自然意图,natural int ention
1)natural int ention自然意图
2)the scheme of big-nature大自然的意图

1.THE SCHEME OF BIG-NATURE--Explanation on Kant s history philosophy;大自然的意图——解读康德的历史哲学
2.On Toulmin s Ideals of Natural Order;图尔明“自然秩序理想”概念的意义
3.Adaptive Image Denoising Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation基于最大似然估计的自适应图像降噪
4.The Images of Nature--A Study on Robert Frost s Philosophy of Nature and Nature Poem;大自然的意象——论罗伯特·弗罗斯特的自然观及自然诗
5.Her course was too purely reasonable not to contain the germs of rebellion.她这样做太理智了,心里自然要萌发叛逆的意图。
6.It is possible to bend nature to human will?有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗?
7.This may teach you the immense advantage of friendship.这自然证明了友谊意义的重大。
8.Man has to be " put in his place, " and he is always put in his place against nature's background.大自然不得不使人意识到他自己的分位; 在大自然的背景里,人类往往可以意识到他自己的分位。
9.Poetic Imagination of the Nature:Eco-consciousness and Chi Zijian s Novels;对大自然的诗意怀想——生态意识与迟子建小说
10.make less natural or unnatural.使不大自然或不自然的。
11.The logo of this association is a conceptual picture of the nature through a sight.本会的会徽是在瞄准镜下的的大自然概念图。
12.Interpretation of Gricean Natural Meaning and Non-natural Meaning格赖斯的自然意义与非自然意义解析
13.Other claimed that Mother Nature was behind these designs.另外有些人宣称大自然是这些图案的幕后推手。
14.Image Amplification and Its Implementation Based on the Combination of Nature Spine and Wavelet;自然样条和小波相结合的图像放大算法及实现
15.The eldest girl, until now, had attempted to appear as unconscious and unaffected as possible.年令最大的女孩一直竭力装作毫不在意、自自然然的样子。
16.He felt the sheer daring of his intent to describe the wildness of nature and the breadth of the world.他发觉自己正大胆地企图描绘一个粗犷的大自然,一个广阔的世界。
17.Only in the 20th century have people become conscious of the fragility of nature and thus started to conserve resources.直到20世纪人们才意识到大自然的脆弱,因而开始节约自然资源。
18.Left pit his wits and will against nature's fury.只能用他的智慧和意志去对抗大自然的狂暴。

the scheme of big-nature大自然的意图
3)natural consciousness自然意识
1.The paper draws a conclusion that the natural consciousness is the key of each development concept which is founded and replaced by analyzing the three stages above.本文认为自然意识是这三种人地关系类型确立和更替的关键。
2.With the New Criticism and Deconstructionism the author of this paper probes into the growth of Isaac McCaslin,the hero of The Bear,with the conclusion that the Bear calls for natural consciousness and social morality.麦卡斯林的成长过程进行了分析,认为“熊”是在呼唤自然意识和社会道德。
3.It indicates that we must rectify the natural philosophy, then grasp the key of shaping the natural consciousness to match it.人类只有从变革传统的自然哲学入手 ,紧紧抓住自然意识建设这个中心环节 ,才是解决目前人类面临的各种资源环境危机与实施可持续发展的有效办法和根本出路。
4)the natural meaning自然意蕴
5)nature consciousness自然意识
1.Natural aesthetic sense of human relays on their whole spirit realm,based on this point,the fundamental aesthetic awareness shows three types relationship between human and the natural world: nature consciousness,life consciousness and original consciousness.人对自然的审美意识和审美境界指向人的整体的精神意识和精神境界,从人的整体的精神意识和精神境界看,审美意识从根本上呈现和揭示出人与自然的三点精神联系:自然意识、生命意识与本源意识。
2.Life consciousness,nature consciousness and morals consciousness are important connotations of the humanities concern orientation in Mazu Culture.生命意识、自然意识、道德意识是妈祖文化中人文关怀取向的重要内涵。
3.Based on appreciation of the poetry and proses of the lake poet Wordsworth and Xu Zhimo,this paper analyses their psychophysical response and reveals the childhood consciousness and nature consciousness of the romantic writers.本文通过赏鉴湖畔诗魂华兹华斯和徐志摩的诗歌散文对其心物感应进行透视 ,揭橥了两位浪漫主义作家的童年意识和自然意识 ,提出两者流露出的童年意识是以对自然的感受性为参照的 ,其自然意识渗透于童年意识之中 ,两者的童年意识 (意向性 )的自觉是以自然意识(感受性 )由强到弱衰退所形成的张力为动因。
6)natural meaning自然意义
1.Grice proposes that intentionality is the crucial demarcation line between natural and non-natural meaning.自Grice区分自然意义与非自然意义至今已有60余载,但学界对这两个概念的争鸣不仅从未停止,反而随着后格赖斯研究的深入进行而突显出来。
2.The present paper attempts to reclassify the uses of quotation marks on the basis of Martin et al s appraisal theory and probe into the implicature of quotation marks based on Grice s theories of non-natural meaning and conversational implicature,so as to secure a bett.本文以Martin等人的评价理论为依据对引号的用法进行了重新分类,并以Grice的非自然意义理论和会话含义理论为根据,对引号的含义进行探讨,以帮助人们更好地理解和使用引号。
3.In Grice’s theory, meaning is divided into natural meaning and non-natural meaning.Grice把话语意义分为自然意义和非自然意义。
