人与世界,man and the world
1)man and the world人与世界

1.Material World,Spiritual World,and Discourse World--The Spiritual Confession of the Relationship between Man and the World;物质世界·精神世界·话语世界——人与世界关系的精神自白
2.Then, the first woman gave her hand to the first man.于是,世界上第一个女人与世界上第一个男人携手而行。
3.A review of the World population growth and economic development in 20th century;20世纪:世界人口与经济发展回眸
4.The Living World and Textual World of Human Being--On the Textual Dimensions of Language Philosophy;人的生活世界与文本世界——语言哲学的文本维度
5.One World and Two Worlds--Re-examination of the Relationship between Heaven and Human in both Chinese Culture and the Western Culture;一个世界与两个世界——中西天人关系再思考
6.Two milleniums ago, there was a war between the human world and the other, the Underworld.两千年以前,在人类世界与堕落的世界(魔界)间爆发了一场战争。
7.Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights世界人类基因组与人权宣言
8.Intercourse between the Jews and the Arabs in the Islamic World;伊斯兰世界犹太人与阿拉伯人的交往
9."Man's World-Historical Existence" and His Practical Consciousness“人的世界历史性存在”与人的实践自觉
10.The Poet Who Had a Lover s Quarrel with the World--On the Paradoxical View of the World of Robert Frost;与世界如恋人般争吵的诗人——谈罗伯特·弗洛斯特矛盾的世界观
11.Ethnic Chinese have forged ahead to the forefront of world Biological and medical research.华人已经打入世界生物学与医学界的前沿。
12.Prospects of Population Development of China and the World in the First Half of the 21st Century;展望21世纪上半叶世界与中国人口发展趋势
13.The Main Problem and Challenge of Would Population in 21st Century;21世纪世界人口面临的主要问题与挑战
14.The world of everyday life in China is actually a huge human relationship world, which has its varied meanings and basic characteristics.中国日常生活世界本质上是一个巨大的人情世界,且该人情世界有着多重意蕴与基本特征。
15.The people of the world are fighting racism.全世界人民都在与种族主义作斗争。
16.They became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man.他们卷入与人类世界无休止的争斗中。
17.Aman Declaration on Population and Development in the Arab World阿拉伯世界人口与发展问题安曼宣言
18.Disability World Athletics Championships伤残与智障人士世界田径锦标赛

human beings and outside world人与外部世界
3)human-to-world relation人与世界关系
1.The thought of keeping pace with times is an important part of "Three Represents" advanced by Comrade Jiang Zemin, which reflects the dialectical relation between material and consciousness, subject and object, the subjective world and the objective world, practice and cognition, is a new understanding to the human - to - world relation of Marxist philosophy.与时俱进思想是江泽民同志"三个代表"重要思想的组成部分,它反映的是物质与意识、主体与客体、主观世界与客观世界、认识与实践的辩证关系,是对马克思主义哲学关于人与世界关系的全新理解。
4)view of life and view of world人生观与世界观
1.Studying Shui Hu Zhuan and Xi Xiang Ji in acombined way, however, we find four factors influencing his editing: historicalbackground, view of life and view of world, creativity of literary criticism, and stylistic requirment.社会政治因素一直是讨论金圣叹"腰斩"《水浒传》与《西厢记》的重点,但把《水浒传》和《西厢记》结合起来研究,可发现应有四个主要方面影响着金圣叹的"腰斩":一,历史来源;二,人生观与世界观;三,文学批评创造性;四,文法艺术要求。
5)relation between man and the world人与世界的关系
1.this provides areasonable answer to the unified relation between man and the world ,i.马克思的实践思维视界超越传统哲学与西方现代哲学的绝对的实体主义和相对主义思维视界 ,科学地揭示了人以实践的生存方式而双重地存在着 ,即人是受动与能动、自然与社会、科学与文化的双重存在 ,并以此合理地解答了人与世界的关系 ,揭示了人与自然关系的合规律性与合目的性的统一 ,人与人关系的个体与类的统一 ,人与自身关系的科学与人文的统
6)Co-existence of human and world人与世界共在

“极乐世界”织成锦图轴“极乐世界”织成锦图轴  清代织锦。高4.48米、宽1.965米,画心高2.89米、宽1.75米。这是一幅根据佛教题材织制的“西方净土变”。清代统治者迷信佛教,在宫廷佛堂供奉这类织成的宗教画,因此集中各地名工巧匠,精工织制了许多以“经变”故事为题材的作品。这一件“极乐世界”织成锦图轴,系清宫画师设计,以历代传统的“经变”画为蓝本,把帝王宫殿的画栋雕梁及皇宫贵族的形象也都画了进去。佛画本身不但是“供奉”的对象,也是帝王贵族生活、理想的缩影,因此织造这类佛画特别受到统治者的重视。这幅图轴以如来说法为中心,用放射透视的手法,在彩云飘绕宏大华美的宫殿场景不安置了三百三十二个神态不同的人物,水山树石,奇花珍鸟,穿插其间,图景形象,全以工笔细线勾勒,线条流利,笔姿生动。此锦藏北京故宫博物院。