3.High Efficiency Regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Brassica chinensis L. with B.t. Gene and CpTI Gene;青菜的高效再生和农杆菌介导B.t.及CpTI基因的转化
1.Effects of Copper on Cabbage(Brassica chinensis L)Seedlings;铜离子对青菜幼苗生长的影响
2.Effects of Copper on the Cabbage(Brassica chinensis L.)Seedling;铜离子对水培青菜幼苗生长的影响
3.Distribution and Formation of Copper in the Cabbage;铜在青菜体内的分布与存在形式研究
6)green vegetable青菜
1.Effect of isotopic carrier on green vegetable absorption ~(141) Ce;同位素载体对青菜吸收~(141)Ce的影响
2.Based on the analysis of the test in the planting site of Xinming county,Liaoning Province,the method that green vegetable is soaked by fipronil to lure and kill weevil is proved to be effective,thus it is worth to use widely in production.笔者通过在辽宁省新民地区造林地中的试验,认为使用锐劲特浸泡青菜诱杀象鼻虫效果较好,可以在生产中推广使用。
