1.Introduction on Lee Shu-Ching and His Translation of the Land Economics Co-authored by Ely and Wehrwein in Chinese李树青生平与伊黎、魏尔万合著之《土地经济学》的中译

1.Introduction on Lee Shu-Ching and His Translation of the Land Economics Co-authored by Ely and Wehrwein in Chinese李树青生平与伊黎、魏尔万合著之《土地经济学》的中译
2.The clashes mark a new escalation in Lebanon's battle with Islamic militias as fighting shifted to the coastal city of Tripoli.黎巴嫩与伊斯兰民兵的武装冲突已扩大到沿海城市的黎波里。
3.an Iranian language spoken in Turkey and Iran and Iraq and Syria and Russia.分布在土耳其、伊朗、黎巴嫩、叙利亚和俄罗斯的一种伊朗语。
4.There is the Paris of Catherine de Medicis at the Tuileries;在杜伊勒里宫,那是卡特琳·德·梅迪西斯的巴黎;
5.Comparison of the Political Structures of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine伊拉克、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦政治结构比较研究
6.Sikorsky returned home to Kiev after learning all he could in Paris.伊格尔在巴黎学到了他能学到的一切,然后回到了基辅。
7.During the evening, Monte Cristo quitted Paris for Auteuil, accompanied by Ali.当在傍晚,基督山由阿里陪着离开巴黎到欧特伊去了。
8.so that when ordering a pizza in Honolulu, New York, Paris, Istanbul, New Delhi, or Tokyo,因此当你在檀香山、纽约、巴黎、伊斯坦堡、新德里或东京点披萨时,
9.Mr Nasrallah says he is not fighting for Lebanon but“ for the Islamic nation”.纳斯鲁拉说他不是在为黎巴嫩而战,他是在“为伊斯兰国家而战”。
10.Hizbullah or Hizbullah orHizb Allah Lebanese Shi'ite Islamist organization."真主党,阿拉伯语意为「真神之政党」,是一个黎巴嫩伊斯兰教军事组织,"
11.First, they had a stake in the Paris-based company that ran the canal.首先,他们在总部设在巴黎经营着苏伊士运河的公司有一定的利益。
12.The examples given are Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Indonesia, Lebanon and Liberia.例如:伊拉克,阿富汗,乌克兰,印尼,黎巴嫩以及利比里亚。
13.Beijing was competing against Toronto, Osaka, Istanbul and Paris for the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.北京与多伦多、大阪、伊斯坦布尔、巴黎争夺2008年夏季奥运会的举办权。
14.Hand Lebanon back to Mr Assad in order to split Syria from Iran?让阿萨德重新控制黎巴嫩以便分化伊朗和叙利亚?
15.On the Trend of Chinese Men Basketball Team through Its Matches with the Other Two Strong Teams in the 25th Asian Basketball Championship从第25届亚锦赛中国与伊朗、黎巴嫩两强比赛略论中国男篮的走向
16.An attack on a unit of US-led forces patrolling outside the Iraqi capital Baghdad before dawn on Saturday left5 soldiers dead and3 missing.周六黎明前,在伊拉克首都巴格达外巡逻的美军部队遭到袭击,造成5名士兵死亡,3人失踪。
17.Eventually, I found him paying dandavats on the floor of the temple room in front of Radha Paris-Isvara.最后,我发现他在庙里茹阿达·黎-伊斯瓦茹阿神像前的地板上做五体投地的顶拜。
18.Orient Express: Luxury train that ran from Paris to Constantinople (Istanbul) for over 80 years (1883-1977).东方快车:行驶巴黎到君士坦丁堡(伊斯坦堡)八十多年(1883~1977)的豪华列车。

4)Chinese velvet bean黎豆
1.FAAS was applied to the determination of 6 trace-elements(Ca,Mg,Zn,Cu,Fe and Mn) in wild Chinese velvet bean grown in Dabie mountain area.采用了火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了大别山区野生黎豆中钙、镁、锌、铜、铁、锰6种微量元素的含量,采用硝酸-高氯酸的混酸湿法消化样品,并用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法对测定结果作了对照,又将测定结果与黑豆、黄豆中6种微量元素钙、镁、锌、铜、铁和锰的含量作了比较,论证了大别山区野生黎豆具有较高的营养价值,为黎豆的广泛开发提供了科学的依据。
5)Li minority黎族
1.Medical Ethnobotany of the Run Dialect People of Li Minority in Hainan;海南润方言黎族药用民族植物学研究
2.Comparison Analysis on Physical Fitness of Li Minority Middle and Primary School Students in Hainan Province With the Han Nationality in China;海南省黎族中小学生与全国汉族中小学生体质对比分析
3.Born in the Blood and Sharing the Same Spirit——A Comment on the Creation Myth of Li Minority and Bach Viet根脉相承 精神相通——黎族与南方百越后裔诸民族的创世神话评析
1.Research on Exploiting Dong's Dress Culture in Liping Gounty of Guizhou province Research Topic Group of Teaching and Research Section of Art Design;贵州黎平侗族服饰文化开发研究
2.The Discovery of Lengshuitang Manganese Ore Deposits in Liping County and Its Economic Geology Significance;黎平县冷水塘锰矿的发现及其经济地质意义
3.Liping is the largest Dong minority county,the center of Dong culture in China and new tourism hot point in Guizhou province.黎平是我国最大的侗族县和侗族文化中心,也是贵州省一个新兴的旅游热点地区。

《黎明报》  巴基斯坦全国性英文对开日报。1947年 8月在卡拉奇创刊。创刊人穆罕默德·阿里·真纳。由哈龙家族的巴基斯坦先驱出版有限公司出版。前身是印巴分治前在德里出版的《黎明报》,曾在全印穆斯林联盟领导的巴基斯坦独立运动中起过喉舌作用。读者多为政府官员、实业界人士和各类专业人员。日发行量7万份(1986)。办有海外版,为周刊。1979年以来,同中国《经济日报》、法国《世界报》(法国)等14家外国报纸合办《今日世界》专刊,每季度1期,旨在促进国际间对话,建立国际经济新秩序。