《禁闭》,No Exit
1)No Exit《禁闭》
1.Consideration on Sartre s "The Others Are Hell" from His No Exit;从《禁闭》看萨特的“他人就是地狱”
2.Medusa s Eye": Comments on Jean-Paul Sartre s Philosophical Thinking in No Exit;“梅杜萨之眼”——从《禁闭》看萨特的哲学视界
3.Further Read No Exit——On the Relationship between Sartre’s Works and His Emotional Life《禁闭》的另一种解读——兼论萨特的文学创作与其情感生活的关系

1.Consideration on Sartre s "The Others Are Hell" from His No Exit;从《禁闭》看萨特的“他人就是地狱”
2.Medusa s Eye": Comments on Jean-Paul Sartre s Philosophical Thinking in No Exit;“梅杜萨之眼”——从《禁闭》看萨特的哲学视界
3.To shut or keep in, especially to imprison.禁闭关闭或禁闭,尤指在监狱里
4.San Yick Closed Centre [closed]新益禁闭中心〔已关闭〕
5.OK, you're grounded.好,你被关禁闭了。
6.He' s in solitary for the weekend.他周末遭单独禁闭.
7.a state of confinement (usually for a short time.被禁闭的状态(通常短期)。
8.Move out of the way or you will be sent to the cooler!让开,要不然就送禁闭室!
9.a penal institution (especially on board a ship).(美国军舰上的)禁闭室。
10.A barracks in which slaves or convicts were formerly held in temporary confinement.临时禁闭营以前奴隶或罪犯的临时禁闭房
11.to be placed in confinement,ie in a prison,mental hospital,etc被监禁,禁闭(坐牢、被关进精神病院里等)
12.The smoking ban is usually phrased as a ban on smoking in” enclosed public spaces”.禁烟令通常是禁止在“密闭公共场所”吸烟。
13.Teachers may assign detention tasks as they wish and some detentions have been actually dangerous.老师可能随心所欲指派关禁闭的形式,有些禁闭事实上很危险。
14."Remove and disable the Turn Off Computer button""删除和禁用“关闭计算机”按钮"
15.Who, me? Surely I'd be In the cooler right now.谁?我吗?我一定马上到禁闭室去。
16.Throw him In the cooler. I will deal with him later.丢他到禁闭室。我待会再跟他聊聊。
17.Go away prisoner, or you will go to the cooler滚开,囚犯,要不然就送你去禁闭室。
18.A room in which military prisoners are confined.军中禁闭室关押军事犯人的房间

confinement punishment禁闭
3)To confine; enclose.关闭;禁闭
4)quark confinement夸克禁闭
1.It is well known that symmetry breaking and quark confinement are two open problems in theoretical physics.众所周知,对称性破缺与夸克禁闭问题是理论物理中悬而未决的两大疑难。
2.In this paper we give a brief introduction to the strong interaction and the quark model, asymptotic freedom and quark confinement, high energy heavy-ion collisions and quark matter, the ALICE experiments at the LHC, and the connection between quarks and the cosmos.这样的实验有可能从本源上探索:强作用力如何支配物质结构?夸克作为强作用力的基本量子,如何禁闭于质子和中子内部?夸克作为物质的基本组成单元,质量从何而来?文章介绍了在大型强子对撞机上探索物质本源的大型重离子实验,内容包括:强作用力与夸克模型、渐进自c由与夸克禁闭、重离子碰撞与夸克物质、LHC上的ALICE实验、连通夸克和宇宙。
5)color confinment色禁闭
1.The result supports a mechanism on color confinment which comes from the dual Misner Effect.结果支持由对偶迈斯纳效应造成色禁闭的图像 。
6)gap eqution禁闭势
