哲学主题,philosophical theme
1)philosophical theme哲学主题
1.The philosophical theme in the age of new globalization:the way to gain wits;新全球化时代的哲学主题:智慧之道

1.Ontology and Philosophical Subject of Marx s Philosophy of Science;马克思科学哲学的本体论与哲学主题
2.Chronologic Transition of the Philosophical Concern and the Existential Philosophy;哲学主题的时代转化与生存哲学的理论研究
3.The Transition of Philosophical Subjects in the New Times: My View of Virtual Philsophy;哲学主题的时代转换——对虚拟哲学的理解
4.Topics of Science: The Theme of the Philosophy of Science in High-tech Era“高科技时代”的科学哲学主题:科学论题学
5.The philosophical theme in the age of new globalization:the way to gain wits;新全球化时代的哲学主题:智慧之道
6.The Key Problems of Western Philosophy;西方哲学的主要问题——危机的哲学与哲学的危机
7.The justice problem is a subject matter of political philosophy.正义问题是政治哲学的一个主要问题。
8.The issue of style of study in research on marxist philosophy;马克思主义哲学研究的学风问题(英文)
9.Philosophical Thinking on Law of Energy:Connotation,Principle Attribute and Themes;能源法哲学之思:内涵、学科属性及主题
10.Thinking for political philosophy: meaning,characteristic and theme of the subject;政治哲学之思:内涵、学科属性与主题
11.The Combination of Skill and Morality: The Eternal Subject of the Cause of Medical Philosophy;精诚合一:医学哲学事业的永恒主题
12.A dialogue among Chinese,Western and Marxist philosophies:problem field,thematic dimension and value content中国哲学、西方哲学、马克思主义哲学对话:问题视域、主题向度与价值真蕴(英文)
13.Special Topic on Modern Marxist Philosophy当代马克思主义哲学专题
14.Problem Paradigm Research on the Innovation of Marxism Philosophy;马克思主义哲学创新的问题范式研究
15.Towards the Marxist Philosophy That Draws Chinese Issues into Account;走向面对“中国问题”的马克思主义哲学
16.The Benevolent and His Joy--Probing into the Theme of Cheng-hao s Philosophy of Ideal Realm;仁者之乐——程颢境界哲学的主题审视
17.The Changing Theme and Future Trend in Philosophical Research;当代哲学研究主题的转换及未来走势
18.The Rise and Fall of Noumenon and The Change of Themes in Philosophical Era;本体论的兴衰与哲学时代主题的转换

theme philosophy主题性哲学
3)the thematic evolution of philosophy哲学主题的演变
1.This thesis starts with the spiritual situation of age, and emphatically investigates the thematic evolution of philosophy in each period in the history of Western philosophic.本文从时代精神境况人手,着重考察了西方哲学史上各个时期哲学主题的演变,并在此基础上展望了21世纪哲学的“世界”主题和任务。
4)theme of state philosophy国家哲学主题
5)philosophical problems哲学问题
1.The philosophical problems of information have long been under consideration,but they have failed to draw serious attention from philosophers."信息"的哲学问题由来已久,但一直未引起哲学界真正重视。
6)Philosophical Problem哲学问题
1.This paper tries to regard thinking activities of philosophers as the arguments on philosophical problems by analyzing the nature of philosophy and related problems.哲学问题是一些永恒无解但人类精神却不得不永远追问的难题 ,由于这些难题并没有统一的终极答案 ,只有不同的解答方式 ,哲学史上哲学家们的不同理论通常就是这些不同解答方式的典型代表 ,因此哲学不同于科学 ,它不是线性的知识积累的过程 ,而是围绕哲学问题而展开的无穷探索 ,哲学家们的思想作为一条条探索之路 ,相互之间不仅仅有继承和发展的关系 ,更具有相互独立的存在价值。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀