纯粹理性批判,Critique of Pure Reason
1)Critique of Pure Reason纯粹理性批判
1.On the Circular Demonstration Between Philosophy and the Possibility of Science——From the Perspective of Kant s Critique of Pure Reason;哲学与科学的可能性之间的循环证明——从康德《纯粹理性批判》的视域看
2.The Historical Origin of Subjectivity in Kant s Critique of Pure Reason;论康德《纯粹理性批判》中主体性的理论渊源
3.As the core of Critique of Pure Reason, Kant s transcendental logic is very important in the whole Kantian Philosophy.康德的先验逻辑是《纯粹理性批判》的核心思想,在整个康德哲学中也具有极为重要的作用。

1.On Immanuel Kant s "Synthetical Judgments a Priori" in Critique of Pure Reason;《纯粹理性批判》核心思想及其价值
2.The Comparison of the A and B editions Transcendental Deduction in the Critique of Pure Reason;《纯粹理性批判》中两版先验演绎之比较
3.Look at Infinite Condition From Critique of Pure Reason;从《纯粹理性批判》看“无条件”问题
4.On the translation of“Appearance" and “Phenomenon"in 《Critique of the pure rationality》;关于《纯粹理性批判》中“Appearance”与“Phenomenon”的翻译
5.An Interpretation of Theory of Transcendental Deduction of Critique of Pure Reason《纯粹理性批判》之先验演绎思想解读
6.The Historical Origin of Subjectivity in Kant s Critique of Pure Reason;论康德《纯粹理性批判》中主体性的理论渊源
7.Knowledge, Morality and Religion ──Some Issues on Kant s The Critique of Pure Reason;知识、道德与宗教──康德《纯粹理性批判》的几个问题
8.Three Dimensions of the Problem of the Value of Category in Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason康德《纯粹理性批判》中范畴效用问题的三个维度
9.An Inspection of "the Common Root of Sensibility and Understanding"--A Micro-research of the " Introduction" to Critique of Pure Reason;“感性与知性的共同根”之辨——《纯粹理性批判》导言的一个微观考察
10.Theoretical Transcendence of Kant s Prolegomena over Critique of Pure Reason;康德《未来形而上学导论》对《纯粹理性批判》的理论超越
11.Ricoeur s Comments on Kant s Concept of Time;利科论康德的时间观——试述《时间与叙事》对《纯粹理性批判》的解读
12.Version and Culture ──A Replenishment About the Chinese Version of Critique of the Pure Ration by I. Kant;文本与文化——关于《纯粹理性批判》中译本情况的一个补正
13.Time:The Inter-limitation and the Fulfillment of Sensibility & Understanding--Discussion on "Time" in Kant s Book Critique of Pure Reason;时间:感性与知性的相互限制及其实现——论康德《纯粹理性批判》一书中的“时间”
14.On the Circular Demonstration Between Philosophy and the Possibility of Science--From the Perspective of Kant s Critique of Pure Reason;哲学与科学的可能性之间的循环证明——从康德《纯粹理性批判》的视域看
15.On Division between "Know" and "Think" and Its Significance--A Micro Study on Kant s Preface to the Second Edition Critique of Pure Reason;“认识”与“思想”的区分及其意义——对《纯粹理性批判》第二版序文的微观考察
16.Is a "Pure" Theory of Legal Interpretation Possible--A Critical Reflection of Kelsen's Legal Interpretation Theory一种“纯粹”的法律解释理论是否可能——凯尔森法律解释理论的一种批判性反思
17.The Right Exertion of Legislative Power from Angle of Pure Theory of Law and Criticism;“纯粹法学”视角下的立法权正当行使及其批判
18.Kafka s Rationality and Irrationality;纯粹的矛盾——卡夫卡的理性与非理性

pure reason纯粹理性
3)the sheer science & technology rationality纯粹科技理性
4)rational criticism理性批判
1.There are two meeting points on Haidegeer and laozhuang s philosophy-rational criticism and human care.海德格尔哲学与老庄哲学有两个契合点:即理性批判和人文关怀。
2.He classified science and metaphysics with his rational criticism; and with his transcendental philosophy he greatly influenced the theoretical route and basic direction of the contemporary British and American analytical philosophy and European humanistic philosophy.他以其理性批判划分了科学与形而上学的不同领域,更以其先验哲学深刻影响了西方现代英美分析哲学与欧陆人本哲学的理论思路、基本走向。
3.The words are the field where the rational criticism can be launched,while the true words are the prerequisite for us to cond uct the rational criticism.理性批判是教育理论发展的基本动力。
5)critical rationality批判理性
1.When we seek for the approaches to the humanistic care for science and technology, we should keep the value rationality and critical rationality.在寻找对科学技术的人文关怀的途径中,对它们保持价值理性和批判理性,努力做到:坚持科学与人文相结合;关注人文视野中的技术;坚持科技进步与人的全面发展相结合,从而破除迷信而崇尚真理,实现科技进步与可持续发展的并行不悖。
6)pure virtue纯粹德性
1.Kant considers that pure virtue is human s essentiality,which needs to be obeyed for obligation,and is the only motivation to be good,and thus it can be taught.康德认为,纯粹德性是人类的本性,它要求出于义务来遵守,而且是趋向于善的唯一动机,因此是可教的。

批判理性主义  见K.R.波普尔。