1.Empirical Analysis on Ecological Land Consolidation:Taking Kanego of Japan for Example生态型土地整理实证分析——以日本家根合地区为例

1.Empirical Analysis on Ecological Land Consolidation:Taking Kanego of Japan for Example生态型土地整理实证分析——以日本家根合地区为例
2.Furniture should Be designed rationally according to the room conditions.做家具应根据居室情况,合理设计。
3.Abstract Nach 140jahriger Entwicklung und Vervollstandigung ist die Genossenschaft anf der Welt in mehr als 100 Landern tief gewurzelt.合作社已在100多个国家扎下了根。
4.Qualified according to the rules of a professional association which has a royal charter(根据持有皇家特许状的专业协会的规章)合格的
5.homeless, rootless, lonely...没家、没根、寂寞…
6.His father was a general-store manager, a drinker and a drifter.里根的父亲是一个综合商店的经理,一个四海为家的酒鬼。
7.That night at Coggan's Oak, beneath the screen of closed eyelids, was busy with fancies.那天夜里,奥克睡在科根家。他合着眼,但却浮想联翩。
8.They are operated and managed by two private operators under management contracts with government.这些停车场分别由两家私营公司根据管理合约经营及管理。
9.Of course at my home, according to the law, it's illegal to use the word" mediocrity" to describe a person publicily.当然是在我家,根据法律,在公众场合用「庸」词去形容一个人是犯法的。
10.an incorporated administrative district established by state charter.根据国家或州的宪章确定的一个联合的行政区划。
11.Different ways of investment and cooperation were followed in light of the actual conditions of different countries.根据不同国家的情况,分别采取不同的投资、合作方式。
12.Basing himself on the realities of his life,the painter successfully integrated realism and artistic exaggeration.画家根据自己的现实生活,成功地把现实主义和艺术夸张结合起来。
13.Where a mandatory task is assigned or a procurement order is given by the State in light of need,the legal persons or other organizations concerned shall conclude a contract国家根据需要下达指令性任务或者国家订货任务的,有关法人、其它组织之间订立合同。
14.The center is accused of imposing on peripheral econmies a growth pattern incompatible with local needs.他们指责中心地区国家把根本不适合当地需求的增长模式强加给边缘地区国家经济.
15.The center is accused of imposing on peripheral economies a growth pattern incompatible with local needs.他们指责中心地区国家把根本不适合当地需求的增长模式强加给边缘地区国家经济。
16.Artists make root-carvings out of tree roots.艺术家把树根做成了根雕艺术品。
17.The young tree finally took root in its new home.幼苗终于在新家生根。
18.She always kept things decent in多亏了她,汉尼根家,

family root家庭根源
1.This article tries to analyze the family root of Heathcliff s tragic fete from the angle of psychology and pedagogy in order to enlighten people.本文试图从心理学及教育学的角度,探讨希克厉悲剧命运的家庭根源,从而给人们一些启迪。
3)Grassroots House草根之家
4)combined roots并合根数
5)Fused Root融合根
1.Morphological study on the root canal system of the third molar s fused root in Jiangxi province s population;江西地区人群第3磨牙融合根根管系统形态学研究
6)compound packing复合盘根
1.For this new type valve, compound packing seat is used for valve stem sealing system, labyrinth structure is utilized as.为解决这些问题,研制了角式迷宫截止阀,它采用复合盘根对阀杆密封,内部阀心采用迷宫结构,手轮采用撞击手轮,有效地降低了水击现象对阀门和注水设备的破坏,并保证开关截止有效,延长了阀门的使用寿命。
