真实含义,real meaning
1)real meaning真实含义
1.One of the reasons for this is the misunderstanding of the real meaning of market.笔者认为,造成这类事件不断出现的原因之一就在于对市场真实含义的不理解。

1.You wrest my words from their real meaning.你曲解了我的话的真实含义
2.The True Meaning of "Trafficking" in the Crime of Drug Trafficking贩卖毒品罪“贩卖”二字的真实含义
3.The implications of this requirement for fidelity are also explored in Part two.对逼真度这一要求的真实含义将在第二部分加以讨论。
4.New Socialist Countryside:An Institution of Production Relations and Socieal Formation;建设社会主义新农村的真实含义:生产关系和社会形态的创制
5.Anyone may use the above conventionalities and understand their true implications.以上这些话,几乎成了套话,人人都可以用,也都明白它的真实含义
6.The Destiny's Child has shown the world the real meaning of girl power with, their natural charm, talent, charisma and, most important, confidence.“真命天女”以她们天然的魅力、才干、风采、尤其是自信,向世人展示了女人的魅力的真实含义
7.Digital products are also often obscure, hiding meaning, intentions, and actions from users.数字产品常常也是晦涩费解的,它们将真实含义、意图和动作隐藏起来,让用户无从知晓。
8.Searching for the True Meaning of Learning-Type Organization--A Project Proposition for Learning-Type Organization Construction in Sinopec Chemical Products Sales Company寻找学习型组织的真实含义——化工销售分公司学习型组织建设方案构想
9.The real with its meaning read wrong and emphasis misplaced is the unreal.“真实”的含义被误解,轻重被倒置,那就成了“不真实”。
10.will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:将站起来,并实现它的信条的真正含义:
11.The real with its meaning read wrong and emphasis misplaces is the unreal.若误解了真实的含义,或弄错了它的重点,真实便不再真实。
12.She sign the letter in good faith, not realize its implication.她真心实意地在信上签了字,没意识到其中另有含义。
13.She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.她真心实意地在信上签了字, 没意识到其中另有含义.
14.The Implication and Context of “True" --on the ontological trait of practical critical theory;“真”的含义和语境——兼论实践批判理论的本体论特点
15.estimated actual radium analyzer估计真实镭含量分析仪
16."The Authenticity of Realism" and "the Truth of Matter s Inherent Law";“现实主义的真实性”与“本质真实”
17.it means 1.39 x 10-47.它真正的含义是“1.39×10的-47次方”。
18.You wrest my words out of their real meaning.你曲解了我话里的真正含义。

A Discussion on the Real Meaning of Market论市场的真实含义
4)real sense真实意义
1.Only when knowledge in English writing he learns is based on its real sense can it be changed into writing ability,used and used well in practice.只有在这种真实意义基础上接触到的写作知识,才有可能转化为写作能力,才能在写作实践中运用得上,使用得好。
5)True obligation真实义务
1.Putzerne was a pure opera composer,He absorbed nutrition from the realismand was good at learning from other countries` experience of chearing operas.普契尼是一个纯情的歌剧作曲家 ,他从“真实主义”中汲以营养 ,并善于学习其它国家的歌剧创作经验 ,形成了自己的艺术特色 ;他的许多歌剧中的咏叹调 ,至今在全世纪广泛流传。
2.Starting from the background of La Boheme and the development of realism in literature, my paper attempts to reveal that the opera not only stick to the very tradition of Italian operas but also combines elements of romanticism and realism by means of expounding the realism disposition of Puccini\'s works and exploring the humanities content of "nobody stories".本文首先从《波西米亚人》产生的时代背景以及相关的真实主义文学思潮出发,通过进一步阐述普契尼歌剧创作的真实主义倾向,揭示其既坚持和发展意大利歌剧的优良传统又成功的结合浪漫主义、真实主义因素的创作手法,挖掘其以小人物为题材的人文内涵。

城市规划区的含义是什么? 《城市规划法》规定城市规划区是指城市市区、近郊区以及城市行政区域内城市建设和发展需要实行统一控制的区域。城市规划区的具体范围,由城市人民政府在编制规划中划定。这就明确规定城市规划区是由市区、近郊区和规划控制区三部分组成: (1)市区,是指非农业人口占该地区总人口的比重达到比较大的集中