普遍怀疑,suspicion in common
1)suspicion in common普遍怀疑
1.Beginning with the reason that Rene Descartes thought why to suspect, this thesis points out the realistic denotation of suspicion in common-in fact, this principle is always applied by people to some extent.本文从阐明笛卡尔认为之所以要怀疑的原因出发 ,指出其普遍怀疑原则的现实意义。

1.His theories met with general discredits.他的理论遭到普遍怀疑
2.the universal skepticism of philosophers.哲学家的普遍怀疑
3.On the Significance of Descartes’ General Doubt to Skepticism论笛卡尔的普遍怀疑方法及其对怀疑论的影响
4.the universal skepticism of philosophers.See Synonyms at general哲学家的普遍怀疑论参见
5.Skepticism about the validity of the Blue Sky ratings is common.人们普遍怀疑,官方宣布的蓝天增加不可靠。
6.Two Roles of General Skepticism in Descartian Epistemology论普遍怀疑在笛卡尔认识论中的两种作用
7.The essence of Descartes' general doubt is not noumenon doubt but methodological one.笛卡尔普遍怀疑方法的实质是方法论意义上的怀疑,而非本体论意义上的怀疑。
8.In short, Descartes' method of general doubt has been the activator and roll booster for the development of skepticism.可以说,笛卡尔的普遍怀疑方法成为了怀疑论发展的催化剂和助推器。
9.Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism.笛卡尔为了对抗经院哲学的盲目信仰主义和怀疑论提出了普遍怀疑方法。
10.I Think Then I Am;我思故我在——试论笛卡尔普遍怀疑原则的现实意义
11.The universal truth excludes all doubt.普遍真理不容任何怀疑。
12.One might question the universality of this method.有人会怀疑这个方法的普遍性。
13.Predictably Jacinta told her parents about the Apparition and there was a general reaction of disbelief.可预言的杰西塔告诉她父母有关离奇出现的幻影,普遍有怀疑的反作用力。
14.Rainmaking has finally been accepted as a fact by formerly doubtful scientists everywhere.人工造雨终于成为事实,为先前持怀疑态度的科学家们所普遍接受了。
15.Its object is generality, its means the abstract conception of reason, its style scepticism and criticism.这种思以普遍为对象 ,以抽象的理智概念为手段 ,以怀疑和批判为风格。
16.Question the Queries About Universal Ethics:A Probe into the Basis of Moral Belief from Universal Ethics;对普遍伦理质疑的质疑——兼论从普遍伦理看道德信仰的根据
17.No doubt,love is universal.毋庸置疑,爱是普遍存在的。
18.A Query to The "Cyberspace-Spiritual Home";“网络社区——精神家园”普遍性质疑

method of general doubt普遍怀疑方法
1.Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism.笛卡尔为了对抗经院哲学的盲目信仰主义和怀疑论提出了普遍怀疑方法。
3)universality query普遍性质疑
1.The process of conversion of writer Beicun to Christian can be analyzed based on his experience of early success,skepticism and closing.小说家北村皈依基督的过程,可以结合其人生经历从早慧、怀疑、封闭等三方面切入。
2.This article expounds the cultivation of students scientific spirit in realism,rationalism and skepticism in the teaching of physics.文章论述了在物理学科教学中应怎样从求实精神、理性精神、怀疑精神等三个方面对学生进行科学精神的培养。
1.Words and Truth: A Review of Doubt;话语和真相——评话剧《怀疑》
1.The firm belief is the solid base of his scientific research;suspicion and criticism are intrinsic spirits of his methodology of science;the tendency of rationalism and the principle of aesthetics of simplicity are very significant factors for Einstein to acquire great achievement.坚定的信念是爱因斯坦进行科学研究的坚实基础,怀疑态度和批判精神是爱因斯坦科学方法的内在精神,而唯理论的哲学倾向和简单性的美学原则也是爱因斯坦取得伟大科学成就的重要因素。
2.The nature of philosophy has been an everlasting topic in the western history of philosophy,But there lived,at least,some outstanding philosophers as Descartes﹐Hume,etc,who held the philosophic program to treat the nature of philosophy as suspicion.而将哲学的性质理解为怀疑,至少是笛卡尔、休谟等一批哲学家的哲学规划。
3.It s also under suspicion that rhythm could be the proof of the labour assumption.节奏问题究竟在多大程度上对劳动说具有证据价值 ,令人怀疑。

怀疑精神怀疑精神spirit of suspicion  怀疑精神(spirit of suspieion)指不迷信定论和权威,对事物怀有一种不相信和猜度的情感,勇于破旧和追求真理的精神。怀疑有两种:一种是为了破除盲从、扫除传统谬误和偏见、推动科学发展的积极的怀疑,它以怀疑为手段,以发明创造、发展科学、追求真理为目的;另一种是通过怀疑而彻底否定任何客观真理和人的认识能力,从而走向不可知论的消极的怀疑。我们提倡的是积极的怀疑,它是创造型人才的一种理智感,是创新的开端,它能促进人们产生创新意识、增强思维的批判性,是打破旧观念建立新学说的一种心理推动力量。 (张明撰租胡吴万森审)