存在悖论,being paradox
1)being paradox存在悖论

1.The post-modernism revolt against The Promise has its paradox too.对《无极》的后现代反叛同样存在悖论
2.However, we must cognize the anti-monopoly clearly.中国银行业反垄断存在悖论:需要依靠那些维护垄断的人去推动反垄断。
3."Antinomy of Existentialism" and "Antinomy of Language":A Modern Interpretation of the Basic Philosophical Problems of the West and China“存在论悖论”与“言道悖论”——中西哲学基本问题的现代阐释
4.Candid and Disassimilation: A Paradox in "Being and Time";本真与异化:《存在与时间》中的一个悖论
5.Analyses on “Shizuan Contrary Argument”--Non-existing “Self-direct” Statements;“失钻悖论”剖析——不存在“自指”语句
6.The Paradox of "Moral Should" in the Perspective of "Existence"从“存在”的视域看“道德应该”的悖论
7.The Modern Fianacing Theory and Research on Financing Preference of Listed Companies in China;现代融资理论在我国存在的悖论及其矫治
8.During the development of the history, there exists antinomy between ugliness and beauty .在人类历史发展的过程中存在着一种美丑悖论。
9.The Contradiction of existence:interpretation of Milan Kunderes' novel with the existentialism from historical dimension存在的悖论——在历史维度上对米兰·昆德拉小说的存在论解读
10.Identification in Disputed Paternity:the Moral Paradox,Brought by Scientific and Technological Achievements in Defending Family Ethics;亲子鉴定:科技维护家庭伦理存在的道德悖论
11.Exist or Nihility: Schoolship Paradox of Studies in Online Literature;存在抑或虚无:网络文学研究的学理悖论
12.Paradox of Existence and Beauty--study of mishimayukio s kinkakuji;存在与美的悖论——三岛由纪夫《金阁寺》初探
13.Market risk and credit risks: Paradox existing in risk management;市场风险与信用风险:风险管理中存在的悖论
14.Humanism in the Turn-of-the-Century Literature and its Paradoxes;论世纪之交文学中的人文精神及其存在的几个悖论
15.Does the Largest Natural Number Exist?--A new method in infinity theory to eliminate the paradox of transfinite numbers(2)存在最大的自然数吗?——排除超限数悖论,无穷理论的新方案(2)
16.In love this paradox occurs that two beings becomes one and yet remain two.合二为一,却又仍是各自独立,这样的悖论在爱中的确存在。
17.A Paradox of Existence:A Reading of Under Western Eyes;树欲静而风不止:存在的悖论——解读《在西方的眼睛下》
18.There are some antinomy in logic in the novel, the article dismissed about it.小说中存在着多处逻辑上的悖论,本文对其进行了解构。

paradox of existence存在的悖论
3)internal contradiction内在悖论
1.On the historical evolution and ethical implication of the internal contradiction of the idea of“Dominating Nature” ──Review of William Leiss The Domintion of Nature;“控制自然”观念内在悖论的历史演进及伦理意蕴──莱斯《自然的控制》解读
4)paradox of subsistence生存悖论
1.The paper analyzed the constitution, operation, ethics and the paradox of subsistence in the future world in the novel, and revealed some super-ideological considerations and forecast for the human society by Zamyatin.本文以俄罗斯白银时代著名作家扎米亚京的反乌托邦长篇小说《我们》为研究对象,对《我们》中未来社会的构成、运转、道德伦理等以及这个社会的生存悖论进行分析研究,进而揭示扎米亚京对人类社会的一些超意识形态的思考和预见。
5)perverse subsistence悖论性生存
6)The Paradox of Survival生存的悖论

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸